I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

As the attention of the surrounding nobles shifted and the atmosphere changed, Isabella Howard appeared visibly flustered.

Seizing the moment, I let my eyebrows droop sympathetically and tightly clasped her hand, my eyes twinkling with feigned innocence.

“Lady Howard, I think it’s a wonderful thing to have a one-sided love. If you’re okay with it, I would love to help with your romance.”

“H-hold on. What are you…”

“Is there someone you have feelings for?”

Isabella was left speechless, her mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air.

It was no surprise—after all, there wasn’t a single noble in this greenhouse who didn’t know that Isabella Howard had harbored a long-standing crush on Ian Cloud.

Except for one person, of course—me, Eloise.

As I said before, life favors those who are blissfully unaware of the situation.

‘The moment you mentioned Diana, you lost.’ I thought smugly.

I continued speaking in a loud, clear voice so everyone could hear.

“Of course, it would be problematic if the person already had a partner… But I’m sure that someone as dignified as Lady Howard wouldn’t harbor feelings for a man who’s already taken or has a family. Right?”


“Considering that you’re so interested in the love life of the Grand Duke and me, I trust you’ve already made your feelings clear to your own love interest.”

At my words, I saw not only Isabella but also the surrounding nobles flinch.

It’s written all over your faces.

I was barely suppressing a smile.

“If there’s anything I can do to help, whether emotionally or materially, I would be more than happy to assist. Consider it a way to repay your kindness, so please don’t feel burdened!”

Isabella must have felt utterly humiliated.

Imagine how ridiculous it would feel to have the wife of the man you’ve long loved offer her support, all while insisting that you couldn’t possibly be in love with someone already married.

And of course, she couldn’t openly confess her lingering feelings for Ian in front of me.

You’ve dug your own grave.

Unable to endure the scrutiny of those around her any longer, Isabella, her face red as a beet, shook off my hand.

“Th-thank you for your offer, but it’s not necessary.”

“Why so, Lady Howard?”

“You seem far too interested in my affairs, Your Grace. My marriage is none of your concern.”

“But this is merely my way of expressing my gratitude for your kindness. Please, don’t refuse.”

“I said, it’s not necessary! I don’t appreciate this level of interest!”

Isabella glared at me, her voice sharp.

I silently watched her for a moment before letting my hand fall to my side, a crooked smile tugging at my lips.


“You know this too, don’t you?”


“You just mentioned how improper it is to take an excessive interest in others’ affairs, didn’t you?”

The innocent expression I had worn until now vanished, replaced by a cold, calculating gaze.

Isabella finally realized her mistake and bit her lip.

“Ah, of course, I understand that you were simply showing kindness. I’m just worried that others might misinterpret it.” I added with a dry smile, watching her face contort in frustration.

“Just as you care about me, Lady Howard, I care about you too.”

I’m only saying this because I’m worried about you, understand?

I smirked and patted her shoulder. Unable to respond, Isabella merely gnawed on her lip in silence.


I let my gaze drift past her to the group of noblewomen standing behind her, watching the scene unfold.

Several of them flinched and quickly looked away when our eyes met.

‘Pathetic, the lot of them’

When a woman draws her sword, she ought to use it, yet here they were, turning tail and feigning ignorance as soon as things got tough.

With that level of resolve, how do they expect to survive in this treacherous world?

Clicking my tongue in disapproval, I cast a chilly glance over them.

“My words apply to all of you as well.”

“Y-Your Grace…?” one of them stammered, trembling slightly.

Before they could react further, I fixed my expression into a harsh glare.

Before my marriage, Eloise Alpheus had earned the nickname “The Ice Flower of High Society.” not only for her beauty but for her icy demeanor.


When she gazed at someone with her cool, emotionless turquoise eyes, people said she resembled a frozen lake in the dead of winter—hence the name.

Right now, my expression must have been colder and more ruthless than ever.

“You all know it’s improper to show excessive interest in others’ personal affairs, don’t you?” I asked icily.


“Countess Edward,” I said, turning my gaze to one of the women.


“You must understand why I chose not to bring up the fact that your second son was recently expelled from the academy for his unruly behavior, don’t you?”

At my flatly delivered remark, Countess Edward’s face flushed scarlet.

Clicking my tongue again, I shifted my gaze to the dark-haired woman standing beside her.

“And Lady Harrison, I imagine you understand why I haven’t mentioned that your husband, Baron Harrison, has once again squandered your fortune at the casino under the pretense of a business trip.”

Baroness Harrison, who was directly pointed out next, didn’t know where to look and bowed her head deeply.

Ugh, why act so gauche?

As if there’s a single noble here who doesn’t have some dirt on them.

I clicked my tongue, thinking of the commoners gossiping in the busy streets about the scandals of the aristocracy.

“Shall I go around inquiring about everyone else’s ‘well-being’ too?”

I asked in a cold tone, and the women whose eyes met mine all hastily looked away.

“…There’s no need for that.” replied Isabella Howard, her fists clenched so tightly her knuckles turned white.

Her lips were being chewed on as if she was swallowing her indignation at this whole situation.

“I’ve clearly been quite disrespectful. I must have overstepped in my excitement to see Your Grace.”

Now that’s more like it.

“It wasn’t necessarily disrespectful. I merely wanted to offer some advice—just be mindful that your kindness can sometimes be misconstrued by others.”


Look at her face.

She was struggling to contain her frustration, her neck flushed red with anger—what a sight.

“Well then, I’ll be taking my leave now.”

“Oh, already?”

I smiled sweetly, in contrast to her dark expression.

“I was hoping to hear more from Lady Howard, but I suppose it can’t be helped. I must invite you to the grand duchy next time. I should’ve thought of hosting guests now that I’m the Grand Duchess.”

No matter how hard you try, right now, I’m the Grand Duchess.

In the future, it will be Diana.


At my words, Isabella’s face, as well as her neck, turned bright red.

Without saying another word, she fled from the greenhouse as if to escape.

For a brief moment, it looked like there were tears welling up in her eyes.

“Lady Howard!”

“Then we shall also take our leave.”

“…It was a pleasure speaking with you, Your Grace.”

Watching the other women hurriedly follow after her, I clapped my hands together lightly.


They’re not even worth my time.

Now that I’ve crushed them, they won’t dare try the same tricks with Diana again.

Though who knows if those cowards will find some other way to cause trouble for her.

For now, I could rest easy.

I watched them leave with a mix of disdain and satisfaction, and just as I was about to turn around—


Someone in the greenhouse broke the awkward silence with a stifled laugh.


I turned my head towards the sound and saw a young girl, her shoulders shaking as she covered her mouth with one hand, trying to suppress her laughter.

She was about as tall as my chest, and despite her petite stature and youthful appearance, there was something distinctly arrogant and regal about her.

Unable to contain herself any longer, she burst out into a full-blown laugh.

“Ahaha, that was hilarious.”

Even with everyone staring at her in shock, the girl didn’t care at all, continuing to laugh until tears welled up in her eyes.

It was then that I got a good look at her face.

Platinum blonde hair that shone like sunlight and violet eyes that bordered on purple.

Despite her cute height and youthful face, she exuded an air of arrogance and nobility.

There was only one person in the entire empire who had all of those features.

The empire’s legitimate heir and first in line for the throne—Princess Louisa, Ian’s half-sister.


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  1. Yaya says:

    Lol watch them become besties

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