I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

In the end, the attempt to exchange sweet words had failed, and we settled on simply sharing appropriate thoughts about the flowers.

After finally wrapping up our turbulent orientation session and first lesson, I was enjoying my tea, using Ian as a handsome backdrop, when I casually spoke up.

“Oh, right. As you probably heard, I used the blank check.”

“I’m aware.”

“So, you know what I bought?”

“I heard you went to a dressmaker’s shop.”

“Yes, I thought I had been neglecting myself for too long. I plan to show up at more social gatherings from now on. I trust you understand?”

I needed to win over as many people as possible if I wanted to help Diana later.

And, I also wanted to put Zed’s dress shop on the map.

But unlike my light tone, Ian’s expression had become even more sour than before.

‘What? Is he seriously upset over me using a blank check just once?’

Well, technically, it was twice.

But surely, Ian Cloud wasn’t so petty as to be upset over something like that. Still, I couldn’t help but watch him closely.

After remaining silent for a long while, Ian finally spoke.

“The social scene… I thought you lost interest in it after the wedding.”

“I’ve had a bit of a change of heart. I realized it’s important to meet different people. I can’t stay cooped up in the estate forever.”

“Different people…”

He mumbled reluctantly.

Then he looked up and asked in a sharp tone.

“So, you must have had some reason to suddenly turn your attention back to the social scene.”

“Well, that’s a secret.”

At my response, Ian’s brows furrowed deeply.

“…Oh, so you’re planning to meet new people, are you?”

“Yes. I plan to take my time finding them.”

I needed to be cautious in selecting those who could support Diana.

I answered him confidently and set down my teacup.

‘Why does it feel like his tone is oddly sarcastic?’

Maybe it was just my imagination.

“In any case, to make a name for myself in society, I’ll unfortunately need the backing of the ducal family. I hope you’ll cooperate, Your Grace.”

There was no one who would stand by the side of a mere titleholder like the duchess.

To become a pillar of strength for Diana, I had to demonstrate my influence as a duchess and prove my worth.

Ian, who had been listening silently, now asked with a hardened expression.

“…So, what you’re saying is, you intend to use your position as duchess to meet new people?”

“Well, if you want to put it that way, yes.”

I answered lightly with a shrug.

‘After everything Eloise has done as duchess, this much is only fair.’

But as he stared at me with a look of disbelief, Ian set his teacup down.

His voice was even lower than usual.

“When we got married, you said you wouldn’t be a blemish on the ducal family, didn’t you?”

Why was he suddenly bringing that up?

Though puzzled, I nodded obediently.

“Yes, and I’ve been fulfilling my duties well so far.”

The fact that Eloise had been a dutiful duchess was evident in that no major problems had arisen in the estate over the past two years.

Watching me quietly, Ian spoke each word carefully and deliberately.

“I would appreciate it if you, who are already plagued by rumors, would refrain from doing anything that might further stir up gossip. As I’ve mentioned, you are still part of the ducal family.”

Wasn’t that obvious?

I was baffled, but Ian’s voice was dripping with an icy chill.

“The only reason I agreed to cooperate with this married life you proposed was because of that.”

I tilted my head, unable to understand his meaning. But then, a thought flashed across my mind, and I barely suppressed a knowing sigh.

‘Is he telling me to be careful about who I associate with?’

Ian Cloud had inherited the title of duke, but as the emperor’s brother and still holding a claim to the throne, he was being kept in check by certain factions loyal to the emperor.

If I, the duchess, mingled freely with such people without discrimination, Ian’s position could become quite precarious.

I could understand his point.

‘But why does he have to say it with such a grim face?’

Anyone would think I was out there causing trouble.

‘And if we’re being honest, eight out of ten of those rumors were his fault.’

For someone so sensitive about reputation, it made no sense that he’d neglected his wife to the point where she became the subject of rumors.

I eyed Ian with displeasure and let out a soft sigh.

‘Well, none of this will matter in a year anyway.’

Though I wasn’t entirely satisfied, I decided to endure it for the sake of the future.

I gave him a bright smile and nodded.

“Alright, I’ll be careful who I meet so as not to harm the ducal family.”


“At least until the divorce.”

At that, Ian’s expression instantly crumpled.

❖ ❖ ❖

The first tea party of the weekend ended rather awkwardly.

For some reason, Ian’s sulky attitude persisted throughout the entire time we were drinking tea.

Still, he seemed to be genuine about accepting my proposal because, without any complaint, he showed up in the garden the next day, waiting for me.

I thought he could be a bit more cooperative, but for now, I was satisfied that he was following along quietly with my intentions.

In truth, our second meeting wasn’t very productive either.

I taught Ian how to converse amicably, and each time, he responded with infuriating remarks.

“I don’t see why I have to cooperate with this.”

“I didn’t feel the need for it.”

“It’s a waste of time.”

I won’t bother explaining how many times I had to hold my head in frustration.

‘Yet when I told him not to ask unnecessary questions, he didn’t ask a single one.’

After such conversations, I could hardly tell whether I was speaking with the male lead or just talking to a cement wall by myself.

“Oh, my fate…”

I let out a deep sigh as I sat on the terrace attached to my room in the early morning.

“It really isn’t easy to change a person…”

Of course, I wasn’t the female protagonist, so I expected things wouldn’t be smooth sailing, but this was even worse than I had anticipated.

“At least I didn’t come away empty-handed.”

Perhaps because I had tormented him all weekend, I successfully managed to get him to escort me back to the main building on the second day.

‘Though, it was practically forced by me.’

As the saying goes, starting is half the battle. I figured he wouldn’t be leaving people behind and striding off on his own like in the original story anymore.

“Well, that’s good enough.”

Although Ian’s attitude was still somewhat off, if we took things step by step, eventually these behaviors would become habits, and habits would turn into second nature.

‘By the time he meets Diana, he’ll at least be acting like a proper person.’

I nodded with a satisfied smile.

At that moment, there was a knock, and Vivi peeked her head in.

“Madam, Madame Zed has arrived.”

“Oh, she’s here already.”

Nodding at Vivi’s report, I rose from my seat.
Today was the day Madame Zed was bringing the promised dress.

In other words, it had been exactly a week since my visit to the dress shop.

“You can go straight to the main dressing room. Everything has already been set up, she said.”

“That’s what I like about her, her preparedness.”

“Madame Zed turned out to be even more impressive than I expected. Oh, and I’ll finally get to see you try on the dress today with my own two eyes!”

Vivi was brimming with excitement, seemingly having forgotten how nervous she was on the first visit to the dress shop.

I didn’t know why she was so excited when I was the one trying on the dress, but oh well.

Entering the main dressing room in the middle of the hallway, I saw Madame Zed, who had already arrived and was lining up mannequins.

Hearing me come in, she turned around and bowed at a 90-degree angle.

“You’ve arrived, Your Grace!”

At this rate, she’s going to snap her back.



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