I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

When I turned my head, a royal attendant was bowing politely toward us. 

Seeing that he had gained our attention, the attendant spoke in a calm tone.

“His Majesty requests an audience with the Grand Duchess.”

“…With me?”

“Yes, Your Grace. He is waiting in the lounge.”

Hmm, perfect timing.

“I’ll need to excuse myself for a moment.”

As I subtly rose from my seat, Lady Mary of the Marquisate widened her eyes and pressed her lips together tightly. Did she have something to say?

But before she could speak, the royal attendant turned to guide me, so I couldn’t pay her any more attention. 

I gave the noblewomen a brief nod of farewell.

“Please go ahead, Your Grace.”

“Yes, we’ll continue our conversation here.”

Leaving their goodbyes behind, I followed the attendant to the lounge where the Emperor was waiting. 

It was a good five-minute walk through the corridors to reach the lounge from the ballroom.

When I entered the room, the Emperor greeted me while lounging casually, eating grapes.

“Oh, you’re early.”

“Your Imperial Majesty, the first sun of the Levant Empire, Elisio Carlottus Helios—”

“Enough with the long formalities, just sit down already.”

Elisio waved his hand dismissively, as if bored, and gestured for me to sit. 

I stopped mid-bow and went straight to the chair he had indicated, sitting upright. Elisio, watching me closely, gave a faint smile.

“So, are you enjoying the banquet?”

“Yes, thanks to Your Majesty’s thoughtful preparations, I’m having a delightful time.”

“I’m glad to hear that. The banquet hall is buzzing because of you. It’s been so noisy that I’ve had to retreat here to rest.”

Though he spoke in a casual, offhand manner, I knew immediately from his words. he was displeased.

The “buzzing” he mentioned was surely due to the conversation about Ian’s succession rights, which I had started. 

Apparently, the noblewomen and young ladies I had met at Zed’s boutique had spread the story quite diligently.

“I’m honored that Your Majesty speaks so highly of me,” I replied with shameless confidence. 

Elisio’s expression briefly turned to one of surprise.


Then he let out a low laugh, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Seems I underestimated you in the past. I didn’t realize you had such fortitude and determination. Is it true what they say, that couples grow to resemble each other?”

“Your Majesty flatters me.”

“No, no, it’s clearly the power of love. Yes, love it must be. Your devotion to Ian is truly admirable.”

I hadn’t said a word, yet he was already drawing his own conclusions, nodding as if to push us further down that narrative.

I knew this. This was classic “shippers’ fantasy,” where people concoct unrealistic romantic scenarios.

‘Though, come to think of it, Ian and I are married, so I guess it’s not completely delusional…’

While I was having that idle thought, the Emperor continued speaking.

“Of course, I originally arranged your marriage in hopes that you would support my brother, but I didn’t expect it would backfire on me like this. How amusing.”

Meanwhile, I found myself slightly resenting Ian, who had conveniently disappeared at this critical moment. 

He said he’d come quickly, but there was still no sign of him. Here I was, taking the heat from the Emperor.

Unaware of my thoughts, Elisio looked at me for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“Well, fine. I’m not entirely pleased, but when a couple who can’t live without each other speaks as one, what can I do?”

It’s not like we can’t live without each other, though…

“So, Your Majesty means…”

“However, the issue of succession isn’t something that can be resolved so easily. We’ll discuss it further once you and Ian return from the Empire.”

So in the end, he wasn’t going to do anything about it.

“More importantly, I called you here for another reason.”

The Emperor adjusted his posture, and I blinked.

“Another reason?”

“Yes. I had originally planned to discuss this later, but since both of us are so busy, I thought it best to mention it now rather than calling for you multiple times.”

I narrowed my eyes slightly. What kind of conversation required this much buildup?

“Please, speak freely, Your Majesty.”

“Very well, then.”

he grinned.

“You’re both going to the 100th-anniversary celebration at the Biblios Academy as guest lecturers, yes?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Which is why I’m being dragged off on this supposed honeymoon trip.

“At the final day’s anniversary event, I’d like you, Grand Duchess, to deliver the congratulatory speech.”


This time, I couldn’t help but let out a dumbfounded sound.

“Me? Why would I…?”

Ian was the invited guest lecturer, so why was I being asked to give the speech? What was I, chopped liver?

Usually, such speeches were delivered by a diplomat or envoy officially representing a foreign nation. 

If a speech was necessary, it should naturally fall to Ian as the guest lecturer.

However, the Emperor only smirked, clearly amused by my reaction.

“I was wondering if I should even have my stiff brother give the speech, but after observing you, I realized you’re the perfect fit.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s your way with words. Haven’t you practically taken control of the Aria newsletter and the opinion sections, which even the original authors struggle to dominate? Not to mention, you’ve captivated the nobles at this very banquet. I was truly impressed.”

Though his tone was generous, I knew exactly what this was.

He was holding a grudge. he was annoyed that I had manipulated public opinion through the newsletter and opinion columns, making him uncomfortable.

A speech like this couldn’t be delegated. Whoever gave it had to write it and deliver it in front of thousands.

So now he was clearly dumping this task on me, making a point of how “busy” I already was.

‘So much for thinking the Emperor was straightforward and bold!’

He clearly knew this would put me in an awkward position. 

While I subtly glared at the Emperor, he smiled brightly, resting his chin on his hand.

“Of course, I can’t just send you off to give a speech unprepared, so I’ll be appointing you as the official envoy to the Nomos Empire.”

Was the Emperor really saying he’d turn me into an envoy just to have me give a speech? I had known he wasn’t an ordinary person since the time he disguised himself as an attendant to catch his brother and his wife off guard on their visit.

“Do you dislike it?”

His brazen smile, as he assigned me this monumental task, was infuriating. 

And the way his lips curled up in such an attractive smile only made it worse.

I sighed deeply, feeling a bit dizzy.

“…I’ll consider it.”

“Of course, you will. Who else could give such a brilliant speech but you, the Grand Duchess?”

I thought of Kyle, someone who was far better at this sort of thing than I was. 

Couldn’t I just shove it off on him? Swallowing my words, I forced a trembling smile.

“I’ll send the details to the Grand Duchy through the imperial courier. Take your time and think it over. After all, you’ve still got a whole three weeks left.”

What? Three weeks? You’re telling me that’s a lot of time?

You’re really pushing me, aren’t you?

Unable to resist the mounting pressure, I had no choice but to nod obediently. 

Just then, a voice called out from behind the door.

“Your Majesty, Duke Roger requests an audience.”

The Emperor removed his hand from his chin, raising an eyebrow.

“…I was wondering why he hadn’t shown up yet. Let him in.”

As soon as the Emperor gave permission, the door opened, and Duke Roger entered with a deep bow.

“Greetings to Your Majesty. I see the Grand Duchess is also present.”

His warm and affable expression was the same as always.

The Emperor, rubbing his chin and glancing between the two of us, tilted his head.

“Now that I think about it, you two know each other, don’t you?”

“Yes, we met by chance,”

“The Grand Duchess graciously allowed me to stay by her side,” Duke Roger added, smiling warmly as he responded to the Emperor.

“By her side, huh.”

With a playful smirk, the Emperor gave Duke Roger a mischievous wink.

“Grand Duchess, you shouldn’t be too generous with the Duke. I’ve kept Hayden by my side for over thirty years, and I can tell you, he’s a person you should keep a close eye on.”

Though his tone was light, his sharp blue eyes were scrutinizing Duke Roger intently. However, Roger seemed completely unbothered by the Emperor’s attitude, looking back at him with his usual calm smile.

“I’m hurt, Your Majesty. After thirty years together, is that all you have to say about me?”

“It’s only because we’ve been together for thirty years that I can say that.”

The Emperor’s reply was indifferent.

‘Huh? Something feels… off.’

As I sensed the strange tension between them, the Emperor waved his hand dismissively.

“Enough of that. What’s your business?”

“Yes, I’ve gathered the nobles’ opinions on the matter from the last meeting and came to report. If it pleases Your Majesty, I also thought of bringing in the Marquess of Sonnet and the Marquess of Franklin to pay their respects.”

“Huh… So you came to bother me with that in the middle of the banquet, while I’m resting? For someone who claims to care for me, you never let me have a peaceful day.”

“It’s all out of loyalty to Your Majesty.”

Even as he scolded him, Duke Roger showed no hesitation, his kind smile only deepening the more he pushed.

The Emperor clicked his tongue.

“Still, I’m not in the mood today. Come see me after the banquet. I don’t want to deal with state affairs during the Princess’s birthday celebration.”

“…As you wish.”

For a brief moment, a shadow passed over Duke Roger’s face, though it was so quick that it was barely noticeable. 

Then, he returned to his usual demeanor, bowing slightly.

“…I will relay your message, then.”

“Good. Now off you go. Grand Duchess, you should also return to the banquet hall.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

With that dismissal, Duke Roger and I were politely but firmly ushered out of the lounge together. 

After we left the room, Duke Roger turned to me with a polite smile.

“At last, I can properly greet you, Your Grace. I had hoped to see you at the celebration, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”


He glanced over my shoulder before softening his eyes.

“Once again, it seems the Grand Duke isn’t by your side. I wonder if it’s just coincidence that I keep finding you alone… or something else.”

“Merely a coincidence,”

Duke Roger chuckled at that, his smile revealing his dimples.

“Yes, it must be. In that case, may I escort you back to the banquet hall this time as well? It would be improper to leave a lady to return alone.”

As Duke Roger kindly offered his hand, I hesitated. 

His offer was too direct to refuse outright, but accepting it could reignite rumors that had barely died down.

Just as I was caught in my indecision, a familiar voice interrupted.

“That won’t be necessary.”

At the same moment, someone pulled me close, enveloping me in their arms.


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  1. Nova says:

    30?! So Roger’s over 30 huh. How about Eloise and Ian? Maybe in their mid 20’s? Also, Roger’s trying to find some dirt I can smell it all the way from here. He better stop that ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ

    Ty for the translation!!!

  2. byelove says:

    Cute couple, gurl still in denial…give Ian a chance please, he’s changed now 😉

  3. helloworld15 says:

    Thank you for the chapters!

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