I Supported The Tyrant's Love


Anais swallowed dryly, her throat tightening.

“I don’t possess the kind of abilities you think I have. All I do is offer small tips, like suggesting music to listen to, books and paintings to reference, or whether to approach someone or not. How could I possibly…?”

How could I possibly get Prince Max married?

“Can’t you do it?”

The Dowager Empress didn’t seem particularly upset. But her composed demeanor made Anais even more anxious.

“Has it been three years since Count Brienne passed away? The title hasn’t been inherited yet, right?”


“The inheritance deferment period is about a year, I suppose.”

Anais blinked at the sudden change of topic.

“A year, huh. A lot can be done in that time. Business, romance, marriage, and inheriting a title.”

The Dowager Empress brought the now-cold teacup to her lips.

“Miss Anais, you should accept my proposal.”

“I appreciate your high regard for my abilities, but I’ll say it again. I cannot take on this task.”

“Are you prepared to face the consequences?”

“Excuse me? C-consequences?”

“I will crush all your achievements. Your business, your romance, your marriage. Nothing will go smoothly; I will ensure that stormy seas await you. Personally.”


To hear such a declaration from the mighty Dowager Empress, threatening to ruin a humble noblewoman’s life—what kind of calamity was this? What about my title?

“Expect it. I will employ all my resources to make it happen.”

Why are you doing this to me?

“Just now, you said you wouldn’t wield your power and authority recklessly…!”

This is so selective!

“But if you accept my proposal and succeed,” she continued

The Dowager Empress leisurely swallowed the last of her tea and smiled kindly.

“I will personally ensure that your title issue is resolved. How about that?”

“But still… I mean…”

How could I possibly get Max Barbier to marry…?

“And that’s not all. I’ll give you a villa in the resort city.”


“I’ll also grant you new lands.”


“I’ll pay you an initial sum of 4,000 pounds and then 500 pounds every month.”

Wait. 4,000 pounds?

That’s crazy. It’s exactly the amount I owe in debt!

“If you succeed, there will be an additional bonus of 8,000 pounds.”


“Still not interested? Then let’s forget this conversation ever happened…”

“I’ll do it! Your Majesty, I’ll do it!”

This is an opportunity I can’t miss! Anais’s voice was the loudest it had been all day, filled with determination.

“I’ll use every bit of skill I have, and even those I don’t, to carry out your wishes, Your Majesty!”

Finally, having extracted the desired answer from the young salon owner, the Dowager Empress, Elise, smiled triumphantly.


Her attendant quickly responded to her call. The doors of the parlor swung open as she gave her orders.

“Prepare the carriage at once.”

Anais stood up to see the Dowager Empress off.

“Are you leaving now?”

“I have a tea time scheduled with my grandson shortly. Thanks to your prompt decision, I won’t be late for my appointment. Thank you.”

Then she suddenly urged Anais.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and get ready.”





Trembling, trembling…

“Miss Anais.”


Anais finally managed to respond and set her trembling teacup back onto the saucer.

Anais barely managed to force out her response and set the trembling teacup back onto the saucer.

She clenched her hands together tightly. Otherwise, she feared her hands would shake embarrassingly.

‘Why am I here…?’

Anais stole a glance at the person sitting across from her.

Prince Max Barbier!

She had been dragged along unwillingly, and now she found herself in the palace, a situation she was already struggling to comprehend.

‘And now, the man himself is here?’

If she had known she would be included in the tea time with the prince, she might have feigned illness to avoid it.

Everything had happened so quickly after she accepted the proposal that Anais was left speechless by the Dowager Empress’s efficiency.

The reception room of the palace, which she was seeing for the first time, was almost as grand as the Anderson Brienne Salon.

Well, maybe not quite, but the moment she entered the room, Anais felt overwhelmed.

The presence of Max Barbier was the main reason.

He had appeared with his glossy black hair casually swept back.

Anais had only seen him from a distance a couple of times, and that was years ago. She had seen his portrait in newspapers a few times as well…

‘He really has an enchanting face.’

She now understood why, despite his infamous reputation, women couldn’t resist him.

She stared, captivated, at his prominent brow bones, long eyelashes, and the pale blue eyes below them. The small mole under his eye strangely held her gaze.

His well-defined skin and chiseled jawline were undeniably masculine. He had grown more imposing and his eyes sharper than she remembered. He was like a giant beast, and in front of him, Anais felt like an insignificant herbivore.

“Max. This is Lady Brienne.”

“Anais Brienne, Your Highness.”


Max, who had been silent since taking his seat, tilted his head slightly without returning her greeting.

“This is… strange.”

“What do you mean?”

“When Grandmother insisted on marrying me off, I was a bit intrigued.”

Max held his large palm in front of his face and wobbled it slightly.

“But honestly…”

“Ah, Max. Mind your words and actions.”


How could someone be so blatantly rude!

Anais found herself strongly believing that all the rumors about him were true.

‘What’s wrong with me?’

She glanced at her reflection in the teacup.

‘I’m not exactly unattractive, am I?’

Though it was embarrassing to admit, she had received a few innocent love confessions during her younger days. Nobles who met her, led around by her father, used to blush furiously whenever they saw her!

Of course, that was in her childhood. Since then, she had often heard that she was considered “intellectually pretty”—though that was before she had taken a hard look at Max with a cool gaze.

“Is this some kind of matchmaker? It’s quite new.”

“Oh, no, that’s not it,” Anais quickly interjected as she regained her composure.

“Excuse me, but Lady Natalie Brain is not to my taste. What should I do?”

Anais, who had been momentarily stunned, quickly corrected him.

“I’m Anais Brienne, not Natalie Brain. And I’m not a matchmaker for the prince, so you can rest assured.”

There was a strange sense of melancholy in that moment.

Cough! Eliza suppressed her irritation and continued.

“Anais is not a matchmaker. She’s more like a… assistant who will help you.”


“Yes,” Eliza said, “The Dowager Empress has a project that she needs your cooperation on. Anais will be working with you to help achieve that goal.”

Max’s expression shifted from confusion to intrigue as he considered Eliza’s words.

“Alright. If she’s not a matchmaker, then what kind of assistant is she supposed to be?”

Eliza smiled, her expression softening slightly.

“Anais will be helping you with a certain… mission. One that requires a fresh perspective and some ingenuity.”

Anais took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

“I’m here to help you with any guidance or advice you might need to make this project a success.”

Max raised an eyebrow, clearly still trying to process the situation.

“Interesting. I suppose I’ll have to see what you bring to the table then.”

Anais nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension.

“Thank you, Your Highness. I’ll do my best.”

Is he? Me?

Anaïs instinctively flinched under the intensity of his blatant gaze.

No! No, don’t be discouraged! I have the Queen Mother on my side. Don’t lose heart!

Straightening her shoulders, which had been hunched in resignation, Anaïs saw Max raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Ah. So, what kind of help do you think Lady Natalie can offer me?”

Not Natalie!

“Believe it. This young lady will make a pair in Barbière. Camille Descente is one of them. You’ve heard of her, right? Lady Amour.”

“Lady Amour?”

Max’s gaze sharpened, then he let out a hollow laugh.

“You’re saying you’re Lady Amour?”

His voice, heavy with suspicion, questioned Anais. It was a natural reaction. The self-proclaimed ‘Amour’ before him must have looked different from the ‘Amour’ known to the world. She lifted her head and met Max’s gaze.

His eyes, which had been staring suspiciously at her lower body, moved to her smooth face without a single scar. She must have looked far removed from the ‘mysterious limping woman who always covered her face because of a burn.’

“It’s an undeniable fact.”

Reading Max’s doubts, the Queen Mother reaffirmed.

Oh dear.

Facing that intense gaze brought Anaïs back to her senses. Clearly, her judgment had been clouded by the Queen Mother’s persuasion.

Anaïs could feel it. Her future, standing next to Max, seemed grim.

After all, he was a notorious troublemaker who updated scandals every social season! Moreover, he didn’t seem to have any intention of getting married.

Please, just refuse.

At this point, if he directly thwarted the Queen Mother’s plan, she could return to her normal life without trouble.

Yes. Max Barbière would never willingly accept my help anyway…

“I will gladly accept.”

“Really. Good thinking… Pardon?”

“I will gladly accept your help.”


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