I Supported The Tyrant's Love


Anaïs stood before the mirror in her cherished daffodil-colored dress. Even a dress from a famous designer could look somewhat shabby after the third spring it had seen.

Anaïs adjusted the frills that had been sewn onto the sleeves, which had been worn down the previous night.

“Why not just wear it for this year?”

The governess grumbled from the side, though the stitching she had done was meticulous and sturdy.

“It’s fine. It’s still wearable.”

Not that money was overflowing.

Although it wasn’t financially feasible to buy a new dress every season, Anaïs kept this old dress out of respect for her parents. She wanted to preserve their last gift for as long as possible.

“Miss, are you all right?”

The governess, who had been adjusting Anaïs’s outfit, asked cautiously.

“What’s wrong?”

The governess’s gaze subtly shifted over Anaïs’s shoulder, landing on the cluttered desk behind her. Specifically, on the scattered papers strewn across it.

Anaïs shrugged as if it were nothing important.

“It’s fine. It’s not the first time this has happened.”

“Still, it looks like serious content…”

The governess’s concern was evident as she peered at the mess on the desk, but Anaïs tried to brush it off.

“It’s not a big deal,” Anaïs said, trying to reassure the governess.

Though she spoke lightly, just the thought of the documents on her desk drained her energy. After all, no one would be thrilled to receive a collection of reminders and warnings.

“If only the master hadn’t left so suddenly…”

“Oh, stop with that. What good does it do to talk like that?”

Anaïs forced a smile despite the governess’s tears.

As she said, if her parents hadn’t passed away suddenly three years ago, many things would be different now. She would have continued to be cherished as an only child, living in ignorance of the world’s hardships. She might have been indulging in beautiful things, attending parties, and worrying about trivial matters like not being invited to a birthday celebration. And she would have soon forgotten them, laughing happily and innocently.

But that was not her reality. Life was harsh, and Anaïs had been thrown into its midst.

She shook off the creeping sadness and tried to push aside the unpleasant thoughts associated with the paperwork.

With a determined shake of her head, Anaïs picked up the newspapers and magazines she planned to read in the carriage, tucking them neatly under her arm.

As she exited the front door, the governess was just pulling out the newly arrived mail. Anaïs glanced at the wall clock and quickly reached out.

“I’ll read it on the way. Give it to me.”

Anaïs squeezed the mail between the folds of her newspaper and climbed into the waiting carriage. Despite her heart being heavy with sudden sorrow and gloom, she knew she had to focus on what needed to be done.

Even though she had been blindsided by an absurdly high interest rate just one day before the debt repayment was due. Even though it seemed like she might lose an estate because of it. Even though it felt like her frustration would consume her as she could make no protest against the unjust usury!

“Damn these scoundrels.”

Since her parents’ sudden death three years ago, Anaïs had been left alone to manage the Brienne Count family estate without any preparation. At first, it seemed her naïve management wasn’t causing any trouble. But everything changed when the debts on the estate came to light.

If only someone had warned the young and naïve noblewoman about the dangers of usury sooner. Anaïs found herself trapped in a vicious cycle of borrowing more to cover old debts.

Sometimes, she wished she could turn back time to when she was three years younger, just to slap the ignorant child she had been into unconsciousness. But such regrets were pointless.

Lately, things had seemed to be improving, and she hoped she might be able to clear the debts. That was until she received the sudden notice that the interest rates were being doubled.


Anaïs squeezed her eyes shut and then opened them again. A glimmer of a bright thought suddenly anchored her frazzled mind back to reality.

‘For now, I need to focus on what I can do.’

Anaïs took a deep, calming breath and opened the Bénédiction Gazette.

“Roxane of the Bastien Family Returns!”

“Society’s Little Bits – Who Will Be Chosen by Roxane?”

“We Asked 10,000 People! The Worst Prospective Husband”

“The Growth of Roxane de Bastien”

“Who is the Lady Amour Bringing Love to Fulfilment?”

Anaïs’s eyes brightened as she finally found the information she was looking for.

…With growing interest in salons, why is the Anderson-Brienne Salon particularly popular among ladies? Is it just because one can meet many artists and scientists without prejudice? Half true, half false.

The real reason is that the most sought-after “Lady Amour” in high society offers her romantic advice exclusively at Anderson-Brienne. More and more gentlemen are coming to seek her out, setting aside their dignity. The true identity of this apparent embodiment of Cupid remains shrouded in mystery.

However, many of the salon’s patrons don’t mind such things if it means they can receive her counsel. According to numerous couples who have benefited from her sweet advice, they praise her for providing a space where they could be more honest in their consultations.

“After all, there’s no law against trying.”

Anaïs smiled with satisfaction as she read the article. The timely publication of her requested advertisement was just as she had hoped.

The carriage came to a halt, and Anaïs alighted in front of the ivy-clad red brick building. A large sign reading “Anderson-Brienne Salon” was visible through the delicate green leaves.

As Anaïs opened the salon’s door, the attendants who had finished preparing for the day greeted her with a bow. She responded with a courteous nod and made her way through the hall, ascending the spiral staircase that led to her destination.

Anaïs walked down the corridor on the third floor, where the walls were lined with artwork by emerging artists, and entered the study at the end of the hallway.


The sound of the doorbell rang faintly as the door closed behind her. The early visitor was unusual for this time of day.

Anaïs suspected that the reason for the early visit was related to the woman making headlines in the weeklies and newspapers.

She placed a stack of papers she had tucked under her arm onto the desk, removed her bonnet, and hung it on the coat rack before settling into her chair.

Opening the latest issue of the weekly magazine, Anaïs was immediately greeted by a large portrait of a woman.

“Lady Roxane of the Bastien Family: Will She Find a Marriage Partner This Season?”

The news of the return of the Marchioness’s daughter, often described as the epitome of beauty in the Barbiér Kingdom, had been circulating since last winter. She was hailed as a divine creation from birth, the most beautiful woman in Barbiér.

Her popularity was such that not only the people of her own country but also the nobility and royalty of neighboring lands eagerly sent marriage proposals each year. It was said that the number of foreign tourists tripled during her debutante ball.

‘A man who falls for her smile is practically a given.’

Not only was her beauty overwhelming, but she also possessed status, wealth, and impeccable qualities as a noblewoman—she was truly the perfect woman.

The return of Lady Bastien was seen as a disaster for the men of Barbiér now of marriageable age.

Some young men from wealthy families even decided to study abroad to distance themselves from the competition. Most of them were rejected due to lack of qualifications, but still, the fact that she was back…

“It’s an opportunity.”

Anaïs let out a dark chuckle as she considered the impact of Lady Roxane’s return. The news had undoubtedly rekindled the flames in the hearts of many men, who had been withering away in their longing for her. The visitor who had arrived at the salon so early was likely seeking advice on how to end their unrequited love, perhaps looking to the ‘Lady Amour’ for answers.

“Heh heh heh…”

The salon was set to benefit greatly from the influx of inquiries related to Lady Roxane. Anaïs’s strategic timing would ensure a profitable period ahead.

She retrieved a white, frilly mask from the second drawer of her desk. The mask fit her perfectly as she deftly secured it in place. With a practiced hand, she pushed the bookshelf aside to reveal a hidden door. She stepped into the passageway leading down to the lower floors.

It was time for ‘Lady Amour’ to make her appearance.


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