I Stole the Prince's First




“I didn’t expect Young Lady to come.”

“I thought so.”

Like the Retina, Norden, who was having his first conversation since the debutante, chatted without any awkwardness. Despite the many changes in the relationship with the Crown Prince during that time, Norden remained unchanged from their first meeting.

“I thought about visiting after the debutante, but it was difficult to meet you. There were suitors lined up in front of the mansion, and preparing for the swordsmanship competition made it hard to find time.”

“It seems to be the busiest time right after the debutante. I heard everyone is quite hectic.”

“Also, there was someone hindering me from going to the capital….”

“Hindering you?”

“It’s nothing.”

Norden, who had been muttering to himself, stumbled over his words. Perhaps he had some circumstances he couldn’t tell Retina, and he looked anxious as he tapped the glass with his index finger.

“I apologize for not keeping my promise to be the one to talk more often. I’ve been worried that I disappointed the person with whom I could finally have a relaxed conversation in the empire.”

“You don’t have to. I’ve been so busy that I didn’t have time to worry about other things. I’ve been a bit free lately, so I’ve been reading books.”

Retina accepted Norden’s apology with a wave of her hand. In fact, she hadn’t thought about his feelings because of the Crown Prince. She was too preoccupied with the swordsmanship competition to consider it.

“No need to say that much.”

Retina, who had closed her lips, smiled faintly. Then the conversation stopped. Breaking the ice between the prince and herself was one thing, but she didn’t know what to say about the marriage proposal. It wasn’t easy to discuss marital matters openly in a place specifically designed for the parties involved to talk to each other directly.

Norden, who had apparently sensed Retina’s inner thoughts as she scratched her cheek with her finger, spoke.

“I found out today.”

“Sigh, as expected.”

“Did the Crown Prince not know either?”

“A few days ago, I received a notice from the homeland about pushing forward with the engagement with Rudenheim. It seems they had a separate discussion with me. They told me to stay in the empire until the end of the social season, but it was probably because of this.”

Norden had received a directive to wait until a deadline was set for his return to the northern region. People are urging him to attend parties, and Vincent is encouraging him to approach an eligible lady if there is one. From the moment he was designated as the representative of the diplomatic mission in Rudenheim., he had guessed, but the sudden decision was still surprising.

Retina, who knew little about Norden, just like he knew little about her, listened to his story and clenched her fists.

Ultimately, it meant that the matter was decided by the adults, excluding the opinions of the parties involved. The envoy from the northern region, the threat from her father to hold another debutante unless he participated in this one, and even the Crystal Gate It was as if every step was intricately planned by someone.

‘He probably anticipated that I would reject all the marriage proposals from the young nobles. Even though most men wouldn’t dare approach me, My father is a strategist, surpassing even Brother Sat, after all.’

She realized why the saying ‘like a salamander that bites and doesn’t let go until the venom spreads through the opponent’s body’ had come about. Retina expressed her admiration for her father’s tactics.

‘But he still doesn’t know about the relationship with the Crown Prince. If he knew, he would push for the marriage with the Crown Prince even more. I tried to give Norden options by meeting several eligible ladies, but I knew that once my father made a decision, he wouldn’t leave it to someone else’s choice. He’ll do whatever it takes to make Norden choose me as his consort.’

While many aristocrats in strategic marriages had separate lovers or governments, Retina could try to persuade Norden by choosing the most advantageous duchess. Alternatively, she could emphasize their friendship or reveal her secrets to gain Norden’s sympathy.

‘This innocent prince will fall for my father’s charm, especially if he already knows about the relationship.’

Retina gazed at the prince in front of her. He, looking unsure and bewildered, met Retina’s eyes and offered a gentle smile. Norden was truly someone who skillfully silenced rumors that people from the north were inherently wicked and rough.

“Well, since you’re here…”

Even before Retina arrived, Norden extended the documents that had been placed on the table in front of her.

“I’m hesitant to give such things to Lady Retina, but we provide them to everyone who visits this place.”

Retina looked at the documents Norden handed her. Neatly written in imperial language, the pages were densely filled.

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only

“It’s a guidebook for the north. People in the empire are not familiar with the north, as it has been isolated for a long time. Unlike the empire, where the climate is mild and the crops are abundant throughout the year, the north is cold, and most of the land is covered in ice. While the capital with the palace is in a favorable location in the north, it might still be challenging for those who have lived a life of abundance.”

Norden, in reality, didn’t have high expectations, even if a marriage partner had been predetermined. The guidebook Retina held listed only the drawbacks of the north. Warnings about eyebrows freezing in the extreme cold, the occasional lack of water causing the need to melt ice or snow for drinking, and the possibility of not being able to see crops during winter occupied more than half of the guidebook.

If one were to enumerate the advantages, there might be enough content to fill the guidebook, but Norden hoped that the lady who would marry him would have a certain level of awareness and caution regarding the north.

The current Easterners had never experienced the north, so they approached it with simplistic thinking. They shouldn’t underestimate the harsh cold of the north, where the wind blows like an ale, and it was essential not to take it lightly.

Noble ladies who had lived their entire lives in the East couldn’t possibly endure the cold and harsh conditions of the North. Even if they conducted a wedding with me for the alliance of the two countries, it was likely that they would soon flee to a warmer region.

Simply becoming a member of the royal family in a good place to live, like the empire, wasn’t the only deciding factor.

“And in the last chapter, there is a simple test that can be done here. It’s not as grand as a competition, but in the north, it’s a kind of ritual that women perform when they come of age.”

After hearing Norden’s words, Retina unfolded the last chapter and brought the paper closer to her eyes.

“Those who fail to accomplish even one of these tasks must wait until the next year. Until then, they won’t be recognized as ladies. Northern people believe that this basic level of stamina is necessary to survive in the north.”

Tasks like submerging both hands in floating ice water for 15 seconds, immersing both feet for 20 seconds, jumping with arms spread 30 times, holding and sitting with a 20-pound (about 9kg) bag on the shoulders, and getting up 10 times…

Did I read it wrong? Retina wondered, rubbing her eyes and looking again. The words remained unchanged.

So, to marry the prince, every lady must pass this stamina test?

As if waiting for Retina to unfold the last chapter, a servant appeared in the distance, carrying a tub of icy water. Behind him, other servants carried necessary items such as bags and ropes.

In a beautiful garden adorned with quaint trinkets, incongruous items lay scattered on the ground. The objects, with a distinctly earthy scent, seemed to be familiar training tools from Haint’s training grounds.

“Is this some kind of knight’s exam…?”

Retina mumbled to herself, struggling to grasp the reality of the stamina test, which was unexpected and completely different from what she had anticipated.

Retina raised her eyes and glared. In front of her, Norden eagerly awaited Retina’s decision with an expectant expression.

“Oh, we’ve prepared changing clothes and shoes, so you can change over there,” Norden suddenly mentioned, as if a thought had just occurred to him. Servants ready to assist Retina with her change took a step forward. Herald was indeed meticulous in his preparations.

“Is this for real?”

Retina expressed her doubt as she changed into the outfit provided. The elegant dress, casually discarded, contrasted sharply with the practical trousers worn during knight training. Retina, turning her wrists and ankles, tilted her head in amusement.

Despite her initial bewilderment at her father’s unilateral decision to arrange the match, Retina couldn’t help but find the situation amusing as she prepared for the unexpected exercise, making sure not to get injured.


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