I Stole the Prince's First

I Missed You (1)

“The talk of the prince’s engagement is circulating among the nobility. It seems the efforts to suppress the rumors are reaching their limits. The rumors about the prince’s engagement will likely spread more widely in the near future.”

“But I don’t have that kind of relationship with the prince…”

“Whether you have a relationship with the prince or not doesn’t matter. Sometimes rumors can completely overturn a person’s life.”

The person, who was reading a gossip magazine while half-listening to Sat’s words, suddenly stopped. The magazine claimed that based on their public appearances together at the Pavilion, their subsequent private meeting at a cafe, and the flowers sent by Herald to the mansion, there were grounds to suggest that she was the target of the engagement.

While rumors spread quickly, correcting false information was a challenging task. If the public opinion continued to sway in this direction, it could lead to her being targeted for the engagement, regardless of her true feelings.

“I think it would be good for you, Retina, to live in the North. It might be challenging to adapt at first, given it’s not where you lived before, but at least you won’t have to hide and live like you do here.”

“But you don’t want that, do you? Isn’t that right?”

Sart asked Retina, who wore a troubled expression. He was the first to notice the relationship between Retina and Prince Raglas. Despite Sart’s earlier judgment that Herald favored Retina more, he also sensed that Retina’s feelings towards Herald were significant.

While he might not see his sister often if Retina went with Prince Raglas to the North, Sart could accept it if his sister could lead a normal life like everyone else.

“But you don’t want that, do you? Isn’t that right?”

Sart asked Retina, who wore a troubled expression. He was the first to notice the relationship between Retina and Prince Raglas. Despite Sart’s earlier judgment that Herald favored Retina more, he also sensed that Retina’s feelings towards Herald were significant.

Sart had watched Retina yearn for someone for a lifetime, anxiously waiting for his letters. He realized that Retina’s feelings for Herald were stronger than he had initially thought. “Herald saw you and Noden face off.”

Even after hearing this revelation, Retina’s close friend did not hesitate to protect the privacy of her beloved. “I stopped the publication of the gossip in my circles, but there’s no way Herald wouldn’t know the rumors. He’ll know about you and Norden’s meeting.”

“We’re just friends, Prince. We didn’t meet with any particular intentions.”

“I know it well. How much my sister loves that guy. So, you can imagine how much it hurts me. I raised her with all my heart, and she just goes and falls for someone else.”

“Tell me after you wipe the drool off your lips.”

Retina responded with a dark expression to Sat’s teasing words. Though spoken lightly, the situation couldn’t be easily laughed off.

While the revelation of the Crown Prince’s wish had caused a stir in the gossip columns, the social circles remained silent. The royal family maintained a neutral stance, and the nobles eagerly awaited the Queen’s response. The silence felt like the calm before a storm compared to the previous tumult.

“Should I reveal the secret that I might be a noble from the North first?”

Retina pondered, lowering her head. The society she faced wasn’t the type to overlook any actions or gestures. Even the smallest move or greeting had the potential to become a significant event and find its way into the gossip columns.

“It’s not the time yet. Rather than stepping forward with uncertain assumptions, I should wait a little longer.”

“Before His Majesty misunderstands, you should clarify something.”

“You don’t need to tell me, but make sure to explain everything to Herald. He seems to have genuine feelings for you, unlike that guy.”

Sat spoke as if he could read Retina’s mind. Despite behaving like a troublemaker, Herald’s every action was calculated. Though he seemed to act recklessly, every move he made was aimed at becoming an emperor. However, he had crossed a line by openly defying the empress and emperor in front of the imperial citizens. Herald willingly accepted all the consequences of his actions.

“Why did he risk his life in the swordsmanship competition?”

Though he was a close friend, Herald wasn’t the most level-headed person.

“Well, it seems Herald has something to say to you, so it’s better to meet him in person rather than through a letter.”

Sat handed Retina a ticket with black paper and gold embossing. In the center of the ticket, surrounded by a golden frame, the title of a popular opera in Leblanc was written.

“How did you get this?”

Retina, who had recently failed to secure opera tickets, recalled Basilious, who had been complaining about it. The ticket Sat handed her seemed different, indicating it was not an ordinary seat.

“Herald asked for it.”

Sat did not provide a detailed explanation in a tone suggesting that one has to experience it to understand. Retina scrutinized the ticket in her hand.

* * *

Every year, the performances were sold out. As the time for the show approached, the theater was filled with people, creating a bustling scene.

Retina navigated through the crowd, which had blocked the streets, to reach the theater. The dress she wore, enforced by Anna’s insistence for her first outdoor date with the Crown Prince, happened to be longer than her height, hindering her movement.

Lifting the dress to avoid stepping on it, Retina reached the entrance of the theater. Showing the black ticket that Anna had given her to the attendant, though it was still before the entrance time, the courteous staff welcomed Retina inside.

Passing through the entrance, the discreet steps moving towards the back felt somewhat secretive, making her chuckle. It was only then that Retina understood the meaning of the black ticket.

“A meeting place for high-ranking nobles.”

Although there was only one path leading inside, there were different doors along the corridor. Each door would likely lead to a separate space. Following the guidance of the staff, people inside could move without facing each other, ensuring that those who came here could hide their identities thoroughly.

“The price must be quite high.”

Even the third-floor ticket that Cecile had obtained with difficulty was not cheap, and the private box seat would likely be several times that amount.

“Well, it’s needless worry.”

The person who gave her the ticket was the Crown Prince of the Empire; the cost of the ticket was probably inconsequential.

“Wishing you a pleasant time.”

The staff, who opened the door with a master key, promptly returned. They moved as if they couldn’t see anything, even if there was something to see.

“He hasn’t arrived yet…”

In a space surrounded by walls on three sides, with only the stage visible through an opening, thick velvet curtains were hung to allow for concealing the inside at any time. There were two chairs placed in the spacious enough area for four people.

While waiting for the Crown Prince, Retina explored the interior of the box seat. From above, the entire theater could be seen, but the design of the structure, preventing the view from below, seemed intricate and deliberate.

“I said I would come quickly, but I made you wait.”

Herald, who embraced Retina as she leaned towards the stage, tightened his grip on her. Retina, trapped in his arms, overlapped her hands on his reassuring arms rather than feeling pain.

“I missed you.”

“Is this the first time we’ve met like this since the ball?”

“I thought I was going crazy because I wanted to see you, touch you, and feel you.”

Perhaps due to not meeting for a while, the longing for Retina intensified as time passed. Herald held onto Retina for a while without letting her go. Instead of having two chairs, Retina was seated on his lap. It seemed like he wouldn’t let her go for fear that something big might happen if she was separated even for a moment.

exchanged in the brief silence were more powerful than a hundred words.

“A bit late, but congratulations on your victory.”

Sitting on Herald’s lap with her arms around his neck, Retina shyly spoke. She wanted to directly tell her lover, who had achieved the victory he desired so much, whatever he desired.

“Thank you. Your words mean more to me than the praise of anyone else.”

Leaning against Retina’s forehead and lightly brushing it against hers, Herald whispered. He was serene, like someone who had forgotten all the pressure that had weighed on him until now.

The anger that had surged uncontrollably subsided within. His red eyes, as if asking when he had ever shown madness, were now clear. All these changes were possible because he had met Retina. It was only possible for the lover who, with just the act of holding, could provide calmness.

The performance began, and Retina moved away from Herald to sit in the adjacent seat, but the two couldn’t focus on the show. Despite being in a place where others wouldn’t see them, holding hands with him made her nervous. It was her first time experiencing such a situation, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him due to embarrassment.

Herald, finding Retina’s shy demeanor adorable, gently caressed her knuckles while observing her frozen figure. Turning her head towards him, he slowly approached and kissed her, synchronized with Prima Donna’s high notes.


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