I Stole the Heroine's Holy Grail

“Wait, can I ask you what’s going on here?”

Emily looked at Ivan and Adelia alternately with a flustered face.

A feast lay before her.

It wasn’t just a feast. From the glossy whole chicken roasted at the right temperature and various fruits . Not only that, but there was foods Emily had never seen before.

She was happy and excited as she remembered her life at the duchy after a long time, but she couldn’t easily go to the food, she’s worried about whether she should do this or not.

“It’s just a normal meal.”

Emily’s lips went up awkwardly at Ivan’s response as if it was nothing special. It can’t be nothing. It’s Selcred period but such luxurious food is coming into the holy land.

“Ha, but… Isn’t that something we can’t eat right now?”

Ivan and Adelia burst into a small laugh at the innocent Emily’s question.

Emily didn’t know. Officially, only porridge, excluding meat, is allowed during the Selcred period, but people bring meat from outside and eat it without anyone knowing.

“It’s okay. As long as you don’t eat it publicly. The tradition is nothing but symbolic anyway. It’s not a big deal to eat this.”

“Oh, I see.”

Emily’s stomach began to growl. She finally touched the appetizing dinner in front of her.

“Wow… I think I know why people break taboos.”

Emily said with a twinkle in her eyes. Adelia and Ivan were forced to burst into laughter again at the sincere child’s response.

Ivan tried to hold back his laughter and nodded as if he agreed with Emily.

“Originally, suppressed desires are sweeter. Help yourself.”

“Hehe. Thank you! By the way, are you not going to eat, your highness and viscount? To eat alone…….”

Emily stared at Ivan and Adelia, as if she felt sorry for experiencing a luxurious table alone.

Ivan smiled quietly and relieved Emily.

“Me and Adelia have already finished eating. So feel free to eat.”

“Ah…! Yes!”

Only then did Emily begin to touch the food with a relieved look.

Emily, who thinks of Adelia and Ivan before herself, made Adelia laugh.

After the festival, We should have a meal together. To do so, I need to find out what will happen in the Holy Land during the festival. The thing that bothers me the most.

Priests in black…….

The priests’ clothes were the symbolic color of religion.

The symbol of Vishna was pure white, the symbol of the God Of the sea, Prokeon was blue, the Leitan, which served ancient spirits, was green, and Hellagram, the god of the sun, was red.

There were many other colors, but as far as she knew, there was no religion in which black was a symbol.

“They are connected to Hestine means it’s related to Vishna.”

Adelia frowned and spoke to Vishna inwardly.

Give me some information.


But there was no response.

She didn’t like the fact that it only appears when necessary and disappears after saying what she had to say. Adelia sighed a little and sat back on the chair.

We’ll meet soon if they follow Berkian’s words.

They’re going to be Hestine’s assistant priest. It is inevitable to bump into Hestine during the Selcred period. She’ll be able to meet her assistants one day.

What is this group for?

There’s one more thing she has to find out. Adelia peeped at the clock.

Was the next schedule a prayer.

She’s already tired at the thought of sitting motionlessly for three hours and praying.

Anyways, I don’t know if Berg is doing well.

Adelia recalled the face of Bishop Berg, who was trembling when he was told to go to Chihen.

I’ve never heard anything about his relationship with his siblings.

I was the one who sent him, but I’m starting to worry for no reason. Is he okay?

But things have already begun to move. She had no choice but to wait for Berg to find and bring the holy relics safely.

Adelia sighed briefly and looked at Emily, who had already emptied the plate quite a bit.

She could see Emily stroking her bloated stomach, perhaps quite full. Adelia felt proud.

“Have you finished your meal?”

“Yes! Thank you so much! Thanks to you, I’m enjoying this luxury. It reminded me of my memories in the duchy after a long time!”

Emily jumped out of her chair with a big smile. Now it was time to return as the reserve priest to help the guardian of the torch.

But Adelia’s subsequent words were a little far removed from Emily’s thoughts.

“All right, then you can rest here a little bit. I have to go out for a while to pray.”

“What? Well, I can’t! I have to help you!”

Emily cried in a surprised voice; her eyes wide open.

“I’m not just telling you to rest. You have a very important mission.”

Adelia knew Emily well. Emily, who is sincere by nature, was never a child who will give up her duties and rest. She just needs to give her a reasonable excuse.

“M, mission?”

At the sound of the mission, Emily clasped her small hand with a determined look. Adelia held back her laughter and nodded.

“Tell me anything! I’ll do it perfectly!”

All right, we’re all over the place.

“Please tidy up the room so that I can relax after the prayer ceremony.”


Although she shouted “yes” curiously, Emily quickly noticed that something was wrong with Adelia’s mission. Emily turned her head and glanced through the room.


The polished interior showed no sign of cleaning.

“Uh… This room?”

“Yes, just this room.”

Emily couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she had been deceived. But what can she do? She already agreed. Besides, it was none other than Adelia’s.

“……I see.”

Adelia rose up with a small laugh that she had endured.

It was time to move on for the next schedule.

“Then I beg you. Emily.”

Adelia patted Emily on the head and left the room. Ivan followed quietly.


While Adelia is having a busy schedule in the Holy Land, Berg also moved as busy as she is.


He sighed heavily as he looked at the still Chihen family’s mansion.

“It really did not change.”

“As expected of Chihen. It’s very fancy. I wanted to take a look at it someday, but it came true today unexpectedly!”

Ale, unaware of Berg’s complicated feelings, observed the mansion containing Chihen’s history with a relieved face. Berg’s forehead wrinkled at Ale’s reaction as if he came to do some sightseeing.

“Did you come here to play?”

Ale’s shoulders shrank at the growling voice of his boss. Ale gradually distanced himself from Berg and protested in an unkempt voice.

“That’s not it, but isn’t Chihen’s mansion famous? If you’re born in the Kingdom of Sadin, you should dream of being invited by Chihen.”

To that extent, the Chihen family in the Kingdom of Sadin was very powerful. Some even said that the name of the country should be changed to Chihen Kingdom, not Sadin Kingdom.

Berg shook his head at Ale’s reaction.

You’re saying that because you don’t know the owner of this mansion.

Rodrigo Chihen, the owner of this mansion and the family of Chihen.

He was ten years older than Berg.

“Oh, my! Master Berg!”

As Berg hesitated to enter the high wall of the mansion, the knight of the family who recognized him shouted in a surprised voice. Berg ‘s shoulder shook.

Do you not get along with your family?

Ale, who watched it right next to him, tilted his head and expressed his curiosity. As far as he knows, Berg has the full support of the family. It was not only because of his great divine power that he was able to become a bishop at an early age. Without the full support of the Chihen family and the Kingdom of Sadin, it would have taken him five more years to become a bishop.

That was not all. The Chihen family sent a considerable gift to the temple every quarter. It’s not in the name of the Chihen family, but in the name of Rodrigo. Then it’s not like you have a bad relationship with lord.

I mean, it’s weird.

The more he thought about it, the more he didn’t understand it.

“Young master! How long has it been! He missed you a lot. Of course, it’s the same for us. I heard you’ve returned to Vishna, but I wish you’d show your face often…….”

The knight’s voice contained joy and indelible sadness.

Berg sighed and stared at the familiar knight’s face.

“Ah! Don’t stand like this, but come inside. The Lord is in the mansion.”

“……my brother is here.”

“Yes, he was originally planning to leave for the royal palace, but his schedule suddenly changed and he decided to go to work at the mansion today. That’s also Vishna’s will.”

“Vishna is giving me a hard time.”


“No, it’s nothing. Let’s just go in.”

“Oh, yes! I’ll show you right away!”

Berg moved heavily into Chihen’s territory.

The mansion was cluttered with the appearance of the youngest young master who returned after almost 10 years. Of course it wasn’t a very welcome response for Berg.

Ha… If the Holy Relic is in Chihen and it suddenly disappears at this time of year, my brother will certainly doubt me.

What will happen to me if that happens?….


A half-hearted laugh flowed through Berg’s lips.

I have to get things done as quickly and quietly as possible.

“My Lord! Master Berg is here!”

“Come in.”


The door opened and a familiar view came into Berg’s sight.

“Ha! We can’t interfere with the reunion of brothers! let’s get out of here.”

“Huh…? No, I’m Bishop Berg’s assistant priest.….”

“All right, let’s get out of here!”

Ale was forced out of the room at the hands of the knight. Thus, Berg was left alone in front of Rodrigo.

Rodrigo, who had been showing his back to Berg all the time, turned slowly and showed his face. A cool smile hung around his mouth.

“It’s been a while since my ugly brother came.”


The sound of Berg swallowing his dry saliva reverberated.

“Long time no see, my brother.”


  1. Aiza J says:

    Oh the smell of violence 🤣🤣

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