I Stole the Heroine's Holy Grail

Time flew by.

After Serajin’s masquerade party, several Invitations to a gathering have been sent to her. There, Adelia worked hard to build friendships with the nobles of the principality.

Emily’s education was also progressing step by step. Everything was going smoothly.

“I have to send the interpretation to Cardinal Eustaf now.”’

Beep beep-

At that moment, a familiar bird’s cry was heard from afar.

Beep beep-

Adelia hurriedly opened the window. In the distance, a flying holy being with a white collar came into view. The holy being, who went to deliver the interpretation to Eustaf, returned.


“What a good timing.”

Adelia laughed and waited for the holy water to reach her.


“Yes, did you have a good trip?”

Beep beep!

The holy being cried and nodded as if answering Adelia’s question. Adelia stroked the holy being and let out a small smile. Then she noticed a small bag tied to the holy being’s ankle.

‘What did he send?’

Adelia opened the bag and immediately checked the contents. Inside the bag was a short letter.

[My dear saint.

I’ll skip the greeting because I’m running out of time. Please forgive me with a generous heart.

Thanks to the interpretation you gave me, I was able to prepare the troops safely in advance. If I didn’t know, I’d have to face the disaster with insufficient troops. Once again, I would like to express my thanks to the saint.

Please be relieved that I did not reveal your existence as the saint like you asked me to.

I will do my best in my position. I hope you achieve what you want.

Vishna’s humble servant will say goodbye now.]

‘Good. You’re doing a good job.’

A satisfied smile appeared on Adelia’s lips. She put the interpretation in the bag as she had done before and handed it over to the holy being.

This is probably right.

She had a lot of thoughts while organizing the interpretation to be delivered to Eustaf.

Can I let him know that the academy is a safe area that God arranged?

If she shared this information with others, the peace at the academy she hoped would disappear. After much thought, Adelia decided to tell Eustaf the truth.

However, Adelia added a word after her interpretation of the academy.

[This is the place God created to protect the children. If the blessing received by the academy is known to others, the peace Vishna wants will not be achieved, so please keep it a secret.]

I hope he will accept my offer.

Adelia sighed and looked at the holy being. The holy being’s black eyes were staring at her. The eyes felt as if they were digging deep inside her, making Adelia feel uncomfortable.

“Tell him well.”



The holy being nodded once and flew out of the window.

Soon she heard a knock.

“Madam Lester has sent you an invitation.”

At Liam’s words Adelia hurriedly closed the window.

“I’ll be out soon.”

Hestine’s face was full of tension.

“Hestine. We must protect Zephyros.”

“…yes. I’ll try, father.”

“You can’t just try. What we need now is a strength of conviction.”

Giorgio Valkyr said with a stiff look. Hestine bowed to her father’s voice, which was different from usual.

If it was his usual self, he would have given warm words of encouragement to Hestine, who was nervous before the big day. Because that was a more efficient way to deal with Hestine.

But Giorgio didn’t have enough time. That’s because Valkyr and Zephyros signed a secret agreement.

10 years of profits from Zephyros

It was the amount offered by the lord of Zephyros, who was frightened by the second disaster, in return for protecting his territory safely. It was a very appetizing suggestion. To the point where Giorgio can’t refuse.

‘It’s been a month earlier, but it doesn’t matter. As long as I have Hestine.’

If only he had her holy power. Giorgio clicked his tongue at Hestine, who looked stifled with pressure.

‘She looked so scared. Well, she’s easy to handle thanks to that gentle personality, but it’s annoying in times like this.’

Hestine shrank further at the sound of her father’s tongue-clicking.

“Hestine, don’t put your head down. You are going to be a hero who will save the world.”


“It’s not that I don’t understand that you feel pressured. Receiving so much expectation is not a good feeling.”

Giorgio’s encouraging words formed water around Hestine’s eyes. She was again moved by her father, who raised up to this moment. She thought her father was on her side.

“Let’s have a ritual today.”

For a moment Hestine’s eyes widened with surprise. Soon Hestine’s face brightened. She has consistently received special rituals since the day she began to receive patronage from the Duke of Valkyr.

The ritual made her what she is now.

Upon receiving the ritual, Hestine was able to perform miracles beyond her original abilities.

Of course, it didn’t last long. But there will be no shortage of dealing with the disaster.

When she thought so, the confidence that had disappeared came back.


“Yeah, take a rest in your room. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

When the order fell, Hestine bowed to her father and came out of the office.



A thin sigh came out from Hestine’s mouth. She suddenly felt nervous because she would be having a ritual after a long time. At that moment, the voice of Berkian, Hestine’s older brother and heir to the Valkyr dukedom, was heard.

“Hestine. You look worried.”

“Oh, my brother! You’re back.”

Hestine put a welcoming smile on her face for her brother who she had not seen in a long time.

“Did you have a good trip to Neuten Kingdom?”

“Yes, there’s nothing for you to worry about. Now that I’ve talked to the king.”

Recently, Valkyr has been keeping in touch between countries beyond aristocratic transactions, using the fact that he has a saint on his side.

‘It’s not easy to make a deal just by using the saint and promising to prevent future disasters.’

Berkian looked at Hestine like a treasure.

As a princess and a saint, Hestine’s appearance is developing remarkably well. An insidious thought grew in Berkian’s head. Berkian gently put his hand over Hestine’s shoulder.

His thumb gently swept Hestine’s tender flesh.



“My little sister. You’re having a hard time these days, aren’t you?”

In a strange atmosphere, Hestine nodded with an awkward smile.

“Yes… I feel a little burdened because a lot of people are having high expectations for me. But it’s all right. I’m supposed to do a ritual today!”

Berkian’s eyes narrowed at the word ritual.

“Well, now that the disaster is near, it’s about time we do it.”

Berkian murmured softly to himself. Soon, Berkian warned Hestine with a cool face.

“Hestine. You must keep the ritual a secret, okay?”

“Of course!”

Berkian warned once again with a satisfied look.

“Yes, be careful not to get dirt on the sacred ritual.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“It’s a ritual today, so take a good rest in your room. See you in the evening.”

At Berkian’s words, Hestine nodded and went up to her room.

“Have you had a good conversation with the Duke, saint?”

Entering the room, Hestine’s maid greeted her and asked questions.

“Yes. I’m going to have a ritual tonight.”

The maid said with delight at the remark.

“Oh, my. I’m sure the master cares about you a lot. Since you’re holding a ritual tonight, you’re probably nervous, right?”

“Right… I wish I could give back to my father as much as I received….”

“You are returning the favor just by doing your duty. So don’t worry.”

Hestine smiled brightly at the maid’s words.

“Is that really going to work?”

“Of course! Here are the invitations for the saint today!”

Hestine accepted a pile of invitations from the maid.

There were so many that even using her hands to hold it is not enough.

In addition, useless invitations were already filtered.

All that came into Hestine’s hands were the names of prominent nobles.

Those were names that Hestine would never dream of meeting in the past.

Hestine spread the invitations. Soon a glowing sphere appeared on her palm.

A small sphere of divine power. The power that brought her up here.

‘Miracle. Yeah. This is a miracle.’


She wanted to keep this miracle for a long time.

No, she wanted to make the miracle entirely her own.

‘I have to do well to do that.’

Hestine quietly strengthened her will.

“Saint, it’s time.”

Hestine, who was in a short sleep, was awakened at the voice of the maid.


“Yes, hurry up. If you’re late, the Duke will scold you.”

“Yes, let’s hurry.”

Hestine got up in a hurry and prepared. When she went down to the first floor, she saw her father and brother coming down first.

“Hestine. You’re a little late.”

Giorgio said, looking at Hestine, who is not fully awake yet.

“Sorry, I fell asleep for a while….”

“It’s okay. It’s important to take a rest before the ritual. Let’s get going.”

Hestine followed the duke into the carriage.

“Let’s go.”


At the duke’s command, the coachman slowly drove the carriage toward their destination. It didn’t take too long to reach their destination. They arrived at the top of the mountain surrounding their territory. Hestine got out of the carriage with the help of Berkian.

“You’re here, Duke. And the saint.”

“Bishop Hebra, you arrived first.”

“I have something to prepare. Let’s go inside first.”

Hebra and Hestine entered the cave through a narrow entrance. The size of the cave was enormous compared to the entrance.

Not only that. Green roots spread out all over the cave, creating a mysterious atmosphere. Hestine moved familiarly in the cave and headed to the center.

“You’ve already done it a lot of times, so I don’t need to explain it to you.”

“Of course. Let’s start right away.”

“I see. Then please go inside the crystal.”


Hestine put her hand on a huge crystal without hesitation. The crystal swallowed her hand, as if absorbing her. In a familiar sense, Hestine pushed her whole body into the crystal.

Soon Hestine’s body was completely swallowed up by the crystal. A great deal of force flowed into her body.

The pain was brief.

Soon after, Hestine felt a power overflowing from the depths of her body.

“The ritual ended successfully today.”

Bishop Hebra announced the success of the ritual with a gentle smile.



  1. Sunset says:

    The Duke and the Brother are so sus. I have my own theory as to why but I am so surprised at how naive the Hestine is. truly a white lotus flower

    1. JD says:

      I have the same feelings!

  2. freyavanadis1 says:

    OH MAN.
    So THAT’S why they kidnapped the kids and drained their life force! They used it to make a fake saint!

  3. corpse_bride says:

    i guess….she is really fake…they are feeding her divine power,…..and this histine is pathetic enough…to be manipulated…and yet she somehow have ambition to ‘teach’ adelia?!….what a dimwit,…she cant even stand on her own

  4. Freesia says:

    Sudah kuduga!!!

  5. Gienah.algol says:

    Well, let’s just wait for their downfall. I feel a little sorry for Hestine for being stupid and naive, being manipulated like that.

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