I Stole the Heroine's Holy Grail

Ivan opened his mouth with an uncomfortable look.

“…Hide and seek.”

“Hide and seek?”

“Yes, the seeker is everyone but us.”

It seems to be a very unreasonable distribution of personnel.

“Then… are we on the run?”

Ivan nodded in silence.

‘How should I react…. I can’t be bothered like this. I can’t believe I have to run away from the participants by becoming a rabbit in this game “Catch a Rabbit.”’

According to her original plan, she had to naturally infiltrate the aristocracy and have a conversation.

That way, she can leak or gather more information.

The butler of the House of Tegris, commanded by Serajin, handed over a rabbit mask to Ivan and Adelia.

“Let me briefly explain what ‘catch the rabbits’ is.”

“…may I refuse?” asked Adelia, with her voice as low as possible.

In response, the butler nodded without hesitation as if it were natural.

“Of course. The master will choose someone else.”

Adelia felt a strong urge at the moment. She didn’t want to be the rabbit. But if she refuses they will pick another rabbit.

That means that even if she refuses, the event will not stop and the opportunity for her desired conversation will be delayed.

Furthermore, if she refused here, there was a possibility that she would offend Serajin or ruin the entire atmosphere of the ball.

Now that she has become the rabbit, she has no choice but to be discovered as quickly as possible by people.

Adelia smiled and accepted the rabbit mask from the butler.

“A special opportunity has come, and I have to participate.”

The butler’s expression was also relaxed as if he liked Adelia’s answer.

“I’m sorry. I made you step into a strange place again.”

Adelia whispered an apology to Ivan.

Ivan smirked and shook his head.

“No, it’s rather good for me.”

For Ivan, who hates parties, it was better to run away than to suffer from the attendees.

“Well, I’ll give you 10 minutes. You’ll be able to go anywhere in this mansion for 10 minutes, and if you are able to hide for two hours, you’ll win.”

The butler took the watch out of his arms.

With a click, Ivan grabbed Adelia by the wrist and started running up to the second floor.

Adelia was embarrassed at first, but she ran hard when she realized he was going to find a place to hide.

“I hope you win!”

The organizer who saw Ivan and Adelia who came up to the second-floor shouted words of support.

Adelia witnessed a playful smile hidden under a blue butterfly mask.

“This way.”

Ivan pulled Adelia’s wrist into the room.

Like this.

Adelia was finally able to catch her breath for a while.

“They won’t think about looking at this place for a while.”

At Ivan’s words Adelia looked around the room.

“It’s a maid’s room.”

Ivan nodded.

I see. Most nobles didn’t know the location of the maid’s room, so it was a great place to hide.

“Let’s stay here for a while.”


Adelia sat down on the bed, taking off her heavy mask.

She felt her feet throbbing. Her feet ached. It’s been a long time since she wore high heels.

Adelia took off her shoes and gently set them aside.

Ivan’s ear turned red as he saw that then he turned his head slightly. 

Adelia did not notice it.

The two took a short break without breaking the silence that came.

‘… I think it’s been about 30 minutes.’ Adelia sneaked a look at Ivan’s countenance.

He was leaning against the wall and looking into the pocket watch.

Naturally Adelia asked a question.

“How long has it been?”

“It’s just been 40 minutes.”

“I see. Then we’ll leave in about 20 minutes.”

“As you wish.”

Ivan nodded.

“The event will end earlier than I thought, so you’ll have time to hang out with other nobles.”

“That’s a relief. How long do parties like this usually last?”

“It’s usually open until 6 a.m. But there are no attendees left until then. It’s usually quiet at four.”

There was a smile of relief around Adelia’s mouth. It was a little past midnight, so time was enough.

“Can I ask who you’re looking for?”

“Of course, It’s Madam Lengster, Madam Orlando, and the daughter of Hagris. I’m looking for these three. Of course, I don’t know if all three of them will be here.”

“I think I can give you a definite answer. All three of them attended the ball.”

Adelia opened her eyes wide and looked at Ivan with astonishment.

When the hell did you check on them? Do you happen to have a list of attendees?

“How did you know?”

“I just saw them. I can describe them if you want.”

You went through all those people in that short time?

Adelia had no choice but to stick her tongue to the great powers of observation of the Grand Duke.

“…please do.”

“First of all, Madam Lengster is wearing a red mask decorated with red peony flowers. Madam Orlando was wearing a purple mask decorated with golden flowers, and the Lady Hagris is wearing a yellow mask decorated with primroses.”

“…I see.”

Adelia nodded absent-mindedly at the description of the three figures. Thanks to this, there was no need to go around looking for the three.

“Thank you. You saved me time.”

“I’m glad it helped.”

Ivan smiled satisfactorily and looked down again at the clock.

The only sounds in the quiet room were the breathing of Ivan and Adelia and the sound of the second hand of the clock.

Then, two footsteps were heard approaching the room where they were hiding.

Ivan and Adelia’s eyes met.

“I didn’t expect anyone to come all the way here.”

“Will we just stay calm and get caught?”

“Yeah, I was planning to get caught anyway.”

Adelia and Ivan wore masks again.

And soon opened the door and waited for those who would come in.

Soon after, the footsteps of those who were looking for the rabbit came one after another and reached the front of the room where Ivan and Adelia were hiding.


“I found them!”

“Hahaha, there you are!”

The men rejoiced as if they had found a hidden prey.

“I didn’t know you’d be hiding in the maid’s lodgings!”

“I’m having a good time, but I don’t know if we found you too soon.”

The men’s eyes ran through Adelia’s whole body.

Adelia’s eyebrows crumpled in the poor gaze.

“If you’re here to find the rabbit mask, just take it.”

“Oh, don’t be too wary rabbit girl If you’re bored, we could join you for a while?”

Only then did Adelia notice that the men were looking at her bare feet.

‘Oh, right. My feet….’

It was understandable why the men mistook them for having such a relationship.

To show bare feet means to enjoy physical play.

(t/n: I guess that’s why Ivan’s ear turned red when he saw her taking off her shoes.)

Adelia sighed and quickly put on her shoes.

“I think you misunderstood. I was just resting because my feet hurt.”

But the men didn’t believe Adelia’s words.

“Don’t do that. We’ll….”

“Get out of the way.”

Ivan stood in front of Adelia.

The men involuntarily stepped back at Ivan’s powerful appearance.

Soon the men, who felt their shape was wrinkled, shouted angrily.

“I just said let’s hang out together, but that’s so rude!”

“Are you going to hit them?”

“There’s nothing I can’t hit.”

It happened in a flash. Ivan knocked the men down in an instant.

Adelia couldn’t even see it properly.

“Hey, Zebri! Iansen! Are you there?”

Then, voices of others came from outside the door.

“They must have had more company.”

“Originally, when hunting with several people, the success rate is high.”

Adelia clicked her tongue briefly.

If the people outside saw the men lying on the floor now, she didn’t want to be caught much.

Ivan, who saw through Adelia’s thoughts, said to Adelia.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“What? Uh…”

Ivan lifted Adelia leisurely with one arm. Adelia, who was suddenly seated on the Grand duke’s arm, struggled with embarrassment.

“Hold tight.”

Without time for Adelia to ask him to drop her off, the duke opened the window of the maid’s room and jumped without hesitation.

The cold wind of winter sharply brushed past Adelia’s bare skin. The crash was short. Ivan landed safely on the floor and laid Adelia down safely.

Adelia looked up at Ivan with a blank stare.

Ivan explained with a slightly awkward look.

“I think we’ll have to hand over the masks to them if we stay there.”

“……Please explain in advance next time.”

“I’ll make sure I do.”

With a sigh, Adelia looked around.

They landed in the central garden.

In other words, it meant that the participants who were looking for rabbits outside had no choice but to focus on them.

Adelia looked around and found a mask.

A yellow mask with beautiful primrose decorating the side of the mask.

She looked a little flustered when the woman wearing the rabbit mask stared at her.

Adelia approached the woman with a gentle smile.

“The lady’s mask is very beautiful.”

“What…? Me…?”

The cheeks of Lady Hagris were tinged with pale pink.

Adelia lifted up the hand of the Hagris and brought her lips close.

The arms of Lady Hagris, revealed through the gloves, turned a little red.

“I give my mask to the beautiful young lady.”

Serajin, who was watching the situation due to Adelia’s unusual behavior, burst into laughter.

Then the bell rang.

“The winner has been decided! Surprisingly, the rabbit decided the winner by herself! But rules are rules! I’ll give a prize to the yellow-masked girl who got the rabbit mask.”

Serajin’s voice was full of joy.

This party was also a successful one full of joy.



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