I Stole the Heroine's Holy Grail


Are you saying that Hestine will help me?

So shameless.

Anger clouded my eyes for a moment. I clenched my teeth and swallowed the burning emotions.

Now is not the time to show your feelings yet.

Because they have to mistake me for knowing nothing.

“In the temple… We provide subsidies and accommodation for disaster refugees. If it were a temple, they would accept Adelia generously.”

I laughed out loud.

It was funny that Hestine thought I was a refugee, and it was funny to suddenly do a favor.

Is it Hestine, who shed tears whenever she bumped into me?

“Haha. Lady Valkyr.”

Hestine was noticeably nervous at my call.

“Thank you for the offer, but is the lady in a position to say that to me?”

“S, I’m sorry…!”

As always, transparent droplets formed around Hestine’s eyes.


Berkian, who was talking to Bishop Rondell, ran to Hestine.

He sent Hestine behind his back and stared at me as if protecting him.

“What did you do?” 

“What did I do?”

I sneered at Berkian in the same way.

“You’re the first ones who did something wrong”

At that moment, Berkian’s face hardened. Because of embarrassment, not anger.

“What do you mean?”


The Grand Duke came, restraining Berkian and me.

“Your Highness! Please do not block it. That woman threatened Hestine, my younger sister and saint!”

What do you mean threatened? Who’s talking to whom?

“Prince Valkyr. The saint was definitely excessive this time.”

Hestine flinched and opened her mouth at the Grand Duke’s judgment.

“I’m just… trying to help…”

‘No matter how good it was, you have to reach out your hand while looking at the situation. Lady Valkyr.”

silence passed.

Berkian was not big enough to refute the words of Grand Duke Hamilton.

It was a typical strong and weak posture.

“Oh, my. What’s going on?”

Sensing the harsh atmosphere, Bishop Rondell approached with a friendly face.

“…it’s nothing.”

Berkian stepped down as if he had no intention of developing more work.

“I see. We’re going back now. Do you happen to have a place to stay, Sister Adelia?”

“I can find a place to stay, so you don’t have to worry.”

In my words, Bishop Rondell nodded gently.

“Okay. Then Saint, go back to the carriage.”


Hestine walked to the carriage with heavy steps.

I felt uncomfortable when she looked at me in the middle.

“I unintentionally got help again this time.”

I said while looking at the subjugations of the temple preparing to leave busily.

“Was there any help?”

The Grand Duke shrugged with a face that he didn’t know.

I smiled helplessly.

“Did you decide where to go?”

“Well, I have to go with Emily, so I’ll have to think about it.”

At that moment, the Grand Duke’s eyes seemed to sparkle.

“Then, why don’t we go to the principality together?”


At the sudden suggestion, I opened my eyes wide.

It was a tempting suggestion.

The principality was relatively free from the influence of the empire due to the recognition of autonomy.

So, wouldn’t it be harder for Sorne to find me?

I have to refuse, but it’s not easy.

Is my heart weakening because I don’t have a home?

“You don’t have to answer right away. Make a decision after fully considering it. I’ll stay around here for a while anyway.”

I nodded my head gently. It was difficult to make a decision right now.

I need to ask Emily.

Tiredness weighed on my shoulders.

I looked up at the sky. The sun was already crossing the ridge.

It was a really long and hard day.


[After a glorious struggle, the Empire and the servants of Vishna have won their first battle against disaster with great victory!

On the third day of the last Hebemona month, a group of demons attacked the unknown countryside without notice.

There was a lot of damage, but thanks to the excellent response of the subjugation team, they were able to prevent spreading more damage.

The saint’ party achieved their first victory and returned to the capital on the following day.

A banquet will be held at the Imperial Palace to celebrate the hard work of the heroes and encourage future battles.]

“Ha. It’s not even funny.”

I put the newspaper I was holding roughly on the table and swept my hair back.

What do you mean they prevented the damage from spreading? The entire village was wiped out of the map.

It seemed that the Duke of Valkyr or the temple tried to significantly reduce the damage.

Or maybe they think that a town like Rohen can disappear.

‘By now, the capital must be filled with a wave of festivals.’

I imagined Hestine and her party to walk proudly in the hospitality of people.

Will Hestine be happy? After sitting on the sideline and using the disaster for her own benefit.


I never thought she would do that with that innocent face.

Although it is highly probable that the Duke Valkyr is controlling her from behind.

I had to make a decision.

Whether to ignore how they used Rohen as a sacrifice or to bring them down. 

Actually, it was already decided in the corner of my mind.

Because I am not generous and naive enough to let this go.

But how can I bring them down?

Currently, the image of the Duke Valkyr and the Saint is at its peak.

As time goes by, trust in them will become stronger.

‘The surest way is to show that Hestine is not a saint.’

If that happens, I have no choice but to reveal my existence.

But right now, how many people will believe me?

It seems that there is also a power struggle on the temple side.

I have to make my side first.

During my time with this body, I realized that public opinion had the greatest impact on everything.

So, I need to find someone who will listen to me.

The first person I’ll make on my side…


“Are you ready? We have to go now.”

The Grand Duke Ivan Hamilton.

“Of course.”


At first, I had no intention of going to the Duchy with the Grand Duke.

This is because I could not understand the intention of the Grand Duke, who repeatedly approached me and reached out for help under the guise of coincidence.

So, I turned down the Grand Duke’s favor.

The Grand Duke also agreed to introduce me to a nice mansion nearby, regardless of my refusal.

I headed to the bank, envisioning a cute mansion to live in with Emily.

It was to draw a check in advance for a new house.

Then I heard the banker said something out of the blue. 

“I’m sorry… but the owner of the account is reported to have died.”

For a moment, I couldn’t help but cringe in embarrassment.

I later found out that this was the work of the Marquis Sorne.

After threatening me like that, I thought the marquis would eventually do something. 

I eagerly explained to the banker that I am alive and that I was the one indicated by the documents.

However, the banker could not trust the customer he saw for the first time in his life more than the recorded information.

“This woman is Adelia. She didn’t die.”

“What? But…”

“I guarantee it. Is this enough to verify my identity?”

The Grand Duke presented the banker with a pocket watch engraved with the Hamilton family emblem.

The banker only believed that I wasn’t dead after confirming that it was real.

But I couldn’t use the bank right away.

“It’s going to take two months.”

“What? Two months?”

The banker explained with a face that there was nothing he could do.

“It’s easy to deal with death, but it’s hard to revive it again. In addition, it takes more time because the amount left in the account is considerable.” 

It was a really annoying situation.

‘I should deal with the marquis as soon as possible.’

I was planning to send the marquis’ corruption to the Imperial Palace one by one.

It would be nice to start with tax evasion.

For the time being, the marquis will stop paying attention to me because he is busy denying his corruption.

“I don’t have money.”

The Grand Duke responded mercilessly.

“… I know, right.”

The Grand Duke looked at me with a look of wanting something.

I stared at the Grand Duke without knowing what it meant. 

In an instant, a thought came to mind.

To bring down the Duke of Valkyr, I need someone on my side. 

If possible, it would be better if he had a lot of wealth and power.

And a man who met all those conditions was right in front of him.

Why didn’t I think of this man?

I don’t know why, but this man keeps doing me a favor.

I don’t have anywhere to go, so it’s a good thing.

“Grand Duke. Is your previous offer still valid?”

A dazzling smile appeared on the Grand Duke’s lips at my question.

“Of course.”

So, I decided to head to the duchy with the Grand Duke.


When the Grand Duke said that the preparation was over, I went down to the hotel lobby.

And I was able to find Emily, who was with the Grand Duke’s assistant in advance.

“Emily, come here.”

Emily rushed to my call and hugged the width of my skirt.

I looked closely at Emily’s expression.

Still, Emily had not regained her former vigor.

She hardly even said anything unless it was necessary.

Emily’s voice gradually disappeared to the point where I wondered if she was suffering from aphasia.

Often, Emily’s anxious gaze on me bothered me.

I wondered if she was nervous that I would leave, too.

‘Are you doing this because you’re scared of bothering me?’

It would be nice if I knew what Emily was thinking.

I know that wishing for a speedy recovery from a young child who has lost everything is greedy in itself.

Nevertheless, I couldn’t stop thinking about Emily’s old self.

When I was depressed, she would run to me, act cute, and bring my smile back.

‘How did this happen?’

Obviously, this wasn’t what I wanted.

Yes. All I can do now is wait by her side without wavering.

I decided to give Emily enough time to find courage in life again.

I smacked my bitter mouth and thanked Lord Spencer for watching Emily.

“Thank you, sir. You must be busy.”

“No, I had fun playing with the little lady, too.”

Emily turned her head slightly to look at Sir Spencer.

“…thank you.”

Lord Spencer’s mouth soared without knowing hearing Emily’s voice, which was barely audible.

Contrary to how he looked, he seemed to really like children.

“No, little lady. Then I’ll see you in a little bit.”

“Get in the carriage. I and Spencer will take another carriage, so it won’t be inconvenient to move.”

I nodded and climbed into the carriage with Emily.

Soon after, the carriage began to run towards the teleport hall.

“Emily, have you seen snow?”

“… Snow?”

Emily opened her eyes wide as if she had heard of snow for the first time in her life.

After all, Rohen, where Emily was born and raised, was located in the southern part of the Empire. The south maintains a mild climate year-round.

So, Emily, who has never been out of Rohen yet, has never seen or heard of snow.

I smiled slightly and explained the snow.

“Snow is like rain, but different.”

Emily’s eyes lit up for a moment.

“When the weather gets very cold, the rain that was falling freezes.”

“Is that possible? How does the rain freeze? Is the snow transparent like rain?

“No. It looks very white. You can make a snowman with that.”

A shock spread across Emily’s face at the word snowman.

“How can a person be made of water? After all, snow is water too….”

I threw a mischievous joke on Emily, who was confused.

“The more you roll a snowman, the bigger it gets.”

“Ugh! That’s impossible!”

“Oh, if you don’t believe me, shall we check it out?”

“Oh, how…?”

“I’m going to make it myself.”

I whispered to Emily in a secret voice as if I were talking about a serious matter.

Then Emily’s face hardened.

“C… Can you make it?”

“Of course.”

Emily, who had been agonizing for a long time, soon nodded with a solemn look.

I laughed because I sounded like a wizard who practiced forbidden magic.

I held back my laughter and stroked Emily’s head.

Emily has been thinking about Rohen and the villagers ever since she left the village.

And her mother she’ll never see again.

It was good that Emily became interested in something else.

I sighed inwardly and looked out the window.

Will the Grand Duke take my side?

In order to attract him to the stage of revenge, I had to prove that Hestine was not a saint.

‘Will this method work on the Grand Duke?’



  1. This has made me realize how bad of a person I am because I would have used gods power immediately to make them admit their crimes and sentence them to a life of suffering, only when they truly repent will they be allowed to die.

  2. Blackcat24 says:

    I was uncomfortable with the FL train of thought, why was she critizing the fake saintess party and all while she herself didnt took the lead in subjugating demon if not for the village being wiped out, she might as well skip in helping the world. she knew all along that the world will meet a disaster near apocalypse if the saintess absent, … Well, I didn’t know what makes her a saintess in the first place, as her justice itself still half baked… And looked like just flow with situation.
    Its just my opinion, I was just frustated by it.

    1. Eve says:

      Es porque la Fl pensó que Hestina se encargaría de todo como en la historia original, porque en la historia original no dijeron que iban a sacrificar pequeñas cosas para demostrar el valor del santo

    2. Aemon says:

      She’s literally so useless. Did I somehow miss her age before she transmigrated ? Was she a little kid before being Adelia so she’s that incompetent? And she’s an orphan, right? Doesn’t that mean that she would grow up quickly when compared to sheltered kids with parents? She literally doesn’t have a contingency plan in a world full of demons and shit family. My god, why am I even reading this?

      1. velianne says:

        I thought I was the only one, I have no idea if this story ends up worth it. Maybe one of the characters with actual substance in this story will lend her a shred of personality for the sake of the world’s survival.

    3. Bobolisky says:

      I was just saying this, I mean it’s sad that that everyone in the village does but it’s good for character development that the first attack hit close to home, she knew that the saint was needed for the survival of the empire but she still tried to him in her little village and now it’s gone

  3. Emma says:

    Well I get why she didn’t reveal she was a saint. She relied to much on the book. Since in thé book Hestine won and there was no mention of dirty deeds she thought it would be alright. Now it won’t be easy to take back her rightful place.

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