I Stole the Heroine's Holy Grail

ISTHHG Chapter 136

Adelia was in an indescribable mood for a moment. The voice of Patellis had no hesitation in saying that she would kill her ardent follower.

Suddenly, a question occurred to her. Are all gods like this? They act as if they know everything, look at everything as if they understand everything, and act coldly.

‘I didn’t know Lasette would become pitiful.’

Of course, that didn’t reduce the amount of anger she had towards him.

“It’s a good thing for me; I can’t believe you’re going to help me kill Lasette; unfortunately, I don’t have any other way of killing that man right now.”

“I suppose so. The majority of God’s power won’t work on that child who used to be my disciple. It is not possible unless God “uses his power directly.”

The gods could never appear directly to humans, only through indirect communication such as oracles.

Patelis is an anomaly, which explains why she can manifest in this way.

A being who was not originally a god, but after being worshipped more by humans, she became greater than the gods.

‘Now, instead of Vishna’s assistance, I’m sure Patelis, who yearns for the end, is what I need more.’

Adelia was left with only one choice. Therefore, she took Patelis’ hand.

“Help me, and I’ll help you sleep, too.”

Patelis’ mouth softly smiled in response to Adelia’s words.

“Please, I’ll do my best to help you achieve your objective.”

So that I can protect my precious people.

After entering into a contract with Patelis, Adelia’s body underwent a change, and Vishna’s mark, which had been engraved on her bolt bone, vanished.

Just as it permeated Adelia, the pattern subtly vanished, but Vishna’s power has not.

And in its place, a strange pattern appeared.

“This was Patelis’ pattern.”

Adelia was overcome with strange emotions as she looked at the dark blue pattern in the mirror.

She was accustomed to this pattern. In her recollection of the nightmare, Vishna displayed a pattern that filled her field of vision.

How am I supposed to forget that agonizing pain?

If Patelis vanishes, so will this.

Adelia gave Patelis’ pattern a long look before turning her head away. Time to put an end to this prolonged journey.

Adelia left the hotel after packing a small bag. She removed the pendant from her neck and looked to see where the Lasette was.

I can do it. I have to do it.

Adelia boarded the carriage after making the previously stated promise. In response to her resolve, the pattern engraved in the center of her collarbone shone coolly.

Adelia surveyed the serene Valkyr estate.

‘What a stark contrast. Just before I returned, the Valkyr estate was in disarray.’

In contrast to that time, the Valkyr estate she now sees was simply a typical example of a wealthy estate.

The inhabitants of the territories spend their days working hard to make a living while merchants come and go.

Giorgio Valkyr’s poor decision amounted to shattering this tranquil painting. Much has been taken away by their desires.

With her eyes entangled in nuanced emotions, Adelia examined the pendant. Since it entered the Valkyrie estate, the relic has ceased to function.

Adelia let out a soft sigh and called out to Patelis.

“Do you know where Lasette is, Patelis?”

  • I can feel it. My foundation is around here.

“The foundation…”

  • Behind that castle. My foundation is over there. Maybe they’re still offering there to revive me. The child is over there.

Adelia looked in the direction Patelis indicated, the last place she was before her return and the scene of the crime.

“I know where it is.”

Hestine’s body, which she was unable to recover, flashed through Adelia’s mind, but she only shook her head because she died soon after.

‘Wait patiently, Lasette. Because the being you have so desperately wanted will kill you.’

Saving her precious people was Adelia’s main objective. She also wanted to exact revenge on the person who had made her feel hopeless.

Adelia had no trouble locating the foundation. She had been there before, so finding it again was not difficult. The memories she had here were also deeply ingrained in her memory.

Similar to before she came back, soldiers were stationed at the entrance to the cave. Adelia previously bypassed that security using Vishna’s power, but right now she has a different tactic.

‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take this chance to test Patelis’ power,’

In fact, Adelia was able to assess Patelis’s strength. She could not dare to compare the degree of chaos power she possessed to Lasette’s because it was so far away and strong.

However, there is a distinct distinction between measuring and visually inspecting something.

‘Patelis, are you able to do it?’

  • Obviously.

Adelia’s body suddenly felt a release of energy. Patelis had taken her body.

Patelis, who had taken Adelia’s body, moved cautiously toward the entrance of the cave. An instant passed. The soldiers’ presence was erased by her gesture.

‘Finish it.’

  • Is this enough?

‘It’s good enough. Patelis.’

  • It’s unusual to receive such a compliment from a child.

As it was, Patelis moved toward the foundation. Adelia and Patelis were finally able to confront the person they had been searching for when they reached the end of the foundation.

“I have a visitor. You’ve disturbed my nest in this manner. Are you a devoted canine of Vishna?”

“Sadly, I am not Vishna’s obedient dog; rather, I hate Vishna.”

Adelia, who had twice felt the agony of death locked her gaze on Lasette and Lasette tried to see through her without avoiding her gaze.

Lasette noticed a recognizable sensation glimmering over Adelia’s eyes at that precise moment.

“What in the world are you?”

His distorted speech trembled slightly. When Adelia heard the confusion in his voice, she raised the corner of her mouth.

  • What a tragic fate, young one.

The full voice of Patelis emanated from Adelia’s lips. Lasette recalled a hazy memory from a long time ago.

“Ah, you are…….”

Lasette was trembling violently as he approached Adelia, looking like he was about to fall, but he made it to Adelia’s front.



The name of the being, for which he had been so desperately searching, came to him at last.

Lasette let out a childlike laugh as his head began to clear.

“I’ve been trying to get you back for probably longer than you can even imagine,”

  • You did something useless.

Patelis’ words that came out of Adelia’s mouth were cold and static.

Lasette’s joy-filled face became noticeably more stern. He wondered if he had heard it correctly as he turned to face her and twisted the corners of his mouth.

“What are you talking about, Patelis-nim. To get you back. I was trying to find a way to give you freedom. You, who were under those cowardly gods’ control…..”

  • Lasette. It’s a name I couldn’t bear to collect because of lingering affection.

Patelis spoke with a tone of profound regret.

  • You meant a lot to me, so I didn’t do it.

“…… haha. I don’t like this kind of lie. I remember all the sacrifices you made for us!”

  • Yeah, whatever you think, it’s up to you. But that’s not what matters to me.

Patelis was merely a person. A being that ought to have begun as a human and ended as a human, but whose name defied destiny. In addition, her life, which ought to have ended sooner, was still persistent and inflicting harm.

  • Lasette. A child born from the seeds of misfortune. Let’s call it a day.

As if determined, Patelis spread her thin fingers and combed Lasette’s hair.

  • Let’s rest together. Your soul, too, has been stretched for a long time.

Lasette shook his head as if refusing to eat something he didn’t like. He didn’t want to go out on this note. For something like this, he did not put his soul through the wringer.

“I can’t do that…! Ack!”

Lasette, who attempted to use chaos’s power, puked blood that was stained with black. His body has long since gone bad. Even this body, in which his soul is currently resting, was not his. It was simply taking the body of an unidentified person.

  • See, this is how it will turn out.

Patelis ought to have done it sooner, but the seal prevented her from taking the necessary action.

Lasette’s body, which appeared to be alive, quickly rotted away after she took his soul. It smelled awful to Adelia.

  • Adelia, I feel bad for you as well. Perhaps the gods didn’t say sorry to you. On their behalf, I apologise. I should not have allowed you to endure this horrible experience.

In a more upbeat tone than before, Patelis handed Adelia an apology. Adelia didn’t comprehend that it was over until later.

Oh, it’s really over. Lasette has vanished. They are now free of suffering.

Adelia grinned downcast. She felt lighter on her shoulders, but empty nonetheless.

“I acknowledge your apology, but I won’t say that I absolve you of the harm you have done.”

  • I understand. Yeah. I’m not sure what the point of apologizing now is. Your soul has always been ……

Patelis did not complete her sentence. She simply sweeps Adelia’s head as if to console her unfortunate fate.

  • I’ll leave now in peace. It’s time to part ways. We probably won’t cross paths again. I hope your future will be filled with joy.

With those words, Patelis vanished. Adelia shut her eyes, and now she is by herself.

“It’s all over.”

Adelia was overcome by a feeling of hopelessness.

‘How should I proceed from here?’

Even though she was able to exact her revenge, she is now even more afraid. The anxiety that she won’t be in her loved ones’ lives forever.




  1. HanaHaki says:

    This is the saddest successful mission ever, Adelia truly did not deserve to go through that. Thank you so much for the constant updates you made my week 💗

  2. Freesia says:

    Mengingatkantu akan opera “the duchess” yang mereka tonton sebelumnya

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