I Reincarnated as a Cringeworthy Villainous Noble, but Got Obsessed With Magic


Chapter 20: Gaze

Today, the academy officially begins.

These past two weeks have been nothing out of the ordinary for me. I’ve continued my magical training and received swordsmanship guidance from Ray. I don’t intend to change my daily routine. Habits are hard to break, after all, especially when you’re as fond of magic as I am.

The only thing different is that Celestia and Ray will be accompanying me as attendants at the academy.

As they exchange words like in a comedy routine, their interactions may seem like a lover’s quarrel to an outsider, but I know there’s not a shred of sweetness in the air. On the contrary, they often have a hostile atmosphere around them. Oddly enough, they get along, but I do think they’re a bit too friendly.

“Well, being all stiff like that isn’t going to help. Besides, Ray is your bodyguard, but I’m also a maid and caretaker. Part of my job is to comfort my master’s heart!”

Celestia puffed her chest out with confidence, her crystal-clear blue eyes showing nothing but self-assuredness. So, I calmly cut to the chase.

“No, I don’t really expect you to fulfill that role.”


Having a fool around can be quite refreshing, you know! It’s nice not to overthink things, and in that sense, Celestia is rather helpful. She doesn’t waste energy worrying about conversation. She simply says what’s on her mind.

Frowning, Celestia, who made a silly face, began to complain.

“But still, Xeno-sama, you won’t let me take care of you! You change your clothes on your own, and even though I make tea, it tastes better when you brew it.”

Well, that can’t be helped.

Due to my previous life as a Japanese person, I feel sorry and embarrassed to have someone else change my clothes. But at the same time, I understand that I’m taking away one of her jobs, so I do feel guilty about that.

“I brew it myself when I have time. It’s not like I won’t drink tea that you make.”

“No, it’s different! As a maid, I want to make delicious tea for you!”

“Well, then, practice makes perfect.”

I’m practicing, but I just don’t seem to be improving, she complained. Ray chuckled and directed a glance at her.

I won’t tell them to get along, but their hostility is something to think about.

Certainly, I’ll change “Lestinarta” to “Lestinata” in the text:

Celestia may seem insensitive, but she’s actually quite considerate. Ray, on the other hand, has his reasons for disliking Celestia, especially given how they first met. Now, though, I need to follow Ray’s advice and stay calm.

“Both of you, tighten up. Stand up straight.”

With those words, Ray and Celestia stand behind me with neutral expressions. The relaxed atmosphere from earlier has disappeared, and we’ve taken on the roles of noble attendants.

Ahead of me is the gate of the academy, and many students are coming and going. However, our group is attracting unusual attention.

Our carriage bears the crest of the Lestinata family, a ducal house, and that alone draws attention. Various colorful gazes are directed towards us as we walk, some tinged with hostility.

The Lestinata family is known for being fierce among the nobility, so it’s no surprise that there are plenty of hostile gazes. Most of these stares are probably from the offspring of rival noble families.

Whether I’m the third son or not, I carry the weight of the Lestinata name, so being glared at is par for the course. I won’t show mercy, but I don’t want to live in constant hostility either. It would be nice if they could cut me some slack, but that’s wishful thinking.

“We’ll stay here. Good luck.”

Celestia gives me an unusually heartfelt encouragement, and Ray hands me a bell-shaped magical tool. Ringing it would transmit my location to Ray; it’s a unique device.

“All right, thanks.”

I nod in response and turn on my heel.

Our destination is the classrooms in the academy.

The large number of students means that they’ve organized us into classes, but unlike my previous life’s school, there’s no division based on abilities. The classes are entirely randomized.

While it’s touted as true equality, it’s likely influenced by some form of consideration, but I’ll have to deal with it. I can’t help but wish to be in the same class as Yuno, nothing more.

I wonder what my classmates will be like. They’re students who’ve entered early like me, so I’m curious about their abilities.

I walked to the classroom, mindful of the various stares. When I opened the door, countless gazes pierced through me. The noisy classroom fell silent the moment I entered.

Magic is tied to emotions. By examining the quality of magic, you can somewhat read the emotions of others. With a slight enhancement of my eyes, I could sense open disdain from a few, anger and pity from several, and curiosity and expectation from a few others.

In any case, it seemed like I wasn’t being welcomed. But why? I hadn’t revealed much information about myself yet. While it might be known that I’m the third son of the Lestinata family, other details about me were still unknown. So, there shouldn’t be any reason for such distrust or disdain.

Yet, here I was, clearly met with wary glares. It was evident that some information had leaked out.

Now, why could that be?

Ah, I see. It must be because of my use of the early enrollment system. It’s simple to deduce.

They passed a rigorous entrance exam at the age of 15 to be here. In contrast, I’m standing here at the age of 12 without having taken any exams. Our true abilities aren’t even known to the teachers, let alone the regular students who might not have the complete information.

In other words, they suspect or even believe that I used some sort of trick or connections to get in here.

Well, I can’t blame them. If I hadn’t met the Headmaster, I would probably be enrolling here as a regular 15-year-old, and I’d understand their anger if someone younger than me was entering without taking any exams.
And it’s not like I cared about those stares anyway. So, no problem.

I ignored the gazes and took my seat as indicated. The harsh stares continued to pierce me without end.

Well, I wonder if there are any other users of the early enrollment system here apart from me. Hasn’t anyone else been exposed yet? I’m kind of famous in a way. At least my age and name should be known among the nobility.

But rather than that…

When I enhanced my vision earlier, there was one person who clearly stood out. A girl sitting by the window.

Silver hair cascading down to her waist, with one eye as clear as the sky and the other amber, a condition commonly referred to as heterochromia.

I see, I get it now. She must be the other user of the early enrollment system. She’s clearly a cut above the rest of the people here.

I found myself curious about her. She wasn’t in the original source material, but she had an undeniable presence. The fact that she didn’t even show any interest in me made me even more intrigued by her.

I got up from my seat, once again drawing the attention of the room. Don’t be so interested in every little thing I do!

Ignoring their stares, I walked over to the girl sitting by the window. She noticed the shadow in her field of vision and slowly raised her head to look at me. Then, unexpectedly…

“No thanks for hitting on me.”

“It’s not that.”

I replied, forming an “X” with my hands, my expression still unchanged.


  1. Ahhhhh says:

    So is Ganon still a first year?

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