I Reincarnated as a Cringeworthy Villainous Noble, but Got Obsessed With Magic

Exam Passed.

Chapter 18: Exam Passed.

“So, in the end, what were the criteria for passing? Thanks to Xenon’s hint, I have a rough idea.”

“I don’t believe everything I said was correct, but it was likely an exam to measure whether you could destroy the targets with the least amount of resources. Yuno probably noticed it when he enhanced his eyes. Those targets seem to have a mechanism that hardens when a certain amount of magical energy or impact is applied. Conversely, if the power is too weak, you can’t destroy the targets. It’s all about how accurately you can adjust the power of your attacks… that seems to be the essence of the exam.”

Whether we enter the military, become knights, court mages, or adventurers, one thing is certain: we will end up in combat situations sooner or later.

For example, imagine facing a magical creature that explodes upon receiving a certain level of impact or a human carrying explosives. In any case, the ability to adjust your attack’s power is crucial.

What if your magic inadvertently harms innocent bystanders? What if you accidentally injure your allies?
I argued before that attack power doesn’t equal strength, and I believe this situation is a prime example.

Casually casting high-level spells and proclaiming, “I’m strong! I’m the best!” is just plain foolish.

Hey, Nova, I’m talking to you. I’m genuinely impressed by your skill in reducing the power of a unique spell that could obliterate a country to the point where it only scorched two people, but seriously, you’re going too far.

While rekindling my desire to teach the brat a lesson in my mind, I glanced at Zero, wondering if my deduction was correct.

She raised her index finger and added, “A little clarification. The general purpose of the exam is indeed as Xenon-sama described. However, it’s a fact that the magnitude of attack power is the most straightforward indicator.

Nevertheless, in the world, there are plenty of situations where raw power alone won’t cut it. When we adopted the early admission system this time, we obtained a commitment from the principal to ‘scout individuals with special talents.’ Therefore, all the instructors are aware that everyone possesses special talents. What we wanted to ascertain, on top of that, was something you should be able to do as a student of the Royal Academy—power adjustment.”

Zero paused for a moment and then continued with an exasperated expression.

“…Honestly, the last thing we want is to admit fools who proclaim that power is everything. They’ll die in no time.”

“That’s more like your true feelings than I expected. Well, it’s true, though.”

“Speaking of which… My mentor used to say that it’s more troublesome to deal with a magician with a strong foundation than someone who can simply cast powerful spells.”

Yuno reminisced while crossing his arms, and Zero smiled at him.

“You’re absolutely right. You had a good mentor.”

“Uh… yeah? Well, I guess so, but I don’t want to admit he was a good mentor… He was too strict…”

Both Zero and I smiled at Yuno’s face, which looked like he had just bitten into a bitter bug. It seems that, unlike the original story, his mentor was different, but in a way, it might have been the right choice.

The mentor of the original protagonist was kind-hearted and skilled in teaching, but he was excessively lenient with the protagonist, which nurtured the protagonist’s arrogance.
Well, that’s no longer relevant.

“Even if he’s strict, it’s good to have a mentor. Not to mention, your mentor has taught you magic techniques and made you this strong. If possible, I’d like to meet him too.”

“Huh? Really? Well, if you come to my village, you can meet him… but he’s retired and doesn’t want to see anyone…”

“It’s a ‘if possible’ situation.”

Yuno’s mentor, the former court magician who trained him.

It would be a lie to say that I’m not curious about him. Well, at least I wouldn’t complain.

“I see. By the way… Xenon, do you have a mentor or something?”

“Hm? No, I’m self-taught.”


“Shall I roast you with [Thunder Strike] this time?”

“N-No, that’s not it! I meant ‘ew’ in a good way, like, it’s amazing, you know? So… [Lighting]… it really hurt quite a bit, so, please forgive me… Yeah… I’m sorry.”

He stammered, initially saying “ew” as if it slipped out unintentionally. But eventually, he managed to apologize in a more ordinary manner.

It’s a playful exchange of words between us, understanding that it’s all in jest, but seriously, it’s only been a day since we met. Should I start doubting him instead?

“Just kidding. But, well, although I had a private tutor, all the magic I use now is original.”

“I’m also intrigued by Xenon-sama’s magic, but inquiring about proprietary magic is considered impolite, so I won’t say anything.”

“I see. Well, I won’t ask either. If I want to use it, I’ll just request lessons or steal it.”

“This is where you differ from Nova…”

I muttered under my breath, a mix of exasperation and amusement.
It wouldn’t hurt to ask, but I doubt it would be of any use. Even in my previous life, Japanese was considered complex and challenging, and memorizing the concepts and types of kanji required a significant amount of time and patience.

Plus, there are so many kanji I don’t remember. The range of what I could teach would be quite limited.

─While we were having that conversation, Zero suddenly seemed flustered and said, “Oh, I apologize. I have some matters to attend to, so I must take my leave. With this, the exam comes to an end. I look forward to the day we meet again at the academy. Goodbye.”

“Until our enrollment day!”

“Thank youuu!! See you later!!”
With that, Zero disappeared from the training ground.

Our enrollment day is still about two weeks away. Judging from Yuno’s minimal luggage, he doesn’t seem to be heading straight to the dormitory, so he probably plans to return home at least once.

“Alright then, let’s head back. I’ll accompany you to Tetto Village.”

“Really!? That would be a huge help!! I promise I’ll find a way to thank you, so look forward to it!”

“I’m a bit worried.”

“Why!?” Yuno asked.

Of course, I wouldn’t leave Yuno without a way to get back home at this point. It would be too heartless to say, ‘Here you are, now find your own way back,’ after all. Plus, we’ve become friends.

So, Yuno and I walked back the way we came, chatting animatedly with Yuno’s high spirits, taking our time.

Thinking about the upcoming start of school, I found myself looking forward to it in a strange way.

─Well, of course, I won’t say such things in front of Yuno.


Author Note:

Chapter 2.5? Something like that. It’s the end of this segment. From here, we’re finally diving into the school arc! I wonder how many chapters it will take to get there… but it can’t be helped. I really enjoy writing the interactions between Xenon and Yuno…

Anyway, thanks to all of you, the rankings have been going up, so if you enjoyed this and think it’s interesting, please scroll down and use the star rating, follow, or any other interactions you can provide. I’d greatly appreciate it! Reviews and feedback are also welcome~!!”


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