I Received the Beast Male Lead as a Birthday Present

IRBMLBP | Episode 11

Episode 11

While the staff prepared the items, I leisurely explored the magical goods displayed in the store. In addition to the protective magical items I had examined earlier, there were quite a few other eye-catching products on the shelves.

“They’ve been investing heavily in development lately, and the results are certainly impressive.”

As I wandered around, I picked a few more magical items that caught my eye and asked the staff to pack them for me.

After some time had passed, the staff, who had momentarily left their station, returned to my side.

“Here are the items you ordered!”

With a bright smile, the staff handed me a paper bag containing two neatly wrapped boxes.

“The one with the gold ribbon is an adjustable item. Since you mentioned it’s for a gift, we put extra care into the packaging.”

Upon hearing that, I lightly inspected the box with the gold ribbon. In the perfect packaging with not a single wrinkle, I could feel her sincerity.

“Well then, please feel free to call us if you need any assistance!”

With a brief farewell, the staff left their post. I watched her retreating figure for a moment and then turned my head.

‘Now, should I start heading home?’

Just as I was thinking that, I was about to take a step when, as if she had been waiting, a familiar voice echoed from behind.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here, Cece.”


As soon as I heard the voice, I hesitated and turned my head. There was Eren, smiling as usual.

“Why are you here?”

In response to my question, Eren casually shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, didn’t you come here to buy something like me?”

Saying so, Eren shook the box he was holding in his hand.

“The magical tool I use for making potions broke down, so I came to buy a new one.”

“Oh, I see.”

Since no suitable words came to mind, I simply nodded.

Afterward, an awkward silence hung between Eren and me.

‘…This feels uncomfortable.’

As I fiddled with the dainty ribbon, I stole a side glance at his face.

Seeing Eren, whom I hadn’t met for a week, I noticed he appeared subtly thinner than the last time I saw him.

‘Is he not eating properly?’

Out of habit, I examined his complexion and then promptly turned my head.

‘No. Whether he eats or not, what does that have to do with me?’

“You know, Cece.”

Then, breaking the silence, Eren spoke first.

“Last time, did you run out of the medicine I prescribed?”


“Oh, right. I’ve used up more than half of it.”

I recalled the nearly empty medicine bottle and furrowed my brows.

“All of it? Why?”

“My clinic is nearby, just around here. If your schedule is convenient, you can come and get it.”

Eren obligingly stepped aside and reached into his pocket with a cheerful smile.

“…Do you have to? You can just send it to the mansion.”

“It’s not a big deal either way. But since we’ve met, wouldn’t it be better to receive it in person?”

Eren casually shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s not wrong… but something feels off.”

I squinted my eyes and looked at Eren.

Meeting like this at a time when I’m running low on medicine doesn’t feel coincidental at all.

“But how does he know I’m here if it’s true? He couldn’t have been tailing me.”

With a suspicious look in my eyes, I stared at Eren.

There’s no way he had me followed, and it’s highly unlikely.

Eren responded playfully, tilting his head to one side.

“Your gaze is quite intense today, Cece.”

I couldn’t find the will to retort when he shamelessly laughed.

In the end, I let out a sigh and turned my gaze away.

“…I’ll just pick up the medicine and leave, so don’t bother with anything unnecessary.”


Eren beamed at my response to pick up the medicine. I cast a sidelong glance at him and then turned my body.

“Let’s go outside, then.”

Finally, as I passed by his side, Eren grabbed my shoulder urgently.

“Cece. Have you met someone else today besides me?”


I blinked in puzzlement.

“Why are you suddenly curious about that?”


Eren hesitated, unable to give an immediate answer. Seeing him look uncommonly flustered, I felt even more perplexed.

And it was precisely at that moment.

“Please refrain from approaching.”

Out of nowhere, Karl appeared, blocking Eren’s path with a cold expression. It seemed like he had been watching from above and came down when he sensed that something was amiss.

“It’s okay, Karl. I know this person.”

I lightly patted Karl’s shoulder and returned my gaze to Eren.

“You said the hospital is nearby, right? We need to get back home before dark, so lead the way quickly.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Finally coming to his senses, Eren nodded quietly.

He turned and headed towards the entrance.

“Follow me this way.”

I walked behind Eren as he led the way.

Then, Karl, who had realized the situation too late, quickly caught up with us.

“Why are you trying to leave without telling me?”

“Hospital. I need to pick up some medication for our dog.”

I answered calmly, facing him directly.

“Just wait outside, Karl. I won’t take long.”

“Yes? But…”

“It won’t take too long.”

I spoke firmly, and when I ended my explanation, Karl reluctantly looked at Eren and me, exchanging uncertain glances.

“If you’re not out within ten minutes, I will break in.”

He maintained a stern and warning gaze on Eren throughout his speech.

In response to Karl’s firm warning, Eren just shrugged his shoulders in silence.


With those final words, Eren quietly moved forward without looking back.

As I watched his retreating figure, which seemed to be getting farther and farther away, I slowly followed him.

Eren’s clinic was located in a quiet alley a bit away from the bustling streets.

The building had two floors, and according to Eren, the first floor served as the clinic while they mainly lived on the second floor.

“Have a seat for a moment. I’ll get your medicine soon.”


While Eren went to fetch the medicine, I sat on the couch and took a look around the house.

‘So he’s been living in a place like this.’

Eren’s home was neither overly extravagant nor shabby.

It appeared to be quite clean and furnished with mostly new furniture, giving the impression that they had recently moved in.

‘I was worried if he was eating well, but there was no need for concern.’

As I observed the interior of the house, I got lost in my thoughts for a moment.

About three years ago, while playing with Eren, I had an episode of poisoning from an unknown substance and suffered for about a week. I was so sick that I hardly remember anything from that time. Fortunately, I received treatment and regained my health. However, from that day on, Eren completely concealed his true self from me.

There were times when I personally went to find him under the guise of visiting Count Reiner, but each time, all I received was the answer that Eren was not there and couldn’t be met. It took about a month until I found out that Eren had run away.

‘I think he left after having a big fight with his brother,’ I recalled. I couldn’t ascertain the exact reason, but it seemed there had been a major conflict between them.

I was worried that he had left home without any belongings, but it turned out that my worries were unnecessary. I buried myself deeper into the couch and closed my eyes, my thoughts taking me back to the past, making my heart feel complex.

“I’m back, Cece,” Eren announced just at that moment. With a familiar voice, the living room door opened, and Eren appeared holding a handful of things in his arms.

“Hey, what’s all that?” I pointed to the items in his arms, and Eren nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

“I couldn’t find the pre-made medicine, so I decided to make some more to give you.”

His casual and almost audacious response left me momentarily speechless.

“Are you doing this on purpose?” I finally managed to ask, my voice filled with surprise.

When I asked him with a puzzled expression, Eren smiled and rolled his eyes.

“Come on, you don’t really believe that, do you?”

He casually denied my words and then placed the items he was holding on the coffee table. As I looked at various items like unidentified herbs, pestle and mortar, and empty vials, I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself.

‘This guy… he planned to act like this from the beginning.’

“Believe it or not, I’m not so sure.”

Watching him act so nonchalantly, I internally sighed.

“You’ve really become audacious since we last met.”

“Have I? I don’t really know.”

Seeing him shrug it off so casually, I inwardly smirked.

“When you were younger, you used to listen to me and were cute. How did you end up like this?”

“Even though you said I was cute when I was younger, I’m still glad to hear it.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

“Still, I’m happy.”

Genuinely appearing delighted, Eren smiled so warmly that it left me momentarily speechless.

“Fine, think whatever you want.”

I clenched my lips and averted my gaze from his. To which Eren chuckled and said, “I’ll make the medicine for you soon, so just wait a bit.”

Afterward, Eren began quietly preparing the medicine with the herbs he brought. After a while of the rustling sounds, I couldn’t bear the awkward silence and decided to speak first.


“Yeah, Cece?”

As I called his name, he responded promptly.

I gazed at him and then continued quietly.

“What’s going on in your mind, Eren?”

With an unusually serious tone, I questioned him, and Eren stopped what he was doing to fix his eyes on me.

“What do you mean?”

I asked, and Eren kept his eyes on me, his laughter gone.

“Why are you acting like nothing happened, as if nothing’s changed? Why are you behaving like this?”

In response to my question, Eren fell silent for a moment.

His face had become devoid of any smiles.

“What do you mean?”

“So, you want me to tell you how I feel? Is that it?”

“Well, I can’t read your mind, so…”

If only I could…

Eren added softly. In his cool and stern gaze, a fleeting and vanished unfamiliar emotion seemed to have passed.

“Well, what I want from you is quite simple. It’s been like this for the past three years.”

With my gaze fixed on him, I continued in a calm and steady voice.

“Tell me what happened three years ago, what happened to you.”

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