I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 9

Her breath, which she had barely managed to exhale, ceased altogether. Leticia trembled with a sensation that filled her entire body. Gradually, Arden’s body began to move rhythmically. Leticia’s body shook with the intense sensation smoothly penetrating her.


As her toes curled and her mind was struck by a strong sensation, she didn’t know what to do. It felt as though Arden was treating her with such tenderness that she felt loved.


“Ah, ah!”


However, enduring the force thrusting into her body was not easy. Eventually, even as she shed tears and begged him to stop, Arden regarded her with an affectionate gaze.


“I never knew your pleas would be so delightful.”


It sounded almost as if he wanted her to plead even more.


Seizing the opportunity as she relaxed slightly, Leticia twisted her body to try to escape. It felt like her body would break apart if she continued like this. Enduring his intense gaze was also difficult. She couldn’t understand why he looked at her like that.


Suddenly, her perspective changed. Prostrate, her upper body pressed firmly against the bed, her head turned to the side.




Before she could grasp the situation, she felt something foreign between her legs. It was only then that Leticia realized her buttocks were being lifted upward. Hastily, she tried to escape.

Arden’s large hand grasped her hips firmly. Once again, as he thrust, Leticia’s mouth fell open.


At that moment.




Once again, he pushed without giving her a chance to breathe. The peculiar sound of flesh colliding filled the room. Warmth was felt behind her, and soon she felt his arm embracing her.






“If you want it, anytime.”


With sensations deeper than before, Leticia involuntarily moaned from her lips.


“Just fulfill your duty.”




The thought crossed her mind like a lone swallow. Remembering the gaze he had directed at her from behind, Leticia felt a shiver run down her spine.


Arden was angry with me. It seemed like he wore a mask of affection, yet expressed anger towards me.


How much time had passed?


Leticia felt as though her body was breaking apart. Arden didn’t let go of her all night. Like beasts, they explored each other’s flesh, moaning.


Arden tossed and turned relentlessly through the night, so much so that Leticia might not have known when she fell asleep.


Leticia quietly surveyed the unfamiliar space.


“This is where I slept.”


Leticia’s gaze darted busily around Arden’s room, which felt devoid of warmth.


Leticia lightly brushed the bed with her hand, staring at her side.


“He must be unable to sleep, too.”


Leticia smiled bitterly as she pulled the blanket away.


The traces of the previous night lingered on her body, and his image came to mind involuntarily. His burning blue eyes, his hot body as if it would burn her, were vivid.


Arden repeatedly embraced her throughout the night, as if expelling suppressed desires. His growling voice continued to echo in her ears.


The more she tried to forget, the clearer the memories became. Leticia tried hard to shake off the emerging thoughts.


Trying to get up cautiously from the bed, she felt a sudden pain and ended up sitting back down.


“I can’t get up.”


Leticia sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly out the window. She thought it was morning, but it was already evening.


She was sure she had seen the sunrise, but…


Once again, Arden’s image came to mind. His gentle touches on her cheeks, his tender strokes on her back, still seemed to linger on her body.

Her face burned, and she hastily clasped her cheeks with her hands. Unable to cool down, she buried her face in her knees and whimpered.


“What am I thinking right now…?”


It seemed like Arden wasn’t the only one acting strangely.


Where could Mary have gone? Leticia couldn’t tell if she was waiting outside.


In the end, Leticia pulled herself together. Soon after, there was a knock at the door, and Mary spoke.


“Your Majesty, it’s Mary. May I come in?”


“Come in.”


With her permission, Mary entered the room.


“Have you gotten up?”


Leticia felt embarrassed and nodded slowly.


“You probably don’t have a fever, but…”


Mary approached with a worried expression and felt Leticia’s body.


“It’s okay. I’m just tired, that’s all.”


“I’ll prepare your meal.”


“I’d prefer to eat in my room.”


“We were planning to bring it here anyway.”




Leticia tilted her head to the side. She was referring to her own room.


To eat in Arden’s room?


She didn’t want to. So, she hesitantly shook her head and said,


“No. I’ll eat in my room.”


“Excuse me? But…”


“It’s unfamiliar and uncomfortable. His Majesty must have gone to the study around afternoon.”


“No, Your Majesty went to the study about an hour before you woke up.”


“…An hour ago?”


It was very strange. She had slept as if she had fainted in the morning, judging by the sunrise she had seen. There must have been quite a gap between when she woke up.


“Does that mean… His Majesty actually slept?”


“It seemed like I saw His Majesty’s peaceful expression for the first time.”


“…I find that hard to believe.”


Leticia murmured softly.


She had never seen him sleep once in their time together. Even if he didn’t use the bedroom, there were stories that circulated. He was always tense and cold, never letting his guard down. It was only natural for him to be sensitive, as he couldn’t sleep properly.


But a peaceful expression?


She couldn’t imagine it.

Every time, she recalled his furrowed expression, his expressionless face, unmistakably exhausted. Unlike his beautiful face, he seemed as fragile as glass, as if he would shatter at a touch.


Or perhaps he was already a sharp shard of glass, broken.


“Before we go to my room, I’d like to stop by the study for a moment.”


“I’ll help you prepare.”


Mary smiled broadly, her expression filled with anticipation. Leticia shook her head and said,


“Just keep it simple. There’s no need for dressing up.”




“It’s amusing how you get all excited for just one night. It’s been only one night in over a year. Nothing will change as always.”


“Your Majesty…”


Leticia smiled faintly, her expression indifferent. It seemed everyone would gossip about her night with Arden.


But it wouldn’t last long either. There wouldn’t be a second time.


She just wondered what expression Arden would wear. She wanted to see him in a different light.


After finishing her simple preparation, Leticia left the room with Mary.


“Your Majesty, Queen Leticia is here.”


Everyone bowed their heads towards Leticia. It was truly a funny situation.


Their attitude towards her, who was ignored after her night with him, had changed.


Leticia tried to suppress the boiling emotions inside her and clenched the hem of her dress tightly. Even as she walked with her head held high, something seemed to overflow from her chest occasionally.


“What on earth is this?”


She bit her lip and stood in front of the study.


“Announce me.”


“Your Majesty, Queen Leticia is here.”


The attendant guarding the door couldn’t hide his surprise as he announced.


“Come in.”


As Arden’s brief reply came, the door opened.


Arden, who was sitting at his desk, looked up at her.


“What’s the matter?”


His voice sounded unusually calm, making her body tremble.


“…You, you’re capable of making such an expression.”


As Leticia faced his peaceful expression for the first time, her heart ached.


Eyes with eyebrows that weren’t sharply angled but smoothly slanted.


Well-groomed golden hair fell back, highlighting his face. His blue eyes sparkled with intelligence.


Why did seeing him like that make her feel resentful?


Leticia clenched her fists. Just seeing Arden made her feel wounded, and her chest felt tight without her realizing it.


“So this is the expression you’re capable of.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Arden stopped what he was doing and frowned slightly. Then, without a word, he stared at her intently.


“Come closer and speak. Are you going to stand there and talk?”




“If you want to talk about what happened last night, feel free.”


Heat flushed Leticia’s face. He hadn’t changed after all.


“Do you have something to talk about?”


Arden’s eyebrows twitched at her words.


He stood up and stretched his long legs, standing in front of her after a few steps.


With a slight tilt of his head, accompanied by a faint smile, he leaned closer. Instinctively, Leticia leaned back, feeling as if he would touch her any moment.


His soft laughter brushed against her ear.


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