I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 8

Ardan, who had finally arrived in the room, laid her on the bed as if throwing her down. Leticia was taken aback by the sudden situation.


“Your Highness…?”


“A marital relationship. I want to fulfill my duty.”


“That’s… wicked!”


Leticia let out a faint groan as her arms were bound, feeling overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. She felt her vision waver under his gaze, one she had never seen before.


The desire flickering behind his blue eyes was unfamiliar to her.


“What need is there to uphold propriety? There’s already a wife in place.”


At his murmured words, a chill ran down her spine. Leticia looked up at Ardan, who had been placed atop her while her arms were still raised.


As she lowered her head to meet his gaze, her mouth dried up.


Bound and unable to move, they exchanged glances. The moment Ardan’s large hand began to explore her legs, Leticia squirmed and felt an odd sensation with each touch of his hand against her body. Her body involuntarily writhed as she tried to push him away.


His solid body against her knees remained unmoved. The neatly fastened buttons were now undone, revealing well-sculpted muscles underneath.


“Your… Your Highness.”


She had never desired such a thing. Leticia shook her head desperately, refusing vehemently. But Ardan didn’t stop.


As his breath brushed against her neck, her head involuntarily tilted.




A sudden rush of heat surged through her body. Along with the inexplicable sensation, she felt something hot trickle down her cheeks.


“This is what you want. Isn’t it?”


When their eyes met, Leticia let out a shallow breath. She felt shivers running down her spine as madness gleamed in his blue eyes. Ardan seemed different, as if she had touched something.


Leticia’s mind went blank. Each touch of his large, slender fingers felt scorching against her skin.


“I don’t… want this…!”


With just his touch, her whole body trembled. She was panting as if forgetting how to breathe properly. It was overwhelming to breathe against Ardan’s pressing body.


“Then push me away.”


The low tone reverberating in the room sent shivers down her spine. At his words to push him away, tears streamed down Leticia’s cheeks.


She thought she could push him away. But Leticia didn’t.


Maybe if they shared intimacy differently than before, things might change a little? That was her hope. In the past, they had never eaten together or had such conversations.


So, perhaps… things might be different from before.


Above all, she who had loved him in the past would have screamed and pushed him away at such behavior. But now, her feelings were different.


“Do as Your Highness wishes.”


She spoke in a somewhat resigned voice. Her hands relaxed in his grip. Once again, his eyes flickered.


“After spending the day, you won’t ignore me anymore. At least everyone will know that Your Highness thinks of me even a little.”


Leticia didn’t even think about wiping away the tears streaming from her eyes. Even if her eyes reddened and looked dreadful, it didn’t matter.


“Why do you speak as if nothing matters to you?”


There was a sound of teeth grinding.


“Because I don’t expect anything.”


“…Because you don’t expect anything.”


A lonely smile appeared on his lips. Leticia blinked slowly as she took in his expression.


“You’re worth expecting.”



“What’s about to happen.”


His voice was laced with anger. Overwhelmed by the suppressed growl in his voice, Leticia tightly shut her eyes.


“The reason I didn’t touch you…”




“It was because I doubted whether you could handle it.”


Her eyes fluttered open softly. With a bewildered expression, she looked up at him, not understanding what he was saying.


“It seems like it was needless worry.”


Ardan’s lips curled up slightly. He trailed his finger along her lips, whispering.


“I warned you.”




Slowly, Leticia’s gaze dropped. Her widened eyes shook as if trying to avoid reality.


“So, you’ll have to bear it.”


His hand, which had been holding hers, was withdrawn as he grabbed her hand again. Her legs spread wide under his touch. Ardan gently delved into a place she hadn’t expected him to reach.


With each movement, Leticia’s body writhed. She couldn’t breathe properly, as if forgetting how to breathe. His eyes, now resting lazily, scanned her loosened face.


Her dress had long since fallen under his touch. Without anything covering her naked body, Leticia focused her mind solely on his touch, feeling no shame.


Everything before her eyes was dizzying. Tears continued to flow. She reached out with her free hand and grabbed his back.


She felt like she had to hold onto something. Her legs trembled under the immense pressure. An inexplicable sensation engulfed her entire body.


Tears kept streaming down. She couldn’t see what expression he was wearing. She felt his large hand arranging her messy hair.


His blue eyes stared at her intensely. Ardan’s slightly parted lips were seductive. His arm, with well-defined muscles, firmly supported her face.


With each movement Ardan made, the muscles of his well-sculpted body became more pronounced.




Her tear-stained eyes met his. The gaze of both intertwined in the air. Ardan licked the tears flowing down her cheeks.


His calm expression was as expected. Leticia tried to move away, but his grip on her thighs tightened, pulling her back in.


“Ah, ah…”


“It’s just the beginning. Why cry already?”


Just the beginning?


Leticia’s head involuntarily drooped. It was overwhelming with just one touch. She didn’t have the confidence to endure this continuously. She desperately reached out to push him away.


“No, I don’t want…”


Her body felt like it would break apart, burning hotly. Shivers ran through her body from her toes. The thrill that surged from her toes seemed to swallow her up.


“It’s too late to push me away now.”


Thirst filled his blue eyes that held her entirely. Leticia swallowed her dry saliva, feeling like he would cover her lips at any moment.


‘With that kind of gaze… Why?’


He desired her. For this moment, his eyes were solely focused on her. Even if his eyes were soaked with desire, it didn’t matter. She was just glad.


Seeing him longing for her for the first time, something empty in her chest felt filled.


“It seems like you have no time to think about anything else.”


His jaw moved up and down before he opened his mouth and swallowed her lips. Unable to escape, with her waist held firmly, his large body pressed against her once again.


As the pain intensified, she scratched his back as if rebelling. But every time, Ardan just kissed her cheeks and eyes, not stopping.


It was different from what she had imagined. It wasn’t tender, and it was somewhat rough. Each exhale of his hot breath felt like she would get burned.


“Relax. Ease up.”

In the enchanting voice, Leticia felt as if it might be a dream. Perhaps it was an illusion conjured by her own desires, the fact that he couldn’t be so affectionate towards her and holding her in his arms.


Despite feeling like the pain would persist, suddenly sensations within her body began to awaken one by one. As she caressed her swollen torso and rolled her tongue round and sucked, her body jolted.




An intense sensation surged forth, causing a lascivious moan to escape her lips.


Wide-eyed and startled, Leticia opened her mouth. Once again, she was seized by the thick flesh that invaded her mouth. As if it would extract her roots, his tongue wrapped around hers, exchanging saliva forcefully.


Her body was becoming increasingly strange under his caressing touch.


“Please, stop….”


Her words barely formed properly. Gasping, her breath hitched at the end of her lips. His large hands explored her soft, pliant areas greedily.




As if holding back her breath, Leticia clenched her jaw. His tongue nibbled and devoured the sensitive spots, causing her to hastily grab his shoulders.




Something hard and firm below was quickly pressing between her legs.


  1. Euphymegumeru says:

    You want it gurl, you got it.

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