I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 7

At his words, Letitia’s face was tinged with a bitter smile.


Back then, she thought handling her own heart was easy. It was arrogant and conceited. If she hadn’t loved him, things would have been easier.


Of course, now she was sure she didn’t love him. But she didn’t want to live the same life as the man who had discarded her.


The bitter smile on Letitia’s lips deepened. There was nothing left between her and him, despite her efforts. Faith? Affection? Such things did not exist either.


“Unfortunately, I realize that now.”


“Now it seems our marriage is regrettable. I’m sorry about that. Then let me ask you too.”


Arden narrowed the distance between himself and Letitia, gently holding her chin. Because of his tall stature, she naturally looked up at him. There was a crack in Letitia’s face.


“Will you be able to love me? Love isn’t an emotion that naturally flows in one direction, you know.”


Letitia hesitated to respond to his words. But she quickly closed her mouth and lightly pushed away Arden’s hand.


“… Yes. What’s the use of loving you now? You don’t even love me.”


“Did I fail to do something for you? If you had any wishes, I would have granted them all.”


“Yes, you didn’t hold anything back from me.”


Except for one thing, his heart.


“But I don’t understand what the problem is. I didn’t entertain other people or give anyone a second glance. I thought I fulfilled the duties of a husband.”


His words were not entirely wrong. He didn’t violate any marital obligations, whether material or spiritual. But there was not a single word of affection or tenderness towards her. Perhaps it would have been easier to discuss divorce if he had flirted with other women or indulged in debauchery.


Given that it was natural for a king to have affairs outside of his marriage, she couldn’t argue about it. However, there was undoubtedly some kind of deal between her father and Arden. If not, what reason did he have for not having any feelings for me and not bringing other women by his side?


“If you have any complaints, speak up. You thought the position of queen was so easily disposable… It’s disappointing.”


Arden nervously swept his hair back.

He seemed to think that the lack of love between them was not a problem. Letitia felt that further conversation was pointless. From the start, their thoughts didn’t align.


“I would rather not bring up the matter of the queen.”




“You’ve never slept in the same bed with me even once. Do you know that?”


“If you wanted to sleep with me, you should have said so.”


At the sight of the bitter smile on his lips, Letitia felt an inexplicable unease.


“That’s not what I meant.”


“Then explain to me what you meant.”


Arden said, tucking Letitia’s hair behind her ear as it fluttered in the wind.


Letitia blinked slowly at his affectionate gesture, captivated by the blue eyes that looked at her without intending to retreat. Whenever her golden hair sparkled dazzlingly in the sunlight and swayed in the wind, her emotions wavered. With just one glance from him, with just one touch, she became defenseless.


“It’s fascinating to look into your eyes. It’s as if they paralyze reason…”


Arden trailed off, lightly brushing her cheek with his hand. Only then did Letitia, whose senses had returned, turn her head away from his touch.


“We can’t even have a serious conversation. I don’t want to continue living like this.”


“So, you’re saying you won’t seek the position of a duchess?”


“Isn’t there any progress? I’ll leave the palace with my own hands.”


She hadn’t been able to find her mother even in her previous life. So, there was even less reason for her to stay here.


“You’ll leave the palace?”


Suddenly, a chill settled in her blue eyes. He grabbed Letitia’s chin abruptly and held it firmly.




A groan involuntarily escaped Letitia’s lips. She tried to break free from his grasp, but his firm hand still held her delicate chin tightly.


“You have no conscience. You haven’t done anything, yet you’re saying you’ll leave the palace as you please.”


He furrowed his brows and met her gaze. Then he leaned in closer, tilting his head slightly.


“You’re not leaving the palace. You might put me to sleep, but you’re not going anywhere. Considering you didn’t even kick out a queen who broke her promises, you should be grateful, shouldn’t you?”


The voice murmuring in her ear sent shivers down her spine. Every time his subdued voice and breath touched her, her breath caught in her throat.


“…You know I don’t have that ability.”




Arden shrugged, then straightened his body. He then released Letitia’s chin and smiled.


“We’ll see if you have that ability or not.”

Letitia’s face cracked at his words. What could she be thinking?


“I want a divorce.”


“If you mention the word ‘divorce’ one more time…”


He stepped closer, locking eyes with her. He stared at her flushed cheeks and then firmly grabbed her shoulders.


“I won’t even allow you to entertain such thoughts.”


Letitia’s mouth went dry at his words. The fleeting emotions in his eyes left her wondering.


Anger? Resentment?


Whatever it was, she couldn’t understand. What was the point of getting a divorce? It wouldn’t cost him any more money, nor waste any more resources. Why was he getting angry? Letitia couldn’t comprehend.


“I don’t understand why Your Highness is getting angry.”


“…You don’t understand?”


“You didn’t even dislike it when I touched you, did you?”


“If that were the case, I wouldn’t have touched your hair, grabbed your chin, or even brushed your cheek.”




Come to think of it, it was strange. They had never made physical contact. There was no memory of it, no instance where their fingers touched.


Apart from that day when he had grabbed her hand and pushed her away, there was no recollection.


“Let’s pretend I didn’t hear what you said today.”


Arden turned away without any lingering sentiment.


‘Why… Why is he acting like this?’


Letitia’s mind became more complicated.


❖ ❖ ❖


Except for the scheduled lunch, they never ate together alone. It felt uncomfortable to sit facing each other without any prior arrangement.


‘Why did he suddenly suggest eating together?’


The food felt like thorns in her throat. Her mouth felt dry, like she was chewing on sand. So, Letitia put down her utensils without eating more than a few bites.


“I don’t have an appetite. I’ll stop eating.”


Letitia wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood up from her seat. Arden, upon hearing her words, set down his utensils and spoke.


“You’re going to stop eating without even finishing your meal?”


“It’s uncomfortable to eat together like this.”


“Wasn’t this what you wanted?”


Arden’s relentless voice made Letitia’s lips tremble.


“I never wanted this.”


He grabbed her chin and stared at her intently.


“Yes, you did.”


“…I might have wanted it before, but not anymore. That’s why I asked for a divorce.”


“I would have said it.”


He stood up, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and placed it on the table. Then, he walked closer to her.


“Don’t mention that word.”


Arden grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up. Letitia winced at the sharp pain she felt in her body and said with narrowed eyes.


“It hurts… Let go.”


She didn’t understand his behavior. Why wouldn’t he grant her a divorce? Why was he getting angry?


Even the fact that he had returned from the dead, which she had thought impossible, was beyond her comprehension. Living the same life again was even more absurd.


Letitia couldn’t forget that day. She would probably never forget it.


How could she forget the day she was abandoned by him?


So, this method seemed to be the best for both of them now. It was also a way to prevent future events.


“I’m starting to wonder. What could be the reason you want a divorce?”


“…Do you need a reason? If so, I can provide a few.”


It would be faster to talk about what exists between them. Was there love? Not really. Affection? That wasn’t it either.


Letitia didn’t express love to him as before. There was no need, and she didn’t want to.


“A few?”


Letitia felt his grip tighten on her arm.


“Did I mention something about getting involved in politics?”


Arden muttered, causing Letitia to laugh incredulously.


“…Don’t you not even think of embracing me? I have duties too. If you’re not even going to do that, it’s natural for others to ignore me, just like you do.”




Arden’s face twisted fiercely. He seemed to still be angry, though she didn’t know why.


Letitia spoke without changing her expression.


“The queen who was rejected by the king on the wedding night. Can anyone not know about that? I don’t understand why Your Highness is angry. If anyone should be angry, it’s me.”


Of course, he would have brought someone to put him to sleep, so he would probably be dissatisfied with me. So, divorce was the best option for both of us.


“The duties of a married couple… I didn’t think you would attach so much importance to that.”


“… ”

He didn’t consider it important.


Letitia still had feelings for him. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, she felt a pang in her chest every time she saw his face.


Hatred, and resentment.


And hidden within them, affection remained.


That’s why she tried to run away. To survive, and to avoid repeating her past life.


“If that’s the reason, it’s easy.”


Arden smirked.


His smile didn’t sit well with her. Was he finding her words amusing? Shadows fell over Letitia’s face.


Suddenly, he lifted her lightly into his arms. Letitia’s eyes widened at his abrupt action.


“What, what are you doing?!”


“Well, I think I’ve already said. If you mention that word again, I’ll make sure you don’t even think about it.”


At his words, Letitia’s face went pale. Despite her struggles to break free from his embrace, it was futile.


Arden held her tightly as he walked out of the dining room and headed towards their room.



  1. lemmeread says:

    Whatever redemption arch there might be for this man, (i can imagine from the short character background), I still fully support the divorce route

  2. Eternity4Ever says:

    opp, the last line

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