I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 52

The tea party held at the court carried a lot of significance.

It became a source of pride for those invited, subtly showcasing their relationship with the royal family.

Especially after a royal ball or tea party, many stories would often appear in the newspapers, influencing the social scene.

The power of a single invitation was that great.

“The Queen, there seems to be much talk about the tea party.”

“Well, we have garnered attention, so that’s good.”

“But why did you invite others as well?”

“Isn’t that obvious? If only those seeking forgiveness came, there would be less embarrassment.”

At Leticia’s words, Ruenna widened her eyes as if she had realized something.

Even those who didn’t fully understand the situation, and those who had grasped why the Queen held the tea party, would have their thoughts greatly changed by today.

The tea party was grander than usual, and the maids were bustling around.

As Ruenna combed Leticia’s hair, carefully deciding on the right hair accessory, she asked for her opinion.

The hairpin adorned with a beautiful blue sapphire was lovely, but Leticia was hesitant.

‘It’s the same color as Arden’s eyes.’

Though he wouldn’t attend the tea party, those who saw the hair accessory would naturally be reminded of Arden.

It was also a way to subtly reveal the close relationship between the two. Wearing an ornament resembling the eye color of the one in your heart was romantic and would make many hearts flutter.

“Yes, that one would be good.”

Ruenna likely suggested it knowing that. The atmosphere changed as Leticia donned a dress different from her usual attire.

The airy satin fabric and the layered, billowing skirt made it seem as if flower petals were being swept up by the wind with every step.

Her dress, with a soft blue hue, resembled a sky filled with clouds, while her golden eyes radiated the warmth of a burning sun. Her elegantly pinned-up hair revealed a slender neckline. A diamond-studded silver necklace sparkled around her neck, casting beautiful colors with every movement, though none as stunning as Leticia herself.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled.

Yes, this level of smile was just right—not too cold, but not too easy either.

As she walked toward the courtyard where the tea party was held, she could see the ladies waiting for her. Their expressions were varied; some were excited, while others anxiously bit their nails.

Leticia was already amused by the stark contrast in their faces. It felt like a small event in her otherwise dull daily life.

“The Queen arrives.”

At the words of the attendant, all heads turned toward Leticia. She quietly observed the ladies bowing their heads and paying their respects.

As the flowers and ornaments on her head swayed, it looked as if the flowers were dancing in the wind.

Unfortunately, no butterflies flew toward them.

“Thank you all for accepting the invitation. Please enjoy yourselves. I believe today’s tea party will be quite delightful.”

At her words, the expressions of the ladies subtly shifted.

The wind carried the scent of flowers. As Leticia nodded, the music that had stopped resumed. The sky, as if aiding her, was clear without a single cloud.

Simultaneously, people began to gather around her. Those who introduced their family names and titles tried to win Leticia’s favor with flattery.

“Your Majesty, the Queen, you are as beautiful as ever today.”

There were several tea tables, but they hovered around only one. The queen, the host of the tea party and the one known to be loved by the king. Her transformed presence made them desperate to establish a connection with her by any means.

As Leticia sipped her tea and listened to the chatter of those around her, she set down her teacup with a clink.

“There must be a reason you are here today, is there not? Lady Isabella?”

At the sudden mention of her name, Isabella flinched. She had already been unable to relax, glancing nervously at Leticia, and now her face turned pale.

All eyes briefly turned to Isabella, while some others began to look slightly anxious. These were likely the people who had come today to seek Leticia’s forgiveness. Leticia smiled faintly and tilted her head.

“If one has made a mistake, they should seek forgiveness in person. That’s basic courtesy, isn’t it? How is it that educated people choose such an easy way out? If that’s the case, I too will have no choice but to take an easy way out, won’t I? For example… perhaps no longer seeing you at the royal balls. It would be uncomfortable for us both, after all.”

“No, Your Majesty! I was merely waiting for the right opportunity, worried I might ruin the joyful atmosphere.”

“Ruin the atmosphere? I imagine it would only make the gathering here more enjoyable. The stage is set, so you may proceed now.”

With a beautiful smile on her face, Leticia glanced at Isabella. The way she elegantly lifted her teacup to her lips was unmatched, but her words were cruel.

There was nothing more humiliating than confessing one’s mistakes and begging for forgiveness in front of a crowd.

“Lady Isabella. How long do I need to wait? I’m curious to see who will be brave.”

She ran her fingers along the smooth surface of her teacup, glancing at the increasingly nervous faces. Her sweet voice, as if offering mercy, only made their anxiety grow.

“Y-Your Majesty, the Queen. I am Roanne from the Celebrite family. During the last gathering, I spoke ungracefully about Your Majesty. Since then, I have been unable to sleep, searching for a way to ask for your forgiveness. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity you have graciously given me. I sincerely apologize for the hurt caused by my thoughtless words. I promise never to speak carelessly again. If you could find it in your heart to forgive me just once, I swear on the name of the Celebrite family to devote my loyalty to you.”

Without taking a proper breath, she recited her wrongdoings. Leticia, watching Roanne bow her head low, rested her chin on her hand and spoke in a pitying tone.

“Lady Roanne, when someone is apologizing, their gaze shouldn’t be higher than mine… Are you still seeing me as beneath you? Is that the case?”

A look of defeat spread across Roanne’s face. Without hesitation, she immediately knelt. Only then did Leticia lower her gaze. Unbothered by the fact that her dress might get dirty, Roanne pleaded pitifully for mercy once more.

“Please, grant me your generous forgiveness!”

Leticia leaned forward and gently lifted Roanne by her shoulders.

“I’m not so unkind as to ignore someone who sincerely regrets their mistake. You may rise now, Lady Roanne.”

“Th-thank you!”

Roanne pressed her hands against her reddened eyes, trying to hold back tears. They weren’t tears of relief but of shame and frustration. Yet, Leticia forgave her as if unaware.

Following Roanne’s lead, those who had been barred from attending the royal ball by Arden one by one approached Leticia, knelt, and begged for her forgiveness. It was quite a spectacle, wasn’t it? The onlookers had mixed emotions swirling in their eyes.

The queen, once weak and reluctant to step forward, had changed. Gone was the woman who used to turn a blind eye to unjust attitudes and murmurs. What was clear was that even the king’s stance had shifted.

The tea party quickly became a place of repentance for many. Leticia felt satisfied with how things had turned out. She was in a good mood, knowing she wouldn’t be bothered for a while. With a clearer mind, she decided to wrap up the tea party.

She had achieved what she wanted, and she sensed that the way people looked at her had changed. One tea party had gained her much.

With her closing remarks, the tea party came to an end. Leticia, feeling the onset of fatigue, stood from her chair and turned to leave for her room. The smile on her face darkened as a shadow fell over her.

“I seem to have arrived too late.”

In his hand, he held a bouquet of flowers. His unexpected appearance caused Leticia’s eyes to blink in surprise.

“…Your Majesty, men weren’t invited to this event.”

“I was worried.”

She let out a short sigh. Perhaps she was concerned about the late cleanup due to the involvement of families connected to the royal court.

“I didn’t treat them harshly.”

His gaze shifted to Leticia’s behind. There were several dresses stained with dirt and in disarray. He looked as if he understood the situation and shrugged his shoulders.

“I was worried about you.”

He seemed indifferent to the disheveled attire of others.

“I also need to make amends.”


“Yes, it is partly my fault that you had to hear such things.”

Leticia frowned at his words but soon adopted an expression of understanding, realizing why he was behaving this way. He needed to appear as a harmonious couple with her in front of others.

“I will forgive you.”

Her voice was dry and devoid of emotion. Arden’s gaze wavered under the cold, golden eyes.


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