I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 37:

Leticia tightly held the flowers and looked up at him.


“Why… at this hour…?”


“I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a walk, and I didn’t expect to run into you, Your Majesty. Your eyes, illuminated by the moonlight, are still as beautiful as ever. More desirable than any jewel.”


Her whole being rejected him. Her instincts still screamed at her. She needed to get out of here right away, to flee to safety, to avoid him.


But her feet were as if bound. They wouldn’t budge. The moment she met his gaze, her whole body stiffened, refusing to move as she wished.


The surroundings seemed to darken rapidly, and she felt her field of vision narrowing. Cold sweat ran down her spine, making her shiver.


“I need to escape. I need to move, quickly, I have to move.”


Leticia desperately tried to move her body, but it was futile. As Cadius took a step closer to her, she looked at him with a blank expression, as if in a panic.


“What are you doing right now? Don’t come any closer to the queen!” Luena exclaimed bravely. This caught Cadius’s gaze, and he looked at her with a troubled expression, then shrugged his shoulders.


“There’s no need to be wary. I’m just escorting her to the entrance because it’s dangerous at night. I’m concerned she might trip over a rock and hurt herself.”


“I’ll manage on my own, so you don’t have to worry.”


Leticia finally regained her composure and gestured towards Luena. As she attempted to pass Cadius and return to the palace, she felt a gaze piercing through the darkness.

In the moonlight, she hesitated and stepped back. Her face contorted as she quickly turned to look at Cadius.


Suddenly, a blue glint shimmered in the darkness. He spoke with a growling voice.


“What were you two doing here at this late hour?”


Arden chose his words carefully. The situation made him feel disgusted the more he dwelled on it. Uncontrollable emotions threatened to cloud his judgment.


It must be another misunderstanding. All of this is just a coincidence.


He suppressed his boiling anger. This situation would likely lead to another misunderstanding. The fact that she was dressed so casually, almost like she was in nightwear, caught his attention. Fortunately, her silhouette was obscured by a thick shawl in the moonlight.


Either she hadn’t properly changed her clothes, or she was in a hurry.


Either way, it bothered him. Eventually, words slipped from his lips that contradicted his thoughts.


“Are we going to chalk this up to another chance encounter?”

Go ahead, say something.


Arden stared at the two of them, not bothering to hide his discomfort. A smirk played on his lips as he spoke.


“I wouldn’t mind grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards me, creating some distance between her and the emperor. It was tempting to reach out impulsively, but I resisted. I didn’t want to stoop that low.”


“We just ran into each other on the way back to the palace from a stroll, nothing more. There was no misunderstanding.”

“It seems you truly enjoy this garden.”


Or perhaps it’s a good place to hide something.


Her golden eyes bore into me, making me feel uneasy. Even in this situation, she radiated light. How could she shine even with empty eyes?


Arden sighed, rubbing his neck with his hand.


“Being alone with a man in a place like this late at night could cause rumors. Or am I just being overly cautious?”


“It might be best to watch your words.”


She trembled with shame, but she didn’t back down.


What makes her so confident, so dignified? Is it so difficult to refrain from actions that could lead to misunderstandings?


Arden couldn’t understand. How much more should he endure?


His head went from hot to cold, leaving him feeling numb.


“If that’s what the queen wants, then so be it.”


“…Thank you for trusting me.”


“But I hope such misunderstandings won’t happen again.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Leticia lowered her eyes and bowed her head. Her hands clenched the hem of her dress so tightly they turned pale. Why are you getting angry when you should be the one to blame?


He couldn’t understand.


Clamping down on the urge to bombard her with questions, he nodded towards her.


“Come here.”


With just one word, she obediently approached. It was only when the distance between her and the emperor widened that he finally felt relieved.


Why am I so uneasy about this?


Reaching out, he took Leticia’s hand, which was clutching the hem of her dress. Slipping his fingers between hers, effectively trapping her, he stared intently at the emperor.


“It seems the emperor has just arrived, so please continue on your way. The gardens are quite lovely.”


“Hmm, I was just thinking about how many beautiful things there are in the palace.”


Cardius said with a smirk, his gaze still fixed on Leticia.


Unable to bear it any longer, Arden pulled her hand and turned towards the palace.


He didn’t want her in his sight. Especially not her crimson eyes.

Leticia’s wrist felt stiff in his grasp.


He thought they had safely passed through, but when he glanced at her, it seemed otherwise. The anger seemed to have subsided, replaced by a calmness in her blue eyes. His gaze was drawn to her golden hair shining alone in the moonlight.


Why was he so angry?


“Your Highness.”


She called out to him cautiously, perhaps hoping to slow his pace. But his strides remained long, and she hurried to keep up with her long legs.


She struggled to hold onto her dress with one hand, trying not to stumble.


Why are we walking so quickly?


Leticia gnawed at her lip, holding back her anger, but she felt like a bomb ready to explode at the slightest touch. His well-groomed hair gradually became disheveled with each quick step.


Whenever this happened, her senses became so acute that it felt like she was on the verge of hysteria. Why did she always end up being hurt by him without any mercy?


“Just a little slower… Let’s walk slower,” she pleaded. Her breath grew increasingly labored. If she continued to follow him like this, she was sure to trip and fall. She reached her limit and could no longer stretch her legs. As her breath caught in her throat, her mouth felt parched, and the pain in her throat was unbearable.


Her slow steps gradually came to a halt.


Was it because he granted her request? That wasn’t it.


Standing in front of the bedroom, Arden exhaled deeply, tilting his head back. A faint smile, accompanied by his warm breath, brushed past her lips.




His voice calling her name made her body tremble. She looked up at him, and his gaze, tinged with melancholy, pierced through her. It wasn’t the usual way he looked at her. It seemed deeper, thirstier, like a wave ready to sweep away everything in its path. Gripping her hand tightly, he called her name again.




His gaze lingered on her eyes, then moved down to her lips. He seemed to be waiting for her response, his eyes fixed on her with an intense gaze.


“Y-Yes, Your Highness.”


As she barely managed to utter a response, a suffocating feeling of oppression gripped her chest. Would it be easier if she just suffocated and died like this? Even though he was only holding her hand tightly, it felt like her whole body was being engulfed.


His gaze stuck to her like tightly bound ropes, refusing to let go. It felt like a blue wave was about to engulf her. But she stood her ground, hoping that the wave would calm down if she didn’t try to escape.


As the door opened and he pulled her inside, she was enveloped in his arms like being sucked in. The door closed behind her, and she couldn’t breathe under the gaze of his deep blue eyes. It felt like sinking deeper into the depths of water, so she hastily pushed against his chest. Desperate for air, she couldn’t breathe properly.


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