I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 35

He had been taking medicine every day. Because he didn’t want a child, he had asked the attending physician for a prescription to prevent it. The effectiveness of the medicine had been verified.


Arden lowered his gaze from Leticia’s pale face to his hand, which was as cold as ice. The unnaturally white hand drew his attention.


Since when had she become so fragile?


The Leticia he remembered was different from now. She used to be lively, always with hopeful eyes. Her sparkling golden eyes were captivating, and her contrasting black hair was full of vitality. Whenever she took a step forward, her flowing hair resembled the shimmering night sky.


But now, like a lifeless doll, she seemed devoid of any emotion or anticipation.


“If the attending physician is mistaken about something, let me make it clear: there can be no child between us.”




“It’s impossible. So if there’s anything else wrong with her body, you should inform me immediately.”


“…Impossible. I don’t understand what you mean.”


Berotin was dumbfounded. Then whose child was in the queen’s womb? Could that be why the queen prevented him from telling the king? Oh no, this was unnecessary trouble.


A sense of disaster engulfed his face. Cold sweat trickled down his back, dampening his shirt.


“You seem to be keeping one secret well. It’s about the medicine you take to avoid having a child. It assures that it won’t happen.”




“Why the surprised expression? Is there a problem?”


“Is there absolutely no chance?”


“Chance? It’s a prescription from your mentor, Verakaon. I don’t see any reason to doubt it.”


Verakaon had been the royal physician for generations. He was renowned for his skill and was famous for prescribing remedies suitable for the human body. So much so that it was said that if you visited him, you’d be better in two days.

Berotin tightly shut his mouth at the mention of Verakaon’s prescription. ‘There’s no way Master could have prescribed the wrong medicine. So if…’ It seemed he had accidentally stumbled upon something he shouldn’t know.


Berotin glanced at the queen lying on the bed. It was frustrating to harbor a secret that must never be revealed.


“You don’t look well. If there’s a problem, speak up.”


“No, no problem.”


He lied to keep himself alive.


If he revealed the queen’s pregnancy here, it would cause chaos. Another storm might brew in the palace.


Swallowing dryly, Berotin wanted nothing more than to leave this place immediately. If he stayed any longer, he felt he might blurt out inadvertently.


“Your Majesty, may I then take my leave to prepare the medicine?”


“Please do.”


Berotin’s actions seemed somewhat awkward.


Arden’s blue eyes narrowed as he pierced him with a sharp gaze. Only the ticking of the clock could be heard in the bedroom.


Damn it, I feel like I’m suffocating!


Berotin silently groaned, trying to read Arden’s mood. Unable to endure the silent tension any longer, he quickly rose from his seat.


Arden tilted his head at Berotin’s hurried departure. Why was he behaving so suspiciously?


Rubbing his neck with his hand, he stared at the spot where Berotin had disappeared to.


❖ ❖ ❖

Raymond cautiously observed Arden’s reaction. Lately, the days seemed endless with ceaseless work. He had felt relieved for a while, thinking that the two of them were getting along well, but recently, it didn’t seem to be the case. Raymond paid even more attention than usual to catch subtle changes in their dynamics, and naturally, he started feeling more fatigued.


He really didn’t feel like working these days. He reported the situation with a slightly tired voice, “The Emperor escorted the guests to the guest chambers. Duke Castaine and the High Priest had a drink together before parting ways. The imperial envoy is expected to arrive within two days.”


“It seems they’re eager to visit.”


“What can we do? We can’t just send them away, unless we want to start a war. But I’m against it.”


Surely, only a madman would refuse, right? …Seems like that’s the case.


The king belonged to the category of unpredictable people that Raymond knew. Raymond sighed heavily and rubbed his hands vigorously. From Arden’s gaze, he felt an urge to immediately escort him out.


“You know it’s not possible, don’t you?”


“Queen Leticia isn’t feeling well.”


“Then wouldn’t it be better for the queen to rest? It’s not absolutely necessary for her to attend the banquet. If she’s concerned about others’ gazes, it might be okay to send her to the health resort palace.”


Raymond quickly suggested another alternative. If the meeting between the queen and the emperor was bothersome, separating them might be the solution. There seemed to be no other option.


“…Health resort palace?”


Arden hesitated for a moment. The health resort palace was located quite far from the capital. Although the physician had recommended her to rest for a while, it was dangerous to separate her from him. Leticia might try to escape at any moment.




Raymond broke out in cold sweat at Arden’s firm tone. But who was he? Wasn’t he Arden’s advisor who had spent quite a long time by his side?


Without panicking, Raymond immediately proposed another idea. “Then, how about staying at the nearby Casantar Palace?”


The Casantar Palace was located behind the main palace, about a two-hour carriage ride away. It had well-maintained gardens, ideal for walks, and was secluded enough for relaxation.

At this point, Arden would surely accept.


“There are ways to ensure she doesn’t leave the palace.”


However, Arden wasn’t amused.


Could the king really have lost his mind? Raymond doubted it. Judging by his expression, it didn’t seem like a joke.


That fact sent shivers down Raymond’s spine. If that was the case, then executing the plan would indeed be possible.


“Your Majesty, that’s basically confinement.”


“Confinement? People might misunderstand if they hear that. She needs to be by my side so that we can respond immediately if something happens.”


No matter how Raymond thought about it, it was still confinement. In fact, they could respond promptly even if she stayed at the Casantar Palace. Raymond seemed to be overly sensitive due to recent events. It was clear that the king harbored feelings for the queen, so why was he the only one unaware of it? Raymond tried to shock the king into realization, but he remained steadfast. Stubbornness in unnecessary matters…


Raymond nodded subtly without Arden noticing. He was quick to give up on impossible tasks. He had to deal with urgent matters first.


“Oh, there’s another strange matter. The disappearances of elves continue, and during the investigation, we found an item that seems to be related to the empire.”


“Related to the empire…”


Arden’s voice lowered a tone. He had already found the emperor’s attitude irritating. He must surely know about the stories surrounding Leticia’s birth. Since becoming queen, there had been many speculations about her. An elf with the power to control dreams and sleep, and Leticia, born between humans and elves. Her existence would surely arouse curiosity in many. With her beautiful appearance and captivating golden eyes, it was hard not to think about her. Cardius Velop, his approach to the queen was undoubtedly to obtain her.


“Keep a close eye on the emperor. It seems he has ulterior motives.”


“Understood. Also, High Priest Yeha has requested a separate audience. Would it be acceptable to arrange a meeting for tomorrow?”


“It seems he finally wants to have a proper conversation.”


Arden chuckled, remembering the altered relationship with the emperor.

The two of them seemed unprepared for each other’s arrival here. Normally, they wouldn’t have cared, but this time it was different. If the Emperor coveted her, she would willingly comply. No one could take her away from me. Even if it were the Emperor of the Empire.



Leticia quietly opened her eyes. A bitter smile escaped her lips. What were those stories she just heard?


“I can’t have a child…?”


She gently touched her belly and tilted her head with a bitter smile. Whose child could be inside of me?


She had never been in another man’s arms besides Arden’s. Her golden eyes lost their vitality and became dull. There was no hope here.


Her delicate hand grasped the white blanket. The wrinkled cloth trembled in her pitiful hand. What reaction would he show if she told him that she was pregnant? Would he question who the father of the child was? Or would he… Would he ask for a divorce?


Leticia’s head drooped down.


He was taking medicine without consulting her. How much did Arden disrespect her? Laughter kept bubbling up. There was nothing she could do except laugh. Tears no longer came out dry.


Leticia struggled to sit up in bed to ask him directly.


“What will you say?”


I wish he would just kick me out.


I wouldn’t mind if he blamed Arden for having another man’s child. I wouldn’t mind if he called me impure and dragged my honor through the mud. It wasn’t even a day or two. I never had any expectations to begin with. Anyway, he wouldn’t think of it as his child, so there was no need to disclose the child’s existence.


It was her child, not his.



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