I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 31

Will there be another uncomfortable situation like this?

After finishing her early morning preparations, Leticia headed to the foyer.

Yesterday, she saw Lord Rohan smiling and nodding towards her.
Seeing his green eyes, she felt strangely unsettled.

Someone who knows everything about me.

Leticia’s heart fluttered slightly. He seemed to even know about her mother’s whereabouts.
Would Father know too?

But there was a familiar man next to Lord Rohan.

Leticia doubted her eyes.

Why would Father be in the reception hall so early?

She hadn’t heard any news. The reason Arden hadn’t told me either was simple.

“You’re going to ask about Karen.”

She felt her breath catch and her vision darken.

Even though Father wouldn’t speak about Karen, the mere thought could lead to accusations of treason.

In fact, it was practically treasonous, but Father’s actions were simply to save me.
“Are you going to keep standing there?”

At Arden’s words, Leticia sat down in her seat.

She knew Arden was interested in her, but she hadn’t expected it to be this much.

Why isn’t it satisfying when I’ve longed for this attention?

Leticia forced her emotions down and turned her gaze to the teacup in front of her.

As the fragrance of flowers mingled with steam tickled her nose, she cautiously lifted the cup. After taking a sip, her strangely tangled thoughts cleared.


But she instantly gagged, covering her mouth with her hand.

All eyes turned to her.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

Arden’s brow furrowed involuntarily. He asked her with a worried voice.

His awkward concern, even at a slight sound, was uncomfortable, but Leticia lightly smiled and nodded.

“It’s okay. It’s just indigestion, so don’t worry.”

“It doesn’t seem like just that.”

“I’ve got some medicine from the doctor. I’ll be fine after taking it later.”

Arden’s gaze shifted away from her calm voice.

Regardless, there was an anxiety in her father’s face as he looked at her. Perhaps he was suspecting her health condition.

Leticia slowly lowered her head. She was signaling that she was okay, but he still couldn’t take his eyes off her.

When the gazes of the two continued to clash, Arden spoke up.

“I sent a letter to Arserion this morning, and the reply came quickly. Almost as if they were waiting.”

“Arserion uses magic, so their correspondence is faster than others.”

Rohan replied with a faint smile. Arden pursed his lips, staring intently at Lord Rohan.

His blue eyes seemed to anticipate something. Lord Rohan smiled straight-backed and replied.

“It’s probably just that it’s too late, isn’t it?”

“I can’t understand why the Papal States, which have frequent exchanges with the Empire, are showing interest in the kingdom. It’s strange timing, even stranger than it seems.”

Arden chuckled lightly as he tapped the cup.

Rohan showed no signs of agitation.

From start to finish, he smiled cheerfully and answered Arden’s questions. He maintained a consistent attitude without showing any enmity or favoritism.

“If the relationship with the Emperor deteriorates, will you believe it?”
Arden’s brow furrowed at Rohan’s words.

“So, are you willing to improve relations with the kingdom? Using the queen?”

“I have no choice. But if the relationship between the Papal States and the kingdom changes, which side would benefit?”

Arden smiled with his chin relaxed at Rohan’s leisurely attitude.

“Bribent Kingdom would be threatened because of that. Benefit… Does the Emperor of the Empire know about this?”

Arden’s expression became amused.

Leticia cleared her throat as she listened to their conversation. Her mouth was dry, and she swallowed with difficulty, moistening it with tea.

“Fortunately, suspicions about the chancellor seem to have somewhat disappeared. But the problem lies with Father…”

Why did he seat the two of them together without calling them separately?

Leticia organized her thoughts while holding the teacup.

The warmth transmitted calmed her mind. There was no need to be anxious or reveal her emotions.

Instead, such behavior might seem strange to him.
She glanced at Arden.

As her fingertips traced the rim of the cup, they rose to meet his deep blue eyes, reminiscent of the deep sea.

Leticia’s eyelashes trembled at the smile on Arden’s lips.

She wanted to avoid his gaze, but she couldn’t turn away. It was as if he was stubbornly insisting on uncovering what she was hiding.

Despite his persistent and scrutinizing gaze, she silently held his gaze.

“Your Highness. What is the reason for summoning me to the seat of the chancellor of Arserion?”
As the conversation between the two seemed to be wrapping up, the Duke of Castane asked Arden about the purpose.

“Ah, about that.”

Leticia swallowed dryly, lowering her gaze.

The moment she asked Father about him, she would become a woman who had relations with another man. Or worse, he might think it’s linked to the Empire and accuse her of treason.

“I wanted to ask about Karen, the man.”

“…Karen, you say?” Father asked Arden with a puzzled expression.

Leticia’s eyes widened slightly at the natural acting of the Duke. But soon she regained her composure and leaned in, caressing the base of the teacup with her hand, listening intently.

“I don’t know much either. He was someone I met by chance during a trade. He’s friendly and we’ve met occasionally. When Your Majesty visited our house a few times, we ran into each other. Perhaps that’s how we became acquainted.”

“Is that all?”

“There was nothing that Your Majesty would misunderstand. But a few days ago, when you visited the palace and we didn’t get to talk, the Duke visited our mansion. At that time, Karen also happened to visit the mansion. Perhaps it was just to exchange greetings.”

Arden tapped the table with the corner of his lips raised. Leticia scrutinized his expression and alternately glanced at the two.

She couldn’t intervene. It would only agitate Arden further.

All she could do was to clench her teeth in disgrace with a shameful expression.

“Then there’s no connection between that person and the Duke.”

“That’s correct. What thoughts would I have, leaving my daughter behind? If it worries Your Majesty, I won’t trade with him in the future.”

“Well, trading with him is irrelevant.”

Leticia glanced at Arden softly. He seemed to be hiding something, but she couldn’t tell what.

“What could he be hiding?”

Suddenly, with a “thud” in her ears, she blinked. When she turned her gaze, Lord Rohan smiled with his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted.

“It’s okay.”

At his assurance that nothing was wrong, she relaxed her grip on the cup she was holding.

“Raymond, come here.”

With Arden’s deep voice, Raymond cautiously handed over a document.

It was a directory with the kingdom’s seal. It recorded nobles as well as the middle class with titles.

Leticia’s eyes widened. Did he go through the directory? She realized then what he had been doing all night without sleeping.

With a wry smile, Arden looked at the Duke.

“It seems like the Duke has been fooled.”

“…What do you mean?”

“The man.”

Arden’s chin jerked towards the Duke.

“He’s not from the Brirent Kingdom. What do you think, Duke?”

“That’s absurd. He clearly had documents from the kingdom. I saw the papers he showed me during the trade.”

He had the documents?

Leticia was once again surprised by her father’s words. He was undoubtedly from the Empire, so how did he have documents from the kingdom?

Each country had identity documents for verification. It was a policy created for each family, class, and as a precaution for unforeseen circumstances.

Father placed the prepared documents on the table.

“Please check. If he’s not from the Empire… isn’t this a serious matter?”

Even with the perfect acting, he seemed unjust enough to make her fall for it.

His eyes, which had seemed anxious, were nowhere to be found, replaced by confident, sharp eyes.

Arden, with a blank expression, opened the envelope handed over by the Duke. Eventually, his face twisted.


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