I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 28

After some time had passed, Leticia cautiously got up from the bed. Arden, who had fallen asleep with a gentle breathing, was visible. She approached the door without making any noise, not even wearing shoes.

Despite the faint creaking, her heart raced fiercely. Leticia turned her head to look at Arden, who was deeply asleep. “Luckily, he’s sleeping deeply,” she breathed out in relief, then slipped her body into the slightly open gap.


Extending her neck to look outside, she saw no sign of the maids. Without hesitation, Leticia swiftly left the bedroom. Draped in her cloak, she carefully descended the stairs, sticking to the wall of the corridor.


With each step, her heart pounded harder. Apart from her breathing growing heavier, her strides became broader as she reached each floor.


Gasping, she continued towards the entrance without stopping. Finally, she arrived at the door, her chest swelling with anticipation.


Leticia reached the entrance without encountering any knights. However, when she arrived at the door, a strange thought occurred to her.


“I haven’t seen a single knight.”

She turned her head to look behind her. But there was no one following me, and no gatekeeper guarding the entrance.


“Could it be that a spirit helped me?” Earlier, when they said they would help, they actually seemed to open the way for me to escape. But I couldn’t shake off the strange feeling, and I found myself constantly looking back.


She reached out her hand to push the door and repeated the action of pulling back. Despite the strange unease enveloping her body, she couldn’t easily open the door and blinked blankly.


A strange smell of kimchi lingered around her. “It’s okay, it will be okay. So open the door and run away.” Letitia reassured herself while holding onto the door handle.


If she just opened this door and went out, she could escape from him. Wiping the sweat that had built up on her hands onto her clothes, she cautiously pushed the door.


With a sudden gust of wind, she felt a sense of liberation. Along with the relief of finally breaking free, her eyes reddened, and tears seemed ready to flow at any moment.

❖ ❖ ❖


Arden opened his eyes and gazed at the ceiling. How dreadful it felt, like an ominous woman. He sat up, running his hand over his dry face as he sighed.


“Of all dreams to have, it had to be that one. I have no taste for such unpleasant hobbies.” Memories of his brother’s smile and the peaceful kingdom he once saw lingered in his mind.


“She’s finally gone.” His blue eyes shimmered with a certain intensity.


Before the warmth beside him dissipated, he reached out to straighten the blanket. Slowly rising from bed, he ran his hand through his hair and approached the window.


With his touch, the window swung open wide. He lowered his gaze and spotted Letitia standing blankly, staring ahead as if lost in thought.


Once free, she seemed dazed, remaining in place for a while, seemingly stunned.


He scrutinized her closely, observing her without any interference from others, having the time to focus solely on her.


But even that time wasn’t granted to him, as the door opened, and Raymond and the knights entered. His contemplation was abruptly interrupted by these intruders.


“Your Majesty, Her Majesty the Queen has fled the palace.”


“I see.”

Arden couldn’t take his eyes off Letitia. Even in the darkness, she seemed strangely luminous. Her midnight-black hair swayed with each step she took, resembling the night sky.


Carefully treading, she eventually broke into a swift run towards the forest.


“Turn back,” he silently pleaded. Hoping to catch a glimpse of her glimmering golden eyes, just once, to hesitate.


But Letitia, like someone without regrets, never once looked back, only focused on what lay ahead as she ran.


Arden’s blue eyes sank heavily.


By the time Letitia’s figure disappeared from his sight, he turned and headed towards the door with a leisurely pace.


Though she had long vanished from view, Arden remained calm and composed.


“Your Majesty, we should hurry a bit,” Raymond finally spoke up.


“Don’t worry. I have a feeling I know where she went,” Arden reassured him.


Only the thought of never finding the Queen again sent a shiver down his spine. What could have driven her to leave the palace on such a night?

No matter how hard he thought, nothing particularly came to mind. The Duke of Castane would be coming to the palace tomorrow, likely to gather solid evidence, judging by the letter received from the palace.


Raymond glanced at his lord. He still maintained a stoic expression.


Arden and the knights continued into the darkness without a torch. Their steps towards the forest gradually came to a halt. Arden raised his hand, signaling for those following him to stop.


A murmuring voice echoed in their ears. A clear and gentle tone emanated from the darkness.


Had they arranged to meet in the depths of the forest? Arden wasn’t interested in the timing. It was evident she was with someone.


Though the conversation was barely audible, it was unmistakable. The knights held their breath, silently awaiting Arden’s signal.


“Your Majesty.”

Raymond, unable to contain himself any longer, cautiously called out to Arden. However, Arden merely brought his lips to his index finger, silently staring into the darkness of the trapped forest.


“To seize the throne, Your Majesty, you must act now,” Raymond urged.


A petty plan was not what this was about. He was curious about Letitia’s expression. What expression would she have when she saw him after leaving him? Would she smile broadly or cry? Whatever it was, it would surely be breathtakingly beautiful.


Arden raised his head to look at the moon. Gradually, he started moving towards where the light shone.


Beneath the faint moonlight, her figure slowly became visible. Arden stealthily approached her like a predator stalking its prey.


Just a little closer, and he would be able to confirm.


Arden approached Letitia from behind. As Letitia turned her head when the face of the person standing in front of her was revealed, Arden stood frozen in place with his hand outstretched.


Their eyes widened as they faced each other.


In Letitia’s hand was a letter.


Behind her stood a man dressed in white. He blinked slowly at Arden, his neat brown hair falling gently.


“I greet His Majesty the King.”

The man casually passed Letitia and stood before Arden. His emerald eyes, reminiscent of fresh grass, shimmered in the darkness.


Arden’s brow furrowed. The knights behind him assumed a defensive stance, surrounding the man.


“Your Majesty… what is the meaning of this?” Arden questioned.


Letitia’s face showed no signs of surprise. Instead, her gaze towards Arden was filled with curiosity.


In the darkened forest, only the occasional rustle of leaves could be heard as the wind blew.


Despite the presence of many people, not a single breath could be heard.


“I’m the one who should be asking questions here. Why did you come here after fleeing the palace?” Arden inquired.


“…Surely, you didn’t follow me out of suspicion, did you? I saw the light and came out. Since I didn’t see any guards, I came out alone, but the light seemed like a request for help,” Letitia explained casually.


As she spoke, Arden alternated his gaze between Letitia and the man, his jaw clenched.

“Help… I didn’t realize you were someone who would consider others to the extent of rushing out without even putting on shoes,” Arden remarked.


At Arden’s words, Letitia let out a soft chuckle. She inclined her head and handed Arden the letter.


“But isn’t it someone who needs help? Please read this,” she urged.


He silently scrutinized the letter she offered. Upon seeing the golden seal stamped on the envelope, he pursed his lips. Seeming like he was about to say something, he eventually closed his mouth and opened the letter.


Along with the papal golden seal, a name was written.


“…Cabita Rohan?”


“It was sent by His Holiness to bestow blessings upon the Queen.”


Arden quietly reconsidered the situation. Letitia clearly fled the palace with the intention of escaping from him. Although the appearance of Cardinal Rohan was unexpected, she seemed to be telling the truth given the circumstances.

He slowly scratched his eyebrow.


Although he quickly ran through his thoughts, there was only one answer.


Though it wasn’t entirely convincing that they met by chance, for some reason, he felt too drained to probe further.


Arden turned to Cardinal Rohan.


“Should I believe that you came to the palace at this hour based on this scrap of paper alone?”


“On my way here, I encountered bandits who took everything from me. It was not feasible for me to fight them. Hence, I was delayed as I had to give up everything,” Cardinal Rohan explained smoothly, without blinking an eye.


Arden turned his head to Raymond. Raymond accepted the letter and began examining it, holding it up to the moonlight, revealing hidden patterns.



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