I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 27

“Something is seriously going wrong.”


Raymond felt deeply saddened by the irreversible events unfolding. However, he didn’t voice it out loud.


“I’m curious to see what you want to do.”


Arden’s relentless tone sent shivers down Raymond’s spine.


Arden seemed exhausted, but his blue eyes gleamed with determination.


“It feels like tonight might be one of those nights when I can’t fall asleep.”


He wet his lips and stared at the ceiling.


Her face, casually spewing lies towards him, vividly appeared in his mind. Her shy smiles, her affectionate voice, all were lies.


Suddenly, her changed attitude felt odd. Suddenly asking for a divorce, behaving unlike herself.


Was it because of guilt over meeting another man?


Throughout their year of marriage, she never spoke a word about the obligations of spouses. Nor had they ever engaged in such extensive conversations and conflicts.


Was her beginning to speak her mind a good sign? Or was it all just to reassure him?


Most cheaters tend to engage in actions without guilt and treat their partners well, or so he heard. Thinking this way, Letitia’s sudden change began to make sense.


“If it was like Raymond said from the beginning… Shouldn’t I have left his side sooner?”


The deeper his thoughts went, the more complicated his mind became.


Arden wanted to know what her true intentions were. Why she couldn’t leave his side without anxiety.


He wanted to confirm it with his own eyes.


“Ease up on security. Let the queen go wherever she wants.”


He anticipated who or what might be waiting at the end of her steps.


It was unimaginable that someone other than him could be at the end of Letitia’s gaze.


He had never once imagined her being with anyone other than him. She was exclusively his, bound by contract but still his spouse.

He never entertained the thought of sharing her with anyone else. Her tantalizing locks, eyes that poured out starlight, skin as pale and smooth as porcelain.


From her emanated a sweet yet subtle floral scent.


They were all his. Arden wanted to possess her solely. The mere thought of another man touching her soft skin made his blood boil.


He wanted to erase everything that came into contact with her hands. If that man dared to grab her wrist, he would break his fingers, and if he dared to embrace her, he would tear his arms apart.


If their lips had met… he wanted nothing more than to end their lives so they could never breathe again.


He felt like he was losing his mind. He had never desired something so intensely. He had never experienced wanting something so desperately.


But Arden didn’t want to lose Letitia, not as much as anything else. Not to another person or fate. He wouldn’t even give her up to the strange curse that seemed to devour him.


So he decided to confirm it with his own eyes.


Who she smiled at, who she found happiness in someone’s embrace other than his.


If Karen or anyone else dared to even think about running away with her, he would drag them to hell. To show how cruel the consequences of coveting someone else’s possession could be.


If Letitia happened to fall in love with someone like Karen, he would think of killing her right in front of her.


Even if she fell in love with someone else, he would make sure she knew her place was by his side, without hesitation.


It was to engrave the fact that she couldn’t be happy anywhere but by his side.


❖ ❖ ❖


Letitia waited for Arden.


He had to come here. That was the only way she could execute what she had in mind. Time passed mercilessly amidst the silent stillness.

She stared at the door, biting her nails with unease.


“Could it be that he’s not coming?”


Surely he wouldn’t confine her here like this.


Luena and the maids hadn’t entered the bedroom upon hearing Arden’s arrival. The already empty space seemed even wider.


Come to think of it, she hadn’t asked him why he acted that way that day.


She feared it might open up wounds if she delved into topics he didn’t want to discuss. So, she ignored it. Maybe that was her self-imposed limit.


She screamed internally, “Don’t get any closer.” So, she maintained her distance from him, following her instincts.


Since he didn’t approach her either, she remained where she had drawn the line. Back then, it felt right, but now, she didn’t want to know.


Letitia chuckled at her changed self.


People could change like this, and it was amusing how the same actions could have different reasons. Inflicting wounds upon each other, then receiving them back, continuing this kind of relationship.


She turned her head to gaze out the window.


“I probably can’t leave through the window.”


Contrary to her thoughts, her body was already moving. Eventually, she found herself leaning out of the wide-open window, grasping the frame hastily as she took a deep breath. Cool air rushed in through her nose, enveloping her body. Her mind calmed considerably.


Gathering her courage, she slowly surveyed outside the window again.


There was a big tree, but she didn’t dare to grab onto its branches properly, let alone a large pillar to climb down.


“It’s probably not a good idea here. The chances might be higher than going out through the door, but…”


Suddenly, a green light twinkled in the garden. She stared at the light intently.


“That’s strange, it keeps moving.”


The light seemed to flicker as if it was okay for it to approach her before darting towards her surroundings.




-Did I scare you?



She jolted in surprise, recoiling backward. In the process, she hit her tailbone, feeling a sharp pain.




-Oh dear, I should’ve been more careful.


“Who are you?”


-I’m Kabita.


Letitia tilted her head to the side as she looked at the green light. Her startled heart hadn’t quite calmed down, but it didn’t seem like this entity intended harm. So, she cautiously got up from her seat and straightened her clothes.


“…Are you a spirit?”


She had heard stories about spirits. If there were elves, why wouldn’t there be spirits? But she didn’t know if they really existed.


-That’s right. I am a spirit. It seems like you want to get out of here. If you escape, I’ll help you. How about it?




-Yes, if you can sneak out to the garden without getting caught! I’ll tell you some things. Come to the garden when the king falls asleep. I’ll be waiting.




Letitia urgently called out to the spirit, but the green light vanished towards the garden.


“I can’t leave through the window. What should I do?”


She sighed. Even if she looked out the window again, it seemed unlikely she’d survive a fall. Above all, even if she did survive, she likely wouldn’t be in one piece. She might even die.


Being reckless would endanger the child in her womb. She wrapped her arms around her belly, exhaling heavily.


“Let’s double-check.”


Letitia narrowed her eyes and scrutinized the distance again. As expected, it seemed impossible. She shook her head and stepped away from the window.


Suddenly, a green light flickered in the direction of the forest beyond the window, repeatedly appearing and disappearing.


“It’s continually signaling its position. Can I trust it?”

She was desperate for help. That’s why she had no choice but to trust the one who called themselves a spirit.


The blinking light, as if indicating its position, soon vanished. She stared at it for a while before turning her head away.


Knock, knock.


Just then, she heard a knocking sound, so Letitia walked towards the bed and sat down as if nothing had happened.


The one who entered when the door opened was Arden, whom she had been waiting for.


“He really came…”


Letitia raised her head to look at him. She had thought he might not come, but there he was, with an expressionless face, approaching the bed.


Nonchalantly unbuttoning his shirt, he lay down on the bed.


“What are you doing?”




“Said I’ll help you sleep.”


His hand wrapped around Letitia’s waist.


Because of that, she ended up lying next to him without a word. Their actions didn’t seem forced or awkward. They simply seemed like people doing what needed to be done.


Letitia smiled gently and reached out to place her hand on his forehead.


She prayed for him to have happy dreams, hoping he wouldn’t wake up soon. She listened to Arden’s breathing, wishing for him to fall asleep quickly.


Letitia hoped he would have happy dreams since he was already sleeping. Even if the reality he faced upon waking up from those dreams might be cruel.


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