I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 22

“……I don’t think Her Majesty the Queen would do that. Their relationship has improved recently, so I doubt she would think otherwise.”


“The Queen asked me for a divorce.”


Raymond’s face froze with a shocked expression.


Divorce, a word he hadn’t anticipated, left him bewildered.


“Fetch Mary Carter.”


“…Isn’t she Her Majesty the Queen’s personal maid?”


“She accompanied her to the ducal estate, so she might know something.”


“But whether she’ll speak plainly…”


Arden drew deeply on his cigarette. Chin in hand, he spoke in a low, determined voice.


“Just because she’s Leticia’s personal maid doesn’t mean she’s solely hers.”




“I have nothing that isn’t mine here, Raymond.”


There were many ways to make him talk.


As the conversation lengthened, weariness washed over him. All he needed to know was what the two had discussed that day at the ducal estate, whether they truly had a clandestine meeting.


Every time he wondered if she had met someone else, someone who shook her.


“So bring her before me.”


It was a wordless declaration of not wanting to speak further.


Raymond immediately bowed his head and left the study.


Alone in the now silent room, Arden leaned back in his chair, resting his head against it.


As the dissipating smoke dispersed into the air, it felt like the events of last night with her were fading away like a mirage.


The fact that his vivid memories were gradually becoming blurry didn’t sit well with him.

Arden furrowed his brow and let out a soft sigh.


“If this is true….”


What should he do?


Despite Arden’s calm demeanor, turmoil brewed within him.


❖ ❖ ❖


Mary heard that she was suddenly being sought while preparing tea, so she went to the steward’s office.


“Did you summon me, Steward?”


Serena Evilly.


She was the head steward of the Evilly Marquisate, responsible for the entirety of the Queen’s Palace.


Mary patiently waited with her hands neatly folded, anticipating the steward’s words. The steward never summoned her without reason, especially not so discreetly.


The steward’s brown eyes gleamed with intelligence. She was composed and rational in all matters. The steward glanced over Mary slowly before speaking.


“Mary. Her Majesty wishes to see you. However, be cautious not to divulge anything about His Majesty’s condition to the Queen.”


“…Are you suggesting I lie to Her Majesty?”


Mary’s eyes shook violently.


“It seems this might be related to the matter at the ducal estate…”


She had already made a pact with the Queen not to disclose anything about that incident to anyone. What should she do if the King asks her about that day?


Mary was bewildered.

Wouldn’t everything remain unknown as long as she kept quiet?


Now that their relationship had finally improved, she worried that it might be strained because of her.


She felt anxious for the Queen’s happiness. Pressing her index finger against her thumb, she nervously bit her lip.


“You seem to know something.”


“No, I don’t. I’m not sure why Her Majesty is seeking me.”


“Mary, don’t assume you’re one of her people just because she wants to see you.”


The steward sighed.


She understood the steward’s pity for the Queen. However, the only reason she could occupy that position was thanks to the King. If His Majesty wished it, she could be dismissed at any moment.


Arden, like them, found it appalling how the King treated those ignorant of their subjects.


“It seems the maids of the Queen’s Palace are still clueless even after all the changes. It’s not just the personal maids who have been replaced. From the chambermaids to the lowest servants, they’ve all been dismissed. You weren’t spared because of the Queen but because of the King’s leniency.”




Mary remained silent at the steward’s words.


Seeing her frustration, the steward furrowed her brow and asked Mary.


“Why do you think you were spared?”


“…Because I faithfully served Her Majesty.”


“No, that’s not it. It’s because you know your place and served well. Don’t forget, your master is not the Queen but the King.”

At the steward’s words, Mary clasped her hands tightly.


Even if she was the Queen, she wouldn’t be able to protect her. She knew that. Yet, Mary still wanted to protect the Queen.


“I just need to keep quiet.”


Then everything would be fine. There was nothing special about it. So, according to her agreement with the Queen, Mary decided she wouldn’t say anything.


Despite the steward’s words, she was determined to keep the Queen’s secret.


“Never lie. This is for your own good,” the steward warned Mary with emphasis in her voice.


It was rare for the king to seek out a maid. Whatever the reason, it wouldn’t be ordinary.


Serena’s intuition, honed over her long stay in the palace, spoke volumes.


However, as she looked into Mary’s eyes, she sensed it.


Today would be the last time she saw her here.


“Your Majesty, Mary Carter has come as summoned.”


Arden nodded as the chamberlain’s voice rang out.


With the solemn expression on Arden’s face and his knights standing in formation beside him, Mary cautiously entered the room.


She stood beneath the dais with her head bowed.


Even without lifting her head, she could feel the King’s gaze.


Amidst the suffocating silence, his piercing blue eyes seemed to penetrate her soul. Mary’s mouth went dry.


Despite saying nothing, she felt the weight of his presence pressing down on her entire being.

She tried her best to conceal her trembling body as she waited for the King to speak.


“Look up.”


At the softly spoken command, Mary’s body trembled slightly. Meeting his gaze, Mary felt her breath catch.


The gaze that met hers seemed to know everything already, as if it could see through her lies before she even spoke them. If she uttered a falsehood, her neck would surely roll to the ground.


Mary instinctively lowered her head.


Her heart plummeted to the ground at the sight of the King’s face for the first time, then surged back up with a thudding beat.


She instantly understood why the steward had warned her not to lie.


Her resolve to keep her promise to the Queen faded in the face of her vulnerability.


Yet, Mary steadied herself.


She couldn’t ruin everything because of him.


If it weren’t for the Queen, she too would have left the palace when others were dismissed. Even Leticia had entrusted her with significant responsibilities. She even received a slightly higher salary to support her family. It might seem trivial to some, but it meant a lot to Mary.


“I must protect the Queen.”


She clenched her fist tightly, trying to shake off her fear.


No matter how much the King suspected, there was no evidence as long as she didn’t speak. He couldn’t interrogate the maids from the Barté ducal estate as he pleased.


“I summoned you because I have some questions.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“That day, when you went to the ducal estate… did you see anyone else?”


“Her Majesty… after having tea with Lord Castane, her father, she came straight back to the palace. There were no other encounters.”


“I suppose I can trust that.”


Arden scrutinized Mary’s expression as if giving her one last chance.


Leaning back in his chair, he looked down at Mary.


“…Yes, I didn’t see anything.”


Mary spoke with conviction in her voice.


Arden chuckled lightly at her unwavering demeanor and rose from his seat.


Raymond’s eyes nervously scanned Mary as he passed by.


“Mary Carter, are you truly saying you didn’t see anyone from the Barté ducal family? You need to confess the truth to Her Majesty.”


Mary shook her head in response to Raymond’s words.


“Your Majesty, I truly didn’t see anyone else. Her Majesty only met with Lord Castane. There were no other arrangements made.”


“How peculiar. It seems different from what I’ve heard. So, who’s lying?”


As expected, the King knew everything.


Mary clenched her fist, hiding her trembling.


Arden tilted his head slightly at her words and slowly descended from the dais. He glanced at the knights standing before him and drew his sword from his waist.


“The master is your lord.”


“Your Majesty, I am your servant. And I am also the Queen’s.”


“Does a dog need to defy its master?”


Arden’s voice was chilling. He used his sword to lift Mary’s chin.




Her trembling was palpable through the tip of the sword. Despite her fear, she remained silent. What could she possibly be hiding to dare lie to the King?


“The reason why I should spare you.”


“Your Majesty, I only said I didn’t see what I didn’t see.”


“Raymond, bring him in.”


At Arden’s command, Raymond nodded to the knights. Eventually, the doors of the audience chamber opened, and a man was thrown onto the floor.


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