I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 2

Year 650 of the Imperial Era.


A shadow of death loomed over the peaceful kingdom of Brivent.




“Intruders! We must protect His Majesty!”


The air was filled with screams and the smell of blood, amidst the chaos. The once silent palace now echoed with the cries of the dying and the stench of blood.


Flames erupted within the palace, accompanied by the sound of rushing footsteps and the clang of sharp swords.




Leticia, sitting on the floor, clutched her injured leg. With great effort, she dragged herself out of the room, her eyes scanning frantically.


“Arden, Arden.”


Wiping blood from her face and gripping the wall for support, Leticia hurried along. But in her haste, she stumbled and fell, overwhelmed by the suddenness of the situation.


Her mind went blank, unable to process the chaos that had erupted so suddenly.


Yet, Leticia had to find Arden. He was the most dangerous man at this moment, wielding his sword against the invaders. She needed to find him and stand by his side.

Suddenly, her body froze as she stood in the corridor, her gaze fixed on the figure who was mercilessly cutting down others. Seeing him, with an expression devoid of any emotion, instilled fear in her, causing her breath to catch in her throat.



At the sound of her voice, he paused in his actions.


Blood dripped from the edge of the sword in his hand. Looking worn out, he slowly raised his head to gaze at the woman who had called out his name.


As their eyes met, Leticia felt her heart skip a beat once again.


Was he really the man she knew?


Instinctively, Leticia took a hesitant step back. It felt surreal to see someone who usually restrained their emotions now mercilessly cutting down people.


His blue eyes, meeting hers, gleamed fiercely.




Arden’s deep voice resonated through the corridor. Seeing him covered in blood, Leticia paled.


She struggled to steady her trembling gaze and looked at him. Arden Lefter, the king of Bribent Kingdom and her husband.


The crimson blood staining his shining golden hair filled her with dismay. He approached her directly, grasping her wrist firmly.


“Why are you still here?”


His voice, devoid of any emotion, made Leticia’s mouth dry up.


“I… I…”


“Why are you still here?”


His sharp tone pierced her chest, widening her eyes.


Leticia could only shed tears without uttering a word. His cold, unfeeling gaze seemed to have lost all emotions.


“Weren’t my words clear enough? I told you to disappear. Everything that’s happening is because of you.”


Arden looked around and let out a bitter laugh. His eyes seemed to reproach her.


“Why didn’t you disappear when I told you to? Please, just leave my sight.”


She felt as if a large hole had opened up in her chest. His words shattered everything she had been trying to hold onto.


The pain in her chest continued to worsen. Thud, thud. Tears kept welling up in her eyes at his relentless words.


“…I’m going to die anyway. So…”


Her whimper was cut off as he tightened his grip on her wrist.


Thud, tears fell from her eyes and splattered onto the ground, mingling with the blood stains. The traces of her tears on the blood-stained corridor went unnoticed.


Arden held her hand tightly and pulled her closer.


“Who gets to die on their own terms? Live, because everything that’s happening is because of you. Remember that, and remember it well.”


Leticia turned her head away.


‘That’s not what I meant.’

The words she wanted to say were not that.


After all, she was a dying woman. Judging by the increasing intensity of her pain, it seemed that she didn’t have much time left. So she wanted to be of some help, even if just a little.


That was all.


She wanted to become the last person to be of use to you, who resented and hated herself.


“Remember. And live.”


Arden demanded something she couldn’t do.


‘I just wanted to be with you until the end…’


Her wishes were drowned out by his anger. Arden seemed to have no intention of listening to her words.


Leticia was helplessly led by Arden. She didn’t dare to question or speak against what he said in her mind. She just stared at his hand gripping her wrist tightly.


Whatever he said was fine. It was almost funny to wonder why he was saying hurtful things to her now. Leticia was worried about Arden’s blood-stained hand trembling uncontrollably.


‘She’s reached her limit.’


He might not be able to hold on anymore either.




The pain in her injured leg was keenly felt as she was dragged along recklessly. Still, Leticia gritted her teeth and endured.


Leticia’s beautiful and delicate white skin was stained with tears, and her golden dress was soaked with blood, losing its value.


Was that all? On her body, which had been flawless, there were clear marks of scratches everywhere.


“Your Highness, there might be something I can do… I want to protect Bribent too.”


“You said it would be helpful if you didn’t exist in Bribent.”


His words became sharp needles once again, piercing her heart. Why was he pushing her away so much?


Before the Emperor of Ruscillon, Cadius, invaded this place, Arden told me.


“The queen of Bribent is no longer here as of today. So leave the palace on your own. Right now.”


Leticia never expected to be expelled from the place she had always thought she belonged.


If that had been the case, she should have been expelled long ago. She couldn’t accept what Arden had said.


She stayed in the palace and endured. And not long after, the invasion of the Empire began.




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