I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 19

Was he thinking that staying unchanged was a good thing?


Leticia couldn’t help but chuckle at Arden’s brazen attitude.


It seemed he didn’t think that she had changed because of his consistent attitude, which didn’t include love.


“It’s because you stayed the same that I changed.”


She wiped her mouth with a napkin, trying to quell her rising anger.


She hadn’t touched the food, and she didn’t even want to sit together anymore.


“It drives me crazier. Leticia, if you don’t like me like this, you shouldn’t have provoked me.”


“I didn’t provoke you.”


“While laughing and chatting with other men, secretly fostering affection, you didn’t provoke me?”


Arden leaned back in his chair, his jaw clenched.


‘It’s clear that he found out about Karen.’


There hadn’t been any such conversations in their previous life because there hadn’t been any interest. He seemed to be deeply misunderstanding.


“I don’t know who you’re talking about, but whoever it is, it’s not someone you should be concerned about.”


“I don’t get it. How could there have been a man hidden from me, your wife?”


His face twisted in anger. The anger in his voice was palpable.


Was it because he didn’t like the idea of her getting close to someone else when she didn’t even love him?


“Regardless of who I may have met, shouldn’t it be none of your concern? Since when did we show such close interest in each other?”


“From now on. If that’s the problem, then we’ll start from now.”


Leticia lost all will to continue the conversation due to his attitude.


“Is this relationship, where we continue without understanding each other, right?”


“I should be the one asking that. Since when have we wanted understanding from each other? Was this relationship supposed to be about understanding?”


“That’s right. It was just a relationship born out of necessity for you. It seems my daring to seek understanding was the problem.”


Leticia stood up from her seat.

“I’ve lost my appetite, so I’ll leave first. And from now on, it’s probably best not to waste time like this.”


Arden took a piece of meat and savored it.


While she stood up and stared at him in disbelief, he continued to slice into the juicy meat.


It wasn’t until Leticia walked past him towards the door that Arden spoke.


“It seems there’s something you’re mistaken about.”




“I determine what’s useful or not. My time is much more valuable than yours.”




Leticia turned her head to look at Arden.


His broad back was always turned towards her. But even though she had seen it countless times, it still didn’t feel familiar.


“You’re like this every time, Your Highness.”


“Isn’t it time you got used to it?”


“Does pushing me away make you feel better?”


“…Pushing away, huh.”


His voice lowered slightly. It sounded like a growl, like a beast.


Leticia could almost feel his expression without looking at him.


“There’s no need to delay further. I’ll go to your chambers tonight.”


Arden stood up, wiping his mouth with a napkin, then turned to face Leticia.


“Is that necessary?”




“There’s no need to delay further. Let’s confirm it now.”


“Now… you mean now?”


Leticia was taken aback by his words.


She had been thinking about it since last time. What on earth was going on in this man’s head?


“I thought Your Highness had peculiar tastes.”


“What made you think that?”


He straightened up from the table and stood in front of her.


His towering figure made her uncomfortable, but she didn’t shy away from his gaze.


“I don’t like it here. So, I’d prefer if we went to the chambers.”




Arden’s lips twitched slightly.

Laughing in a situation like this, could he really be sane? Leticia looked at him incredulously, her expression stern.


“Your Highness, it seems you lack respect for me.”


“Respect? I’ll respect you as you wish.”


Arden, with a stiff demeanor, passed Leticia and opened the door.


“I’ll come to your chambers in two hours, so be ready.”


“Why my chambers?”


“Respect, you said? Shall I come dressed in sleepwear to your chambers? Or would you prefer us to bathe together?”


Leticia’s face flushed red.


Bathe together? What…


It was unbelievable that such a lascivious remark could come from him.


Leticia tried to maintain a calm facade as she responded.


“Your Highness seems to be mistaken.”




“I don’t know what you’re thinking.”


She approached Arden, who stood by the open door, and gently brushed his chest with her hand as she spoke.


“I won’t touch you. I’m just going to sleep.”


With a faint smile, Leticia passed by him and walked to her room.



Soon it was time for Arden’s promised visit.


Despite her brave words, Leticia couldn’t help feeling nervous. Reminding herself that it was just a confirmation process didn’t calm her racing heart.


‘What will change even if I confirm my abilities?’


Perhaps it would be better to speak up now and end this. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.


As the seconds ticked by, Leticia’s anxiety grew.


If sleeping together wasn’t enough to confirm it…


‘Again, this…’


The thought of being in his embrace made her feel strange.


Don’t love Arden, that’s what she had to do. She was confused. Was this growing feeling love or hate?


What was certain was that if she continued like this, she would slowly wither away from not being loved. But as always, the human heart wasn’t easily severed.


That’s why it was even more agonizing. She pitied herself for not being able to cut off this feeling mercilessly. Why did she fall in love with him again after returning?


If she could go back to before she got married, she would have rejected his proposal.


If she hadn’t looked at his face, she wouldn’t be in such turmoil.


If only she had died then… She wouldn’t be suffering like this now.


Leticia writhed in agony.


She resented herself for being unable to do anything.

How did abilities manifest that were absent before regression?


If there was any change, it was only in the physical mingling with him, as there was nothing different from the mating done by beasts without love.


There were no sweet whispers of love in the ear, nor warm gazes exchanged.


His touch, as cautious as it was strange, remained incomprehensible, but perhaps it was because she had struggled in pain.


“If this is indeed an acquired ability…,”


He would be even more reluctant to let her go. But for her to live, she had to push him away. Leticia hoped it was just a coincidence.


To live, she had to break free from his embrace.


Arden couldn’t possibly love her.


“Your Majesty, dinner is served,”


Mary’s voice came as the door opened.


His hair still had moisture, as if he had rushed. Leticia blinked at him.


“…Why didn’t you dry your hair before coming?”


“It would dry on its own, there’s no need.”


“It’s not good to sleep with wet hair.”


“I’ve never slept with dry hair.”


“Please dry it. The pillow and blanket will get wet.”


“If that’s your concern, it doesn’t matter.”


Arden brushed his hair with his hand and slumped onto the bed.


She tried to get up from her seat, intending to ask for a towel from the maid.


But his warm, large hand grabbed her wrist, pulling her into his embrace without resistance.


“I told you it doesn’t matter.”

“I care.”


“The blanket will get wet anyway.”


“…I told you. I won’t touch you.”


She tried to push his hand away and stand up. But he held onto her tightly, binding her even more tightly to him.


“I never said I wouldn’t touch you.”


“…Now I understand what you meant. You’ve forgotten how well you can objectify yourself.”


“Objectify myself?”


“You’re no different from a horse.”


Leticia looked at him with contempt.



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