I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 18


Leticia’s complexion grew even paler as she arrived at the palace.


Mary hurriedly supported her to the room, her face so worn that it seemed she would collapse at the slightest touch.


“Your Majesty, it would be best for you to rest inside,” Mary said urgently.


“…Yes, I suppose we still have time until dinner,” Leticia replied.


She wanted to keep her promise with Arden. That way, she could rightfully demand what she wanted when the time came.


Given the recent conflicts between them, the atmosphere wasn’t pleasant.


“It would be best to avoid meeting him altogether, but that might not be possible now.”


If someone asked why she had visited the Duke, she needed to think of a suitable answer. He might inquire about her visit, and then she might have to lie.


“Does he know about Karen?”


She didn’t show any signs, so there was no way to know.


If he knew about Karen’s existence, perhaps he would have warned her earlier.


How could she have thought her friend was okay?


Leticia tried to hide her trembling by lowering her head.


Every time she thought of Karen, she felt a sense of rejection. Her chest, once stabbed by a sword, now ached.


The slight tremble soon spread throughout her body.


She tried hard not to be consumed by fear, but it wasn’t easy.


Memories of the past still lingered in her mind. She felt dizzy from the vivid images of that day and the faint smell of blood lingering in her nostrils.


“Please, stop…”


Leticia grabbed her head and writhed in agony.


Her breaths became shallow with fear, and her vision began to blur. She tightly clutched the blanket as if fearing that the thread of sanity she held onto would snap.


She had to endure. She had to overcome it.


Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to move forward even one step.


As she continued to whisper to herself like a mantra, she slowly lifted her head and sat on the bed. With her calm breaths, her empty pupils stared into the void.

Soon, accompanied by Mary, the royal physician entered the room.


“Your Majesty, you’re not lying down…”


“I feel better now, so I don’t think I need an examination.”


“Your Highness, I’ve heard that your health hasn’t been good lately. May I examine you?”


The physician, Verotin, asked Leticia cautiously. She nodded gently and silently underwent the examination.


“It seems like you’ve weakened a bit. You mentioned feeling nauseous and dizzy. Are there any other symptoms?”


“My stomach feels a bit uneasy, but it’s nothing to worry about; it happens when I’m preoccupied with many things.”


“Understood. If your condition worsens, please be sure to call for me.”


Leticia understood the physician’s intention in asking about other symptoms.


“It’s been irregular every time… It’s ridiculous.”


She brushed away any suspicions. Verotin seemed troubled, perhaps contemplating whether to inform Arden.


“Alright. Just keep today’s matter a secret. You don’t need to worry about trivial matters when you’re busy attending to state affairs.”


Verotin nodded slowly at Leticia’s words.


He said he would prepare some medicine to help with her recovery and then left the room.


“It might be best if you go to the dining hall. He wouldn’t like it if you’re late.”


“Are you sure you’re okay?”


Mary asked with a slightly worried tone.


Although the queen’s face had improved, she still looked precarious every time.


Leticia’s expression hardened as dinner approached.


It was certain that there would be tension if they sat face to face and ate. It was tempting to ask if they should cancel this time altogether.


“There’s no separate torture.”


Neither of them wanted this time. So, he might as well say it’s okay not to eat together in the future.


“Your Majesty. Dinner is served.”


At the announcement, Leticia rose from her seat.


There was still some time until dinner. But was he already here? Arden’s eyebrows twitched at the sight of Leticia, who had arrived earlier than expected.


“…Looks like you came early.”


He didn’t respond and just took his seat.

With a glance at his face, he indeed seemed to have a healthier complexion than usual.


As the two sat down, the maids entered with trays, starting to lay out the food on the table. This time, the dishes were arranged according to Leticia’s preferences, along with appetizers.


“We have some important matters to discuss, so please leave us.”


Upon Leticia’s words, the maids promptly left the dining room.


Arden lifted his head and looked at Leticia. It seemed odd to him that she had dismissed the maids first, as she usually disliked being alone with him.




He took a sip of the appetizer and then set it down, tapping the bottom of the glass with his fingers before tilting his head slightly.


“You seem to keep avoiding me. You make time to be alone with me, dismiss the maids, and now, you have some matters to discuss after visiting the Duke?”


“I just had some questions I wanted to ask, so I sent the maids away.”


“Do you have something on your mind?”


A mysterious smile played on Arden’s lips.


The atmosphere between the two remained tense.


A moment of silence.


By the time the sound of tapping the glass echoed in the dining room, Leticia spoke up.


“Did you sleep?”


“What a strange question.”


“You know what I’m asking. I’m asking if my presence kept you awake.”


“I’m not sure.”

Leticia’s eyes widened at Arden’s words.


‘Why exactly?’


If he had indeed managed to sleep when he couldn’t before, then according to her father’s conditions, the agreement would be fulfilled. But she didn’t believe it.


Because she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes.


“I want to confirm it.”


“…Confirm what?”


Arden asked, though he knew what she meant, without changing his expression.


It was as if he wanted to hear it from her lips.


Tap, tap, tap.


He tapped the table as if urging her for an answer.


His calm blue eyes seemed to reflect the serene sky as they met hers.


Without averting his gaze from Leticia, Arden ran his finger over his lips.


Seeing him gently nibble on his lips, Leticia’s mouth curled up slightly.


‘Waiting for my answer.’


She hesitated for a moment.


Whether to give him the answer he wanted or not. She didn’t want to give it, but if she didn’t, there was a possibility she wouldn’t hear the answer she wanted.


If there was something she wanted, she had to listen to what the other party wanted first. That was the first condition of the deal.


“What is it? Just sleep once.”


“To confirm if I’ve slept?”




Leticia’s answer was concise.


Even though she gave him the answer he wanted without beating around the bush, it didn’t seem to please him.


“Is that the only reason?”


She smirked slightly.

What kind of answer was he expecting? Surely he didn’t still think she was pining for him, did he?


It was only natural to think that her feelings for him had disappeared the moment she considered divorce.


But Arden didn’t seem to think so.


To her, his behavior seemed hypocritical.


Was she just a burden that he didn’t want to keep but also didn’t want to let go of?


Leticia lowered her hand under the table and clenched her fist. She had to hide her trembling and conceal her inner thoughts.


She didn’t want to reveal that she still harbored feelings for him. She didn’t want to admit it herself either.


“Did you think I wanted to share my feelings with you?”


“Then is there a reason why you can’t? I thought you harbored feelings for me.”


“…What are you trying to say?”


“Who might be harboring difficult-to-reach feelings.”


His words left Leticia puzzled.


It sounded like he thought she harbored feelings for someone else. How exactly did he see her?


‘Could he have found out about Karen?’


If so, she needed to explain. There couldn’t be any more involvement between them. She had to avoid facing Arden even more.


“Your Majesty. What was the intention behind your previous statement?”


Leticia’s voice was sharper than before. Arden narrowed his eyes slightly and shrugged.


“You should know better.”


“I don’t. So please tell me the reason for your statement. Are you implying that I harbored feelings for someone else while being married?”


“I’ve never said that.”


“That’s how it sounded.”


Their gazes clashed fiercely.


It was a sharp confrontation with no room for backing down. If she yielded now, she would become the desperate woman who harbored feelings for someone else, just as he said.


Leticia wanted to know why he had such a misunderstanding.


“Should I be subjected to such misunderstanding just because I demanded a divorce?”


“You, who always tried to receive even a little attention from me, suddenly demand a divorce. It’s quite strange. If there hasn’t been a change in your feelings, what has caused you to change so drastically?”


“…Don’t you think it’s because of you?”


“I don’t.”


His words left Leticia speechless.


“I’ve always been the same. You’re the one who changed.”



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