I Ran Away With Obsessive Male Lead's Child


Chapter 11

A week had passed since then, and Arden’s relationship with Leticia remained strained.


Leticia had spent almost sleepless nights due to the storm in her mind. Today was no exception, and she finally got up from bed when the sunlight streamed through the window.


It was early morning, but she immediately grabbed her robe.


“Your Majesty, did you call for me?”


Mary appeared promptly, followed by a stream of maids who all greeted her.


“We greet Her Majesty.”


Due to their synchronized greetings, Leticia glanced at Mary.


“Starting today, these maids will serve Her Majesty.”


They were recruited so quickly? To have found new maids in just a week… Leticia hadn’t known Arden’s efficiency.


As she examined the maids’ faces more closely, they seemed much improved from before. Perhaps their perception of her had changed, but she didn’t care.


“I am Luna, from the Earldom of Kartan.”


“I am Joanna, from the Viscounty of Jubilo.”


“I am Lavalance, from the Barony of Bertin.”


Each of them stepped forward and politely introduced themselves.


Leticia nodded slowly at the softer expressions and gazes directed towards her.


“Please take care of me.”


“We humbly ask for your care.”


There was no arrogance in their demeanor, no scrutinizing gaze.


‘It’s strange. Even though this should be natural…’


It felt awkward, as if they weren’t really hers. So, Leticia quickly dismissed them. Then she sighed inwardly.


‘They’re just temporary visitors anyway.’


She had no intention of staying in the palace for long. Even though Arden had become a bit odd, nothing would change. She still resented him, yet she still loved him.


She didn’t want to end up waiting for her death again, feeling empty. She didn’t want to die meaninglessly once more after returning.


“Mary, is there any news from my father?”


“We haven’t received a reply yet.”

“Was it sent as an urgent letter?”


Mary nodded.


‘Strange. I thought he would come right away.’


Her father’s visit was delayed more than she anticipated.


Was there a reason he couldn’t come? Or perhaps he couldn’t come because he couldn’t organize his thoughts.


In fact, no matter what excuse her father gave, she had only one answer.


‘I have to stop whatever it is. There’s only one thing that matters. He’s the Emperor of the Empire.’


She was the only one who could prevent the repetition of the past.


“By the way, His Majesty said he would have breakfast separately.”


“Then just prepare my meal. I’ll go to the dining room.”


It was expected. She didn’t expect that they would continue eating together. But why did she feel so disappointed?


Leticia headed to the dining room with Mary.


She looked at the table filled with her favorite dishes with a puzzled expression.


“Today’s meal seems very enjoyable.”


“I heard His Majesty specifically spoke to the head chef.”


“His Majesty?”


Only then did she remember what he had said to her.


“That’s right. I’ve always been very interested in you.”


That couldn’t be right. He must have just casually asked the maids to prepare it. Leticia tried not to think about it while sipping her soup.


It was clearly a coincidence.


She hadn’t told him what her favorite food was, had she? Even that? She hadn’t even had a conversation about what she liked or disliked.


They say if someone does something they didn’t do before, it’s their dying moment.


Ultimately, Leticia couldn’t eat properly due to her anxiety and stood up from her seat.


“Where is His Majesty?”


“I heard he has an appointment and went to the audience room.”


“Show me.”


She should have asked for the reason why he suddenly behaved differently.


Leticia felt her throat dry up as if her blood was evaporating. How could she face him and live with him in this situation?


Perhaps getting a divorce as soon as possible would be the right thing to do.


❖ ❖ ❖


Leticia was taken aback.


“I’m sorry. His Majesty has ordered not to be disturbed, so it’s impossible to enter now.”


They couldn’t enter the audience room due to the firm refusal. It seemed foolish to stand there and wait because she didn’t know when the conversation would end.


“Your Majesty. How about waiting in the garden?”


“…There’s nothing else to do.”


She momentarily gazed at the door of the audience room before turning on her heels. Even though her reputation had improved compared to before, she had no power over the king’s orders.


It was better to step back and seize the opportunity rather than causing unnecessary trouble.


As Mary suggested, waiting in the garden would allow her to know who he was meeting. Perhaps she could even have a more sincere conversation with him.


“The weather is nice today.”


“I’ll bring some tea.”


Leticia sat on the chair in the garden and silently stared at the sky. The blue sky, the same color as Arden’s, spread out. Watching the white clouds drifting in the wind made her feel much better.


“Mary, did His Majesty sleep?”


“Everyone predicts so.”


“It’s strange. I haven’t done anything.”


“No, Your Majesty. It might be because you slept together that His Majesty could sleep well.”


Though it was just a casual remark, Leticia responded with a smile.


“Just my presence alone doesn’t help him.”


“…Your Majesty.”


“Don’t try too hard. It’s nothing new.”


Leticia knew it was just a phrase, but she smiled as if responding to it.

Mary bowed her head deeply, tears trickling down her cheeks. Perhaps she had harbored hope due to recent changes. But Leticia knew him too well.


‘If only he had returned with all his memories erased.’


Would things have been different then? Maybe. Arden was still Arden Lebretar, the King of Brivent.


Her mind grew even more complicated. But the more she thought, the calmer her heart seemed to become, strangely.


She waited for Arden’s audience to end while sipping her tea. Somehow, time seemed to stand still.


Her heart grew increasingly restless. Yet, amidst the restlessness, she felt an odd sense of calm, as her heart pounded erratically, only to subside again and again.


She already knew who Arden was meeting.


It was just a guess, but the ominous thought kept haunting her mind.


‘What did my father say to Arden?’


She began to worry if he hadn’t seen the letter she sent.


What if her father knew about her collusion with the Emperor?


Then it would be over before she could find a new solution.


“Your Majesty, the audience has ended,” a maid rushed to inform Leticia.


She immediately got up and headed to the audience chamber. If she walked quickly, she might run into whoever was coming out.


Walking faster than usual through the garden, she made her way back to the palace. Why did everything feel so far away when she was in such a hurry?


“Wow, Your Majesty.”


The maids hurriedly followed behind her, panting.


Leticia didn’t run, but she practically rushed back to the palace.


At the end of the lush garden, there was a carriage.


A slight tremor ran through her body as she saw the carriage bearing the insignia of the Borgate family.


“Your Majesty, you look very pale. I think it would be best for you to return to your room and rest.”


Mary hurriedly suggested to Leticia.


“It’s okay. Could you prepare a carriage for my room since my father seems to have come to the palace?”


“Of course.”


Soon, her long-awaited father appeared.


His face flushed when he saw Leticia. His widened eyes and hurried steps seemed to reveal his feelings.




“Your Majesty.”


The Duke of Castain firmly grasped her arm and began to inspect her body.


“You seem to be in a lot of pain.”


“…What did you talk about with His Majesty?”


Leticia managed to calm herself and asked quietly.


“There was nothing to worry about.”


“Lies! Ah…”


Leticia shouted as she pushed the Duke’s arm away, then tightly closed her mouth.


The maids in the palace would serve as his eyes and ears. She didn’t know how this scene would reflect on him.


“Since you’ve come after a long time, wouldn’t it be rude not to see me? I’m disappointed.”


She spoke loudly enough for the maids to hear.


“You shouldn’t run away like this when you’ve come all this way. Please, at least have a cup of tea in my room. I’ve already informed the maids.”


“…Not now. Your Majesty would be embarrassed. It’s better to expect the next opportunity.”


“Are you running away?”


Leticia gripped the hem of her dress tightly. If she left like this now, she wouldn’t have another chance to clear up the misunderstanding. She couldn’t let Arden meet him.



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