I Played the Role of the Adopted Daughter Too Well


Then strange things began to happen. 


The world of <The Shadow of Bellato> was one where black magic and demons existed. Demons were evil spirit-like beings that used the dark parts of human hearts to make contracts with those humans in order to exert physical power. While humans could gain great power through these contracts, over time, they would increasingly lose control of their bodies to these demons. This was the main premise. There were various methods to exorcize the evil spirits but the most reliable way was to accurately identify the demon and recite a chant that the demon feared. The chant Viola recited was an exorcism chant for banishing ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.’


The voice was heard again.


“It seems you’ve picked up some trifles somewhere.”


The demon laughed eerily. It sounded like many people were speaking at once. It laughed in a low voice while simultaneously giggling in a high-pitched tone.


‘Ugh, I’m scared.’


Viola had to control her inner fear. This evil spirit was almost like a ghost. Even if Viola was strong-hearted, ghosts were frightening. Hearing the giggles, Viola could feel her confidence fading.


‘Could it not be The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness?’


Since the chant was specific for exorcizing ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness,’ it was useless against other spirits. 




It was the evil spirit that had appeared with Dexial the demon that made a contract with Dexial was indeed ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.’


The moment her faith wavered, the power of the exorcism chant also weakened.




“Why don’t you recite the chant once more?”


Viola showed no sign of being flustered. 


“Cast aside the shadows and face the light.”


The giggling voice was heard again.


“Too bad. I’ll kill you here.”


A black mist started swirling some distance ahead. It soon took the shape of a person and approached closer.


Selvin swallowed hard.


“What is that?”


Demons grew stronger by feeding on the dark emotions of the human heart. Anxiety, depression, fear, horror… all these emotions gave more power to a demon. 


“Don’t react.”


“I understand.”


Selvin believed Viola’s words as gospel truth and thanks to that firm faith and trust, ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ gained no power. Selvin’s belief was so strong that it was almost irrational. 


“Selvin will close her eyes and just wait for sister’s words!”


Meanwhile, the incantation shook the demon completely. However, while ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ was burning up inside, it laughed and giggled outwardly. 


‘I’ve faced this several times before!’


Humans were fragile and that’s why they would inevitably doubt. The moment they doubted, the power of the exorcism incantation would break. The black mist condensed, transforming into the shape of a long whip.


“I’ll kill you.”


The black whip began to coil around Viola’s body. Selvin, having blocked all of her senses, did not know the situation Viola was in. Viola was scared but controlled her mind. She still has one last resort left so it was not yet time to panic or fear. 


‘If real danger comes, I’ll just call Pom-Pom.’


“Does it hurt?”


The demon laughed and giggled, continuing to intimidate.


“Should I kill you now?”




Thinking again, ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ was not as scary as Heron or Medea, whom Viola had experienced. Thus, ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ wasn’t suffocatingly frightening for Viola.


Viola smiled and said, “Arge was jealous of Halcon, an old friend and the hero of the continent.”


Meanwhile, the black whip tightened more around Viola’s body, but it wasn’t too painful. She hadn’t even deployed a water barrier yet. Viola was a bit surprised but realized it wasn’t because of her physical prowess, but rather thanks to the artifact (dress) she was wearing. The treasure of Louise Bartengan proved its worth. It was uncomfortable to breathe, but not too torturous.


Viola continued, “Jealousy turned into hatred. Eventually, Arge went mad with rage, and Halcon, with tears in his eyes, slit Arge’s throat. That day, you were born.”


The blood seeping from Arge’s neck permeated the temple, giving birth to ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.’ She had binge-read the novel several times and remembered the contents of the setting book precisely. No matter what actions or words ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ used to hide the truth, Viola was unshaken.


Many voices merged and screamed, “No!!!”


“The Black Temple. This is the temple where you were born and that’s why you could wield such great power.”


It was difficult for the demon to exert physical power by itself. Now that its contractor, Dexial, had been defeated, and it couldn’t use Dexial’s body, it was even more so.


“No! No! No! No!!!”


Nevertheless, the demon revealed itself and formed a whip to strangle Viola.


“So, you are indeed The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.”


Viola, without any hesitation, spoke again. 


“Cast aside the shadows and face the light, Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.”


The demon couldn’t shake Viola and with a shriek, it turned into a clump of ash and vanished.


* * *


Shailan’s bangs fluttered in the wind while leaves swirled around his body, enveloping him. Now, he was not a disguised coachman but Shailan, Viola’s master and an assassin from the Eastern Continent. Although he had retired, he was very active today. 


“How should I kill you?”


Cowardly Shailan had lost his fear. No emotion was reflected in the eyes of the now fearless Shailan. At his feet lay a dark wizard sprawled out. 


“P-please, spare me.”


“You’re asking for the wrong thing.”


Shailan had no intention of forgiving Dexial. 


“You should be asking for a painless death instead.”


“P-please, just spare my life… s-sob.”


“Why did you mess with my disciple?”


Dexial, begging for his life, reached out toward Shailan’s ankles in a pleading gesture.




Shailan’s ankle was grasped and at that moment, Dexial vomited something from within.




It was a deadly poison that Dexial carried within his body, meant as a last resort for when his opponent was off guard.


‘Die, you bastard!’


But even this last resort could not penetrate Shailan’s Grass Sword. The leaves, as if alive, moved to block Dexial’s move. 


Shailan was not at all flustered. Instead, he murmured in a languid voice, “My disciple is right.”


What exactly was ‘right’ wasn’t clear, but nevertheless, Viola was correct. Killing the wrong person was an unjust act.


“I am a righteous master.”


So, he decided to administer punishment. Now, he was not ‘Cowardly Shailan,’ but ‘Master Shailan.’


Just before the sharp-edged leaves penetrated Dexial’s neck, Zenon’s voice was heard.


“Her Highness says to keep him alive for now. It seems that we need to extract some information.”




Shailan scratched his cheek gently. With drowsy eyes, he looked down at the sorcerer beneath him.


“But when it’s time to kill, I’ll do it.”


Zenon smiled broadly. 


“Please make sure it’s very painful.”


“Huh? Are you angry?”


“I am not angry.”


“Are you sure you’re not angry?”


“I am not angry. It’s just that this person tried to kill my master.”


A chill seeped from the corners of Zenon’s calm-speaking mouth. 


Shailan responded, “I’ll make it as painful as possible.”


Hearing this calm yet terrible conversation, Dexial fainted. 


* * *


“It’s magic!”


From Selvin’s perspective, it was like magic. She had blocked all her senses and when she opened her eyes again, the demon was gone. Selvin looked at Viola with sparkling eyes, unable to hide her admiration.


“Selvin will become just like Sister. Sister will rule over Bellato? Then Selvin will rule over Brandia!”


Viola, concealing her stifled feelings, patted Selvin’s head once and moved on. 


‘I was lucky.’


As a reader, she had information and was confident in that information. Information and confidence. Without either of these, it would have been dangerous. Viola glanced over at the spot where ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ had been but the demon had turned to ash and disappeared. 


‘Now that the demon has disappeared, Dexial will no longer be able to use his power.’


Dexial had been subdued by Shailan and was already powerless, Viola was unaware of the external situation. 




It seemed like her luck was improving for another stroke of fortune occurred. 


‘Is that a black troll?’


It was a black troll with two heads. Trolls are creatures with incredible regenerative abilities. In other words, creatures with tenacious lives. It seemed to have survived the cleanup of ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.’ 


‘It’s almost dead.’


Despite the troll’s incredible regenerative ability, it appeared to have been fatally wounded by ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness.’ Its condition was really quite poor.


‘It’ll be easy to perform the oath ceremony now!’


Although it was horrific to be splattered with blood, it still had to be done. Selvin looked at Viola with eager anticipation to see how she would handle it. Viola used her sword to decapitate both heads of the troll.


‘Wow! Sister is the best!’


Viola felt that Selvin, lifting her thumbs up, was a bit overwhelming, so she summoned Pom-Pom while avoiding Selvin’s gaze.




Pom-Pom gathered the blood droplets that had sprayed into the air and formed them into a blob. Hiding her discomfort, Viola reached out her hand toward the blob.




The blood burst like a water balloon, drenching Viola with the blood. She held her breath against the foul smell of the blood.


‘It doesn’t smell.’


The artifact she was wearing not only prevented contamination but also purified the stench of blood in real time, providing Viola with clean air. Thanks to this, she felt no nausea.


“I, Viola, the Sixth Princess of Bellato, solemnly swear to form an oath with Vichen, the Fifth Prince of Bellato.”


The oath ceremony was successfully completed. Selvin was delighted to have witnessed this historic moment. Looking at the scene, Viola felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding. 


‘Well, it’s all over now.’


But it was strange. 


‘It’s strange how I was so lucky.’


When luck was this good, something bad usually happened. Viola felt it was truly ominous.


‘Am I missing something?’


She thought there must be something more. Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind.


‘Could it be…?!’


She looked around. 


‘We’re doomed.’


The last remaining black troll had been vanquished and now there was not a single monster left here. Even ‘The Evil Spirit of the Wilderness’ born here had been exterminated. Two conditions that she had not even considered when coming here were met simultaneously.


It was the condition to summon the ruler of the first floor of The Black Temple.



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on July, 2.

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  1. Workout says:

    The story is getting good, but left off on a cliffhanger. Anyone know when the next update is? It’s a bit delayed right now?

    1. Kimi says:

      Since tomorrow could possibly be a holiday for them, hard to say.

      1. Workout says:

        Alright, no problem, this story is probably my favorite the read at the moment, so I was just a little impatient

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