I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home

















I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 72








Lia exchanged brief greetings with the knights of the Grand duke’s household who were leaving for the demons subjugation mission while she was in Cassian’s arms.


Fortunately, no one had any negative thoughts about Lia being held by Cassian, as she had feared. Rather, the fact that Lia was in Cassian’s arms was shocking enough on its own.


Because of this, the knights were simply dazed and greeted Lia blankly.


“I will briefly explain the schedule for the demons subjugation.”


As soon as Lia finished greeting the knights, Shion approached her and spoke.


“It will take approximately two days to reach the Refaar Forest from here. After a short rest upon arrival, the subjugation mission will begin immediately. I can’t tell you exactly how long the entire mission will take, but it could be at least two weeks, or even up to a month. However, it will probably be difficult to complete it within two weeks.”


The Refaar Forest was already known as a major habitat for demons. It was common for demons to appear frequently, and there were many of them.


Therefore, it was impossible to complete the demons subjugation in a short time.


“…Two weeks. Finish it within that time.”


Without giving Lia a chance to speak, Cassian spoke in a firm voice.


For Lia’s sake, it was best to minimize the subjugation period.


The longer the period, the more burden Lia would have to bear.


Cassian hoped that the mission wouldn’t exceed two weeks.


“Sigh… I would like that too, but it’s not easy.”


“I’m here. And the knights of the Grand Duke’s household are here too.”


Cassian frowned as if questioning what could be lacking.


“For the subjugation, I sent knights ahead to scout the Refaar Forest. However, it seems that there are particularly many demons this time. Furthermore, we may have to enter the central part of the forest.”


Shion, too, looked displeased with the situation, his face dark.


The lengthening of the subjugation period and the increased difficulty were not significant issues. The mission was always full of variables.


However, this time was different. If it were just them, it wouldn’t be a big deal, but the problem was Lia.


She was also part of this demon subjugation mission.


“…Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”


If he had known, he would have postponed the mission or considered other options.


The demon subjugation with the knights of the Grand Duke’s household was deemed safe enough to risk a bit of danger this time, but given the circumstances, Cassian had no choice but to consider other options.


“I received the report only yesterday.”




Instead of cursing, Cassian let out a sigh filled with various emotions. He couldn’t use harsh language in front of Lia.


In the serious atmosphere between the two, Lia cautiously opened her mouth.


“…Is it very dangerous?”


“It’s not that it’s dangerous… it’s just that the subjugation period has lengthened.”


The knights of the Grand Duke’s household were in charge of this demon subjugation.


So, there was almost no danger.


It just… would take more time than usual.


“That’s fine. There’s always room for unexpected events in any situation.”


Lia had anticipated that the mission could take from one week to a month from the start. So, she could tolerate around two weeks.


Listening to Shion, it seemed that it would take longer than two weeks, but what could she do? It was an unexpected situation even for Shion.


“It will be very tiring.”


They wouldn’t be able to rest properly until the subjugation was over.


From the start, it wasn’t an easy or simple task that could be done leisurely.


“I’ve already decided, taking everything into account.”


No matter how much longer or more difficult it became, Lia had no intention of changing her decision now.


It was something she had to go through at least once, and Lia didn’t want to neglect her duties.


“Lia, two weeks is not a short time.”


“It could be.”


“Throughout the subjugation, you’ll continuously encounter demons.”


“That’s expected in a demon subjugation.”


Lia understood why Cassian was saying such things. It was out of concern for her and a form of persuasion.


But Lia had no intention of turning back now.


“Cassian, if you keep trying to persuade me like this, I’ll go alone.”


Lia understood Cassian’s feelings, but there was nothing she could do about it.


Even though she was young, she was the head of a family. She couldn’t avoid her responsibilities just because they were difficult or frightening.


“…My angel baby, you’re so stubborn.”


Seeing Lia’s determined expression, Cassian sighed softly, realizing that no amount of persuasion would work.


If only Lia were a little less mature.


If only Lia were a little more childlike.


If only she knew how to whine a little, he wouldn’t have to go through such heartache.


But his angel baby was too steadfast and strong for him to easily sway her.


“Since the Duke insists, I understand that you will continue to accompany us on the demon subjugation.”


Shion, too, was concerned and uncomfortable about Lia joining the subjugation, but there was nothing he could do.


It was her decision.


Especially since even Cassian couldn’t dissuade her, how could he?


“Yes, so please continue with your explanation.”


“During the subjugation, there won’t be much time to rest. The longer we stay in the forest, the more dangerous it becomes. So we’ll only take minimal breaks and sleeping time.”


“That’s fine. I’m here to complete a mission, not to take a vacation.”


Lia responded with a composed expression to Shion’s cautious words.


“However… you must be very tired today, so I suggest we rest here for the night before setting off.”


Originally, they planned to depart for the Refaar Forest as soon as Cassian and Lia joined. It was best to start the subjugation as quickly as possible.


But given the unexpectedly long schedule and seeing Lia’s tired state, they had to change their plans.


“No, I’m fine.”


“But, duke…”


“I don’t want to be a burden. That’s not why I came along. Please don’t worry about me.”


“My angel baby is not a burden.”


“But if my presence causes delays or issues in the subjugation schedule, that would definitely be a burden.”


She came here to fulfill her duties as the head of her family.


She came here to share the hardships of the gifted and to understand them.


Therefore, she didn’t want to inconvenience them in any way.


She didn’t want them to worry about her.


“Angel baby.”


Cassian called out to Lia in a coaxing tone. Lia pretended not to notice.


“You don’t need to consider my circumstances. Just follow the schedule you planned.”


“…It’s a demanding schedule, even for adults.”


“If it becomes too much, I’ll let you know. And Khal is here too.”


“…Yes, he is.”


“So really, if it gets very tough, I’ll rest like this in Khal’s arms. It’s comfortable, and I might even sleep well.”


Lia exaggerated on purpose to ease Shion and Cassian’s worries.


“…My angel baby, you’re good at handling people.”


Cassian sighed, feeling his resolve weaken at Lia’s words.


“I told you, Khal. When I say I’m fine, it’s because I know I’ll be fine. And that’s because you’re here. That hasn’t changed.”


“…What can I do? If it’s what my angel baby wants, I’ll grant it.”


“Thank you, Khal.”


For respecting my opinion.


And for following my words.


“Just remember. If I feel at all that my angel baby is in danger, or if it’s too much for you, I’ll take matters into my own hands.”


“…I understand.”


This time, Lia nodded in agreement, showing she would follow Cassian’s wishes.


For Cassian, who worried about her more than anyone else, she felt she should compromise at least this much.


After that conversation, Lia and Cassian mounted their horses again.


They continued their paused journey.


Cassian wished they could rest for Lia’s sake, but what could he do? Lia didn’t want it.


And so, their serious journey resumed.




For three full days, Lia and Cassian rode continuously, only stopping to sleep.


They took short breaks in between, but the total rest time was no more than ten minutes each time.


Despite showing signs of fatigue, Lia never once complained or expressed difficulty.


Even though she couldn’t sleep well in the unfamiliar, uncomfortable places, Lia maintained a composed expression.


Cassian silently clicked his tongue in disapproval at this sight.




The schedule was originally set according to the standards of the gifted.


The physical abilities of the gifted were several times superior to those of ordinary people. Naturally, there would be a difference in basic stamina.


So adjusting the subjugation schedule to Lia’s pace wasn’t an inconvenience.


Anyone else accompanying them would have required similar adjustments.


But Lia followed the demanding schedule without a single complaint or word of dissent.


While he admired her for it, Cassian also felt a pang of sorrow.


Sometimes, he wished she could be more childish.


She never acted that way, not even when it was necessary.


Maybe it was because she had to shoulder so much responsibility at such a young age.


Every time he saw her like that, Cassian felt uneasy and his heart grew heavy.


However, since Lia didn’t want it, forcing her to rest wouldn’t help.


Shortly after, Lia’s horse came to a stop.


They had finally arrived at the Refaar Forest.















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