I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home




























I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 44











‘It’s truly amazing.’


What on earth is this kid that grabs my attention so much?


The kid who intrigued me at every moment made me pay attention and look at her even when she was sleeping.


Cassian cautiously got up, wondering if Lia would wake up.


Then, with an expression of utmost preciousness, he gently touched her cheek.


As he touched her, he felt the softness of her cheek and the warmth.


Soon, Lia frowned as if even that gentle touch was bothersome.


“Is this because she’s an angel. Even her frowning face is so cute.”


In that sense, the former Duke Sithran that leaving her alone made Cassian feel sorry for her.


Since I can no longer see this appearance.


And her parents too.


“Was she raised by Duke Sithran?”


Seeing that they hadn’t heard anything about her parents separately, it seemed there were some complicated circumstances.


“They’re truly pitiful.”


After giving birth to such a lovely daughter, for some reason, they couldn’t raise her themselves.


So although he was very curious about those circumstances, Cassian soon withdrew his interest.


Since he didn’t know anything about their circumstances.


What was special to Cassian was Lia, not her parents.


In a way, it was fortunate.


If Lia had proper parents, if she had grown up under their care, they wouldn’t have met like this.


If that had happened, he might not have known that such a lovely child existed in the world.


‘I hope Lia’s father continues to live a foolish life.’


Without even seeing the face of this lovely daughter who inherited his blood.


Whatever the circumstances, due to the absence of her father, Lia had to endure difficult times, making him unfit as a father just for that reason.


At the most crucial moments, he couldn’t be by her side.


So, it would be okay not to appear forever.


His absence was hardly felt because he would cherish Lia in his place.


























It’s already been three days since she went to the imperial castle. Meanwhile, Lia spent time like any other day.


Waking up to work, and only going to bed late at night had become a routine for her now.


It was one particular night.


Even on that day, having worked all day and barely fallen asleep late at night, Lia sensed a small disturbance in her sleep.


Initially thinking it might be the sound of the wind, Lia, at the continued disturbance, eventually had no choice but to open her eyes.


The sound was coming from the room connected to the bedroom.


‘Is it an intruder?’


If someone had sneaked in at this late hour, there would be no one else.


Lia pondered on the dilemma.


She could ring the bell to summon the knights, but if she did that, the intruder might escape in the meantime.


Without knowing their identity or intentions, letting the intruder go would lead to discovering nothing.


‘What should I do?’


Rather than giving the intruder a chance to escape, she had no choice but to catch them herself.


With that thought, Lia stealthily rose, scanning her surroundings. It was an examination of anything she could use as a weapon.


In her eyes, a book that looked reasonably thick and sturdy caught her attention.


Lia cautiously picked it up. Soon, she opened the door connected to the adjacent room and, without any hesitation, threw the book she was holding into the darkness.


Fortunately, Lia’s thrown book hit the man’s head precisely.


With him, Lia climbed onto the fallen man. Then, she untied the cords that were used to secure her nightclothes to bind the man’s hands and feet.


Only after completely subduing the man, she lit a lamp and rang the bell.


It was to summon the knights.


Having completed that, Lia finally checked the man’s face.


In that moment, surprise appeared on Lia’s face.


“S… Sir Shion?”


No, why is he here? And at this hour, sneaking around like a thief?


“….. Uh, hello.”


Although Shion, who had been hit by the book and fallen, hadn’t lost consciousness, he awkwardly greeted Lia with a puzzled expression.


“No, what’s going on?”


Lia couldn’t understand the current situation.


Why would Cassian’s aide visit the Duke’s residence in this manner?


She couldn’t fathom that he had ill intentions towards her or came to rob the Duke’s estate.


After all, there was the openly present Grand Duke Cassian.


Just as Shion was about to respond to Lia’s words, the knights, alerted by Lia’s call, opened the door and entered.


They immediately raised their guard, drawing their swords at the suspicious figure beneath Lia.


“He’s someone I know. You can just let him go.”


“Someone you know?”




“But why did this person come without any notice at this late hour?”




“Moreover, it doesn’t seem like he entered through the usual channels, judging by what was found in your room.”


It seemed that he didn’t enter through the usual route, especially considering what was discovered in Lia’s room.


“It was a surprise event.”


Unable to find a suitable excuse, Lia evaded the question.


“Still, we can’t just overlook this.”


Just because he’s known doesn’t mean he can be trusted.


“It’s okay. He’s not a bad person. If you’re worried, he can stay right outside the door.”


In case any help is needed, he can signal, and they will assist immediately.


“If that’s what young lady suggests, I will do so for now.”


Though the unfamiliar man still seemed suspicious, the knights obediently followed Lia’s words.


Despite her young age, she was their rightful master.


Her words took precedence.


After the knights left, Lia rose from atop Shion. However, not knowing Shion’s situation yet, she didn’t untie the cords binding his hands.


“So, what’s going on here?”


“Uh, first of all, I apologize for surprising you.”


Shion apologized with a puzzled expression.


He hadn’t anticipated such a situation.


Of all the rooms, he had to choose the one belonging to the Duke Lia…


“Save the apology until I hear the explanation.”


Lia’s firm and composed words made Shion inwardly sigh quietly.


As expected, there was never anything good when it came to being involved with his master.


Following Cassian’s words was inevitable. Whether he says ‘jump’ or ‘fly,’ Shion had to comply. In the end, he found himself in an awkward situation.


“My lord asked me to convey that he has something important to discuss with me and requested me to come to where he is.”


“If there was a reason to visit the Duke’s estate, you could have sent a formal letter. But visiting like this at this hour?”


“Yes, I wanted to do that too, but someone else insisted it should be done secretly.”


“So, the chosen method was to sneak in late at night through the window?”


“… My lord personally informed me of the method, even guiding me on the location of your room.”


The only problem was… Shion’s sense of direction.


Crossing a moat and trying to climb a wall, he had no idea which was which. Trying something he had never done before, even if he got the information about the room, he couldn’t discern one from another.


Well, Cassian always climbed the walls of the imperial castle to meet the emperor. Coming here was a daily routine, so he might be used to that, but at least it wasn’t Shuon.


Someone with experience would naturally be better at anything they’ve tried.


“This isn’t Khal’s room.”


“That’s my mistake.”


Lia looked at Shion with a perplexed expression at his explanation.


His explanation was quite convincing. Given Cassian’s reputation, he was someone who could issue such orders and still be trustworthy.


Furthermore, the fact that Cassian resided in the Duke’s estate was a secret, so formal visits would indeed pose difficulties.


However, even so, was this method absolutely necessary?


Surely, there must have been other methods besides sneaking in through the window.


In that sense, one might say it was truly characteristic of Cassian.


“… If that’s the case, I’ll accept your apology.”


After all, what fault did Shion really have?


If anything, it was simply the fact that he was serving under an entirely unreasonable superior.


So if anyone were to be held accountable, it should be Cassian, not Shion.


“… I am grateful for the Duke’s boundless mercy.”


Shion genuinely appreciated it.


Even if Cassian had given the order, if Lia took issue with it, things could become complicated.


And… it wasn’t exactly a matter to be easily overlooked.


“Shall we call it a kind of camaraderie? Somehow, when I see Shion’s actions, they are quite unusual…”


If it were someone else, Lia might not have just let it slide.


But wasn’t there a commonality between Shion and herself?


It was the suffering caused by Cassian, both emotionally and mentally.


Even after just a month together, Lia was feeling exhausted, so how much more so for Shion, who had worked under him for years?


With Lia’s words, Shion looked at her with a somewhat wistful expression. He seemed slightly touched.


“So, are you going to meet with Khal right away?”


“Yes, that’s why I came here in the first place.”


“I’ll guide you to the room where Khal is.”


“No, how could I inconvenience you like that? If you just tell me the location, I’ll find my own way there.”


“It’s okay, besides, I have something to say to Khal as well… and seeing a stranger wandering around at this hour might lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.”


“… I suppose you’re right.”


Shion, who had no intention of causing trouble for Lia, expressed his apology once again.


“Before that, let’s tend to your wound. And… I’m sorry. I thought you were an intruder when I threw the book…”


Seeing a slight trickle of blood from the spot where Shion was hit by the thrown book, Lia wore an apologetic expression.


“I understand. Anyone would have done the same.”


It was fortunate that it ended with just this.


“Then I’ll call for the doctor.”


She can’t pretend not to know when she’s caused the injury.


With those words, Lia called for the doctor, who arrived shortly afterward.


Fortunately, the injury wasn’t severe, and the treatment concluded quickly.


After the treatment, Lia, along with Shion, headed to the room where Cassian was supposed to be.


















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  1. Prettysnowball10 says:

    Aww poor Shion dude. I always feel such sympathy for the aides in these novels.

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