I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home














I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 35










The nobles who caught Lia’s gaze flinched.


Although they didn’t openly embezzle taxes or commit embezzlement like those taken away earlier, they felt uneasy due to various reasons.


“Recently, you know, I heard a very interesting story.”


Lia, while speaking as if she had heard a truly fascinating story, wore a sly smile. Yet, a sharp atmosphere suggested she could unleash her fury at any moment.


Under Lia’s scrutiny, the nobles involuntarily tensed, swallowing nervously.


Dealing with pressure from a mere child wounded their pride, but Lia’s imposing presence was not easily dismissed.


Since becoming the head of the family, Lia had unreservedly revealed her capabilities in this short period, leaving everyone curious about what had transpired.


“Some of the nobles belonging to the duchy are dissatisfied with the emperor’s orders and are showing seditious movements? That’s such a shame.”


Lia wore an expression genuinely portraying pity, but within it were the sharp claws of her feelings towards the other party.


Beneath that veneer of empathy lay Lia’s sharp claws, ready to tear apart the adversary.


“We only hold such opinions out of concern for our family. Wouldn’t we be able to express such sentiments as well?”


“Yeah, right. I suppose we could think that way.”


The noble, slightly counterarguing as if stung by Lia’s acquiescence, breathed a small sigh of relief.


Perhaps there was hope for things to go smoothly and be overlooked.


However, this was a foolish misconception. Just from her demeanor in this meeting, it was easy to speculate that Lia would not let this matter pass.


“But, I may think so, will His Majesty think the same?”


“What is that…”


“What they are dissatisfied with is his qualifications as my guardian. However, he is a person recognized by His Majesty Himself, and His Majesty also conveyed his intention through the Emperor’s command. The Emperor’s command is a supreme person that all nobles must follow unconditionally. So, wouldn’t it be an insult to the royal family to be dissatisfied with that and show subversive movements?”


The noble who argued against the charge of disrespect to the Emperor swallowed hard.


Disrespect to the Emperor was by no means a trivial offense; it could lead to charges of rebellion depending on the severity.


Thus, those nobles who had something to hide couldn’t conceal their anxious expressions.


Unbeknownst to them, Lia had no intention of framing their actions like that.


Anyway, they weren’t nobles affiliated with the Duchy.


“But I’ve been curious since earlier—why do you act as if you’re involved, even though I didn’t mention you?”


“I… I was just trying to clarify any misunderstandings you might have, my lady.”


“What misunderstandings? I simply stated the facts, didn’t I?”


Lia exerted pressure with her gaze, refraining from explicitly naming anyone.


She merely discussed the situation without pointing fingers.




The noble, attempting to justify or explain, unwittingly admitted their own fault, realizing the situation they had put themselves in.


“It’s fine. There’s no need to be so flustered. I’ve known about those who show discontent for a while now.”


Lia had simply refrained from singling them out, choosing to address the situation indirectly.


Rather than openly criticizing, she skillfully led the situation, making it potentially more unsettling for the other party.


“W-well, we haven’t been involved in such matters…”


“I haven’t finished speaking. Do you always interrupt when the duke is talking?”


Having to tolerate constant interruptions was becoming increasingly irritating.


Lia found it bothersome to repeatedly deal with these interruptions.


In truth, she could overlook and move past this.


They merely needed an opportunity to provide their excuses.


However, this time, she needed to assert herself properly.


To prevent them from showing disrespect again in front of her.


To ensure they no longer underestimated her.


Faced with Lia’s sharp remarks, the noble who had been seeking a chance to justify themselves fell silent.


Lia was no longer the naive child they could casually dismiss.


“Returning to the main point, even that alone is not something I can overlook, and there seems to be quite a few other interesting activities you’ve been up to.”




Having already admitted through their own words that they were part of the group involved in suspicious activities, one of the nobles visibly reacted to Lia’s statement.


What she had just brought up seemed challenging enough to navigate, but it appeared Lia had uncovered more.


“So, you not only claimed to be acting on behalf of the duke, but also extorted money from other nobles in the name of the duke? Forcing unfair deals on the merchants you were dealing with?”


It seemed they were caught in everything, right down to these details.


The nobles wore grim expressions at the bleak realization.


“I can’t express how astonished I was. What made you believe you could act as the duke’s representatives? And… to think such individuals existed within our Duchy.”


Lia’s gaze was chilling, devoid of any warmth.


“Therefore, I intend to expel all of you from the Duke’s registry.”


Those individuals couldn’t be allowed to remain under the Duke’s registry any longer.


As long as they were beneath the Duke’s name, their every misdeed tarnished the Duke’s reputation.


It was necessary to cut off the rotten parts before they further tainted the Duchy with their foul stench.


“E-e-expel us just based on rumors!”


The nobles, who had been as still as mice before Lia’s charismatic presence, vehemently opposed.


Expulsion meant, ultimately, social death.


It signified the end of their place in society.


They were going to become nobles no more.


No one would treat a noble cast out from their original house with respect, and their prestige would sharply decline.


They would barely maintain a formal noble status.


“Could it be that I didn’t properly verify the rumors?”


Lia presented the evidence with an exceedingly composed attitude.


The documents detailed all the wrongdoings and abuses they had committed behind Lia’s back since her grandfather’s passing.


In addition to what Lia had mentioned, it documented every action they had taken.


Of course, that wasn’t the only information written there.


“Every meeting, conversation, and action you took, it’s all written there. Don’t deny it. I’ve verified the facts with everyone involved, and I even have their statements.”


The statements were stamped with the seals verifying their identities. This document served as ample evidence of the entire situation.


So, no matter how much they denied, it was futile.


There were even more concrete pieces of evidence in Lia’s hands.


‘Thanks to that, resolving this has become much smoother.’


Lia recalled Cassian, who had gathered all these pieces of evidence and smiled with satisfaction.


In truth, without him, she wouldn’t have been able to collect all the evidence so perfectly.


There was a limit to what she could have found out on her own.


However, as the Grand Duke, Cassian not only helped Lia with things that were difficult for her but also personally brought her this evidence.


Despite being a gift prepared for herself, it turned out to be exactly what she needed.


“B-but this is unreasonable! Isn’t this a unilateral decision made by a young lady?”


“Then who should decide if not me?”


“Ah, but shouldn’t the Grand Duke, being young, seek advice from others and obtain His Majesty’s approval as this is a matter that requires his consent?”


“Well, it doesn’t seem to matter on either side. If you’re worried that I’m too young to make a proper judgment, you don’t have to. Just because someone is an adult doesn’t mean they always make the right decisions. Look at you, making such foolish mistakes.”


Faced with Lia’s cutting remarks, the guilty nobles couldn’t utter a word.


“And… this is an internal family matter. So, His Majesty’s approval isn’t needed. Besides, I’m not taking away your noble status; I simply decided to remove you. That’s entirely within my authority.”


“H-how could you be so ruthless to us….”


“From now on, every word you utter will cost you a fine of 100,000 gold coins per letter. My time is worth that much.”


By this point, they should have willingly admitted their guilt and accepted their punishment, but the nobles were remarkably tenacious.


Well, it made sense.


After all, they had just lost everything they had enjoyed until now.


However, Lia had no intention of showing them any mercy.


They were individuals who had tried to swallow the Duchy by taking advantage of her vulnerable situation without a proper guardian.


If things had gone differently, she might have been the one losing everything and being driven away by them.


So, she had to strike when the opportunity presented itself.


Once someone harbors greed, they won’t easily abandon it.


They would try to swallow the Duchy again at some point.


“Oh, come to think of it, I missed one thing. Despite being responsible for managing the territory, you persecuted the residents, imposed false accusations, and arbitrarily imprisoned and punished them. As the duke of the Duchy, I cannot turn a blind eye to your actions, and I will hold you accountable for that too.”


Lia had investigated and uncovered this wrongdoing without Cassian’s help, just like the other pieces of evidence.


“P-please, just spare us this once.”


“Yes, we were wrong. Please, show us mercy…”


As the situation reached this point, the nobles, realizing they had only one option left, pleaded for forgiveness, hanging on Lia’s every word.


“No, I won’t.”


Lia rejected their pleas with an unfazed expression and promptly summoned the knights.


Thus, the protagonists of the final big event were escorted out by the knights.


Now, only about half of the nobles who attended the initial meeting remained in the conference room.


















Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!
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  1. Prettysnowball10 says:

    YEAH BABY! Go Lia!!!

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