I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home









I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 27












“By the way, what was lady doing here? I thought we were in the midst of a ball.”


As if deliberately, Jeshuan wore an even brighter smile.


Now that he knew his appearance had an impact on her, he intended to actively use it.


Though it remained uncertain how long this impact would last.


“I was just feeling a bit stifled, so I took a break alone.”


Lia’s face blushed slightly as she replied.


Understandably so; the owner of a captivating appearance could make hearts race just by standing there, especially when his smile became even more enchanting than before.


In that sense, she understood the danger implied by Khal’s warning about the prince.


While he probably didn’t mean it in that way, from Lia’s perspective influenced by Jeshuan’s appearance, it couldn’t help but feel that way.


Staring at Jeshuan’s face for too long might make everything else seem dull or people appear as squids.


If her heart were just a bit weaker, she might struggle to breathe and stumble.


Fortunately, being accustomed to her own appearance, she managed to keep some sanity, but still found herself mesmerized and excited.


“I happened to be enjoying a stroll to relieve my own frustration. Would it be alright if we rested together?”


With a gentle tone and a soft eye smile, Jeshuan made the offer as warmly as possible.


“Yes, that’s fine.”


Originally planning to rest quietly alone, she couldn’t refuse the prince’s suggestion to rest together.


Although it was regrettable that her solitary break ended so quickly, she rationalized it as a fortunate turn of events leading to a different kind of relaxation.


At least her eyes were definitely getting refreshed.


Consequently, an unexpected sense of inner peace seemed to settle in.


“Thanks. It felt a bit lonely to stroll alone.”


As if eliciting sympathy, Jeshuan effortlessly settled beside her, creating a pitiful yet delicate atmosphere.


“Sometimes, it happens.”


Lia fundamentally enjoyed her solitude. Being alone quietly was more comfortable than being bothered by someone else. However, that didn’t mean being alone was entirely easy.


Occasionally, alone time was necessary, but it didn’t mean she always wanted to be alone.


Especially since her grandfather passed away, the fact of being ‘alone’ triggered complex emotions.


Each time, the absence of her grandfather’s presence felt overwhelmingly significant.


Observing Lia’s expression, Jeshuan cast a peculiar gaze.


Just for a moment.


“I feel awkward sitting alone. How about sitting next to me, Lady Sithran?”


Jeshuan casually patted the spot beside him, as if suggesting her to take a seat.


Almost inviting her to sit.


In response to Jeshuan’s words, Lia hesitated for a moment, then obediently took a seat beside him.


However, keeping a slight distance.


She refrained from sitting too close because his appearance was too captivating, and her heart might not endure it if he sat right next to her.


Observing Lia’s actions, Jeshuan once again displayed a subtle expression.


His expression seemed to reflect dissatisfaction with the distance between them, a sense of hurt, or perhaps resignation.


However, such expressions vanished quickly.


Hiding his true feelings and pretending everything was fine with


Jeshuan had become so natural and familiar.


Now, he could do it effortlessly without conscious effort.


A brief silence settled between the two sitting side by side on the garden bench.


In that silence, Lia felt an uncomfortable unease.


The subdued expression on Jeshuan’s face also bothered her.


Contemplating what topic to bring up, Lia cautiously opened her mouth.


“Is your body feeling better now?”


It seemed like she wanted to conceal the events of that day, but no other suitable topic came to mind.


In her own way, the events of that day continued to weigh on her mind.


On that day, Jeshuan appeared truly tormented and in pain. Despite calming down before parting ways, his demeanor seemed too accustomed to such situations.


Unless he had experienced similar situations multiple times, it was hard to believe that someone who had suffered so much just moments ago could easily brush off the situation.


Either that or, until a little while ago, someone who appeared so distressed in that situation couldn’t just dismiss it without a trace.


Jeshuan remained silent at Lia’s question.


His expression conveyed an unexpected inquiry, and he seemed uncomfortable with the situation itself.


Lia subtly glanced at him.


Judging by his reaction, it seemed like she might have brought up an unnecessary topic.


Even back then, she had been cautious and guarded against such uncomfortable situations.


Despite the lack of suitable topics, it appeared that her choice of conversation wasn’t ideal.


Lia spoke as if making an excuse.


“I was just concerned, that’s all. So, forget I asked…”


“So, you’re worrying about me?”


Before Lia could finish her sentence, Jeshuan responded with a bewildered expression, as if he had heard something unbelievable.




“That’s a truly unexpected thing to say.”


Saying this, Jeshuan, unusually, revealed his honest emotions.


For him, someone showing concern for him was a difficult thing to believe.


“If someone sees you in that state, wouldn’t anyone worry?”


Lia looked puzzled at Jeshuan’s reaction, as if he was questioning whether it was appropriate to worry.




Jeshuan wore a bitter expression.


With that statement just now, he learned something new.


‘Seems like she knows nothing.’


Thinking that if she knew he was the crown prince, she must know other things as well.


However, from her reaction, it seemed she was completely unaware of the rumors surrounding her.


If she knew, she wouldn’t have worried about him.


He was just a monster to others.


So, unfortunately, if someone witnessed his outburst, they would likely not worry but rather be afraid and try to avoid him.


For fear of getting caught up in his rage.


They would only worry about him hurting them.


Jeshuan’s agony was merely a source of anxiety and danger to others; there was no reason for them to worry about Jeshuan himself.


“Has the Duke ever talked about me?”


“Honestly, no.”


“Not even to the former Duke of Sithran?”


“My grandfather prefers not to speak about others when they are not present.”


“…. That’s quite a reserved behavior.”


Indeed, if it were the former Duke of Sithran, he would have remained that way.


He was not completely inflexible, but he had a somewhat old-fashioned and stuffy side.


Always valuing right and wrong, striving to do what was right.


Truly noble and virtuous.


However, even so, it was puzzling that she knew nothing about him.


While there was no one openly spreading rumors about him under the Emperor’s authority, the whispers had already circulated widely within the capital.


So, even if the former Duke of Sithran did not speak to her, she would have heard something about him through interaction with other nobles.


Suddenly, Jeshuan recalled one fact.


The former Duke, Shubaren, particularly embraced her.


Normally, even before entering society, to build connections, one would at least create opportunities for interaction with other noble families.


But Lia had none.


Hence, nobles were aware of her existence, but detailed information about her was almost nonexistent.


This was due to Duke Shubaren’s reluctance to expose her publicly.


So, if Duke Shubaren didn’t talk to her about him, Lia had no way of knowing the rumors about him.


‘For me, it’s fortunate.’


In reality, Jeshuan hesitated to reveal his identity to her not just because of his status as a crown prince but also due to the rumors surrounding him.


‘… So that’s why.’


The fact that she remained unfazed even after learning he was the crown prince.


There was a bit of discomfort, but there was no sign of fear.


He thought she considered him special, but it was simply because she didn’t know.


As he thought about it, it wasn’t as pleasant as he expected.


Meeting her straightforward and clear eyes that faced him without avoiding his gaze, he felt a strange sense of disappointment, realizing it was born out of ignorance.


Nevertheless, since things were already this way, Jeshuan hoped she would discover the rumors about him as late as possible.


Even if she found out about the rumors belatedly, it would be challenging to push him away since they had already grown close.


At least due to the time that had passed, she might waver a bit.


To prevent her from treating him harshly like others.


Meanwhile, sensing Jeshuan’s suddenly darkened expression, Lia sent him a concerned glance.


“Are you feeling unwell or anything right now?”


She wondered if his expression had soured because of some discomfort.


Otherwise, it was hard to understand why his mood had suddenly turned gloomy.


“No, it’s nothing.”


Jeshuan forced a smile.


Despite the bitter feelings, the fact that she remained oblivious to the rumors surrounding her was undoubtedly an advantage.


If she thought he was simply unwell, he could potentially use that information to his advantage.


There was no more effective means than evoking sympathy for a young girl, especially one with exceptional looks.


Especially if he appeared pitiable, it would easily soften people’s hearts.












Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!

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