I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home









I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 24











“Do you have something to say to me?”


Instead of a retort, Lia responded with a question.


There seemed to be a reason why the other person behaved this way.


In the face of Lia’s calm response, the man had a peculiar expression.


It seemed like he was slightly impressed.


“Well, it’s about alcohol.”




“It might not be suitable for someone who hasn’t even had a coming-of-age ceremony yet.”


The man’s tone of speech was cautious.


While extending a favor as a man, it could be perceived as excessive interference or rudeness when accepted.


So, feigning ignorance might be the better option, but the man couldn’t bring himself to do that.


Even though she was the head of a duke’s household, the fact that she was still a child remained unchanged.


However, how could he simply overlook a child unknowingly drinking alcohol?


That went against the man’s conscience.


“Ah, I see.”


“For non-alcoholic beverages, you’ll need to request separately from the maids or servants. All the drinks provided at today’s ball have at least a small amount of alcohol in them.”


The styles of beverages provided at each ball were different.


In balls attended by somewhat younger youths, non-alcoholic drinks were generally provided, but at events like today, where the heads of households or those with adult qualifications attended, alcoholic beverages were the default.


With his words, the man personally called a maid and requested a non-alcoholic drink.


“Thank you.”


After a while, as Lia received the cup brought by the maid, she expressed her gratitude.


The man, seemingly indifferent, as if indicating that his business was done, casually nodded and left his seat.


Then, standing a bit away from where Lia was but still within sight whenever she turned her head, he stopped.


‘Khal’s not entirely wrong.’


Confirming the man’s position with a glance, Lia murmured to herself.


The moment she saw the man, Lia could immediately discern his identity.


He was probably the aide that Khal mentioned.


Especially the way he subtly observed himself without seeming to, it was almost certain.


Even the place he chose indicated that.


‘Did Khal say he has a damn picky and frustrating personality?’


It was somewhat accurate.


He certainly looked extremely meticulous and somewhat naive just by looking at him.


Of course, the expression ‘a face that seems to have been born with arrogance’ was something she couldn’t agree with at all.


Briefly sending a glance at Khal’s aide, Lia sipped the liquid in her hand.


Balls usually commence with the entrance of the protagonist.


While one could argue that the occasion was meant to celebrate her becoming the mistress of the duke’s estate, it wasn’t necessarily about her being the center of attention.


Given that the host of the ball was the emperor, unlike other balls, it only truly began when the emperor arrived.


How long they had been waiting for the emperor.


Sipping her drink, Lia absentmindedly finished one glass without realizing.


Deciding that she was willingly ready for another glass, Lia signaled for one more.


The beverage tasted better than expected, and she felt a bit unsatisfied with just one glass.


However, before Lia could call the maid, someone interjected.


“Nice to meet you. I’m Sienna, the hostess of the Harun Viscount’s estate.”


“Nice to meet you too. I’m Shulia, the mistress of the Sithran Duke’s estate.”


Lia deliberately used a polite form. Despite being superior in social status, she was still a young age, barely an adult.


The other person was an adult much older than herself.


Using informal language based on their social standing felt awkward.


“But did you come alone?”


“Yes, that’s right.”


Lia sensed an unfavorable atmosphere in the lady’s voice but didn’t show any reaction.


“Oh, I didn’t expect you to attend alone.”


“There’s no reason why I shouldn’t.”


“I expected someone the emperor personally approved as a guardian to be more impressive. Sending a young child alone like this. It seems you’re going to need a reliable support. It must be challenging for you.”


The madam pretended to worry, wearing a face full of concern.


However, with that level of acting, one couldn’t conceal the meaning hidden in the madam’s words.


Especially Lia, who was particularly quick-witted.


Such Lia couldn’t help but understand the meaning embedded in the madam’s words.


She immediately grasped the implications of words belittling the guardian, disregarding her insight, pinpointing the need for support when one is at a vulnerable point, and underlining her age while dismissing her abilities with words expressing difficulty.


Simultaneously, Lia subtly realized that the madam was attempting to assert her superiority over Lia.


“I’m the host. And this is a place to celebrate me.”


With an air suggesting there was no need for a guardian in such a place, Lia calmly spoke, as if questioning the necessity for the guardian to come here.


“Even so, this kind of gathering might feel unfamiliar and awkward. Wouldn’t you need someone to rely on?”


In essence, it implied that the young one might find it challenging to handle this situation alone and could use someone who could indulge their whims.


No, perhaps it was saying that this might not be a fitting place for the young one to join.


Even with such a clear provocation, Lia remained unfazed.


Being ignored due to her young age was not a new experience for her.


Even distant relatives had attempted to manipulate her, using her age as an excuse to disregard and control her.


Especially if she succumbed to such provocations, it would only serve as evidence of her own lack of qualifications.


“Should I really rely on someone? There’s probably nothing worth relying on others for.”


The meaning behind it was simple: I can handle things on my own without relying on anyone.


And no matter what provocation you throw at me, I won’t be shaken at all.


The face of the madam, who understood the meaning in Lia’s words, subtly trembled.


Despite underestimating her due to her young age, she realized Lia was not as easygoing as she thought.


However, seemingly with no intention to retreat quietly, the madam made a final subtle provocation.


She picked up an empty glass from the table and handed it to Lia.


“Looks like the glass is empty. Have a drink.”


Lia’s expression froze at the madam’s action. However, the madam didn’t notice, as the expression passed by in an instant.




The glass handed by the madam was already on the table, implying it contained an alcoholic beverage.


And she couldn’t drink alcohol as she wasn’t yet an adult.


The madam was likely aware of this fact.


Still, handing it to her meant challenging her age once again.


More precisely, it meant that no matter how much you pretend to be an adult, you’re still just a child.


So, Lia found it quite challenging to respond.


If she drank the beverage handed by the madam, it would openly violate the imperial law prohibiting minors from drinking alcohol. If she refused, it would acknowledge herself as a young child due to her age.


Therefore, Lia decided to decline based on a reason other than her age.


“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline. I’m on medication right now, as I have an alcohol allergy.”


Well, whether there’s really an alcohol allergy or not, what can one do if she claims so?


Anyway, it was impossible for the other side to verify.


The madam’s face showed an expression of unexpected attack upon hearing this.


She thought this provocation would be the one to succeed.


It was an unexpectedly calm response.


Whether she would vehemently refuse or drink in a childish manner befitting her young age, Lia had anticipated something along those lines.


“Well, there’s nothing to be done then.”


“Yes, of course. I wouldn’t want to be rude by suggesting alcohol to someone who can’t drink. Wouldn’t want to offend the lady.”


Lia said with a cheerful smile. However, the madam’s expression upon hearing this was not pleasant.


Lia understood that within those casually spoken words, there was a subtle teasing.


Despite claiming not to commit such a rudeness, the madam’s actions themselves were a kind of impoliteness.


Lia knew well that the madam was fully aware she couldn’t drink, yet offering alcohol was a light mockery.


With that conversation, the madam left.


Any further provocation would have been a significant risk for the madam.


She simply wanted to understand the character of the Duke of Sithran’s guardian, not to compete with her.


Just then, the door opened, announcing the Emperor’s arrival.


The Emperor attended alone. Usually, in imperial-hosted banquets, other nobles would also attend, but the Emperor’s sole child, Crown Prince Jeshuan, was nowhere to be seen.


The nobles didn’t question it as if it were natural.


Instead, they considered it fortunate, not wanting to be in the same space as such a dangerous individual.


The Emperor’s gaze, as he moved toward the dais, briefly fell upon Lia.


Lia, meeting the Emperor’s gaze, politely nodded in acknowledgment.


Soon after, as the Emperor ascended the dais, all the nobles attending the banquet simultaneously paid their respects to the Emperor.


“Today is a celebration of the new guardian of the Sithran Duchy, another pillar of the Empire. I hope you all join in congratulating the new Duke on their ascension.”


With those words, the Emperor signaled the beginning of the banquet.


Along with it, the Emperor once again directed his gaze toward Lia.


Sensing there might be something the Emperor wanted to say to her, Lia quietly approached.


Even if there wasn’t, as the protagonist of the banquet, she had to express gratitude to the Emperor.


When Lia stopped in front of the Emperor, he softened his dignified expression from moments ago and looked at her with a somewhat gentler expression.












Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!

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