I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home











I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 14











The boundaries and thorns were so vividly felt that it couldn’t be ignored.


The boy was extremely averse to Lia’s presence.


It was a sight as if revealing an undesirable flaw unwillingly.


Lia considered pretending not to notice and just passing by, but she didn’t.


At that moment, the boy’s groans intensified, experiencing more intense suffering than a moment ago.


The boy didn’t care about getting dirty, clutching his stomach in agony.


Twisting and contorting, the boy’s hand scraped the floor with difficulty.


The sound of scraping the floor seemed to echo how much strength he was exerting.


“I-I’ll call the doctor.”


Judging by the situation, what he could do for the boy seemed to have its limits.


Seeing him in such agony suggested it was not a simple matter.


That was the moment.


Just as Lia was about to rise to call the doctor, the boy reached out and firmly grabbed Lia’s clothes.


“Um, you… there…?”


In response to Lia’s puzzled expression, the boy’s gaze returned with a mischievous look.


The boy was sending an unmistakably stern warning with his eyes.


Unable to comprehend the meaning of such a gaze, Lia once again made a confused expression.


As if something occurred to him, he let out a small exclamation.


“Ah, come to think of it, instead of calling the doctor, it might be better to take him to a place where there is a doctor.”


Rather than wasting time back and forth, it was much more efficient to do that.


With that thought, Lia reached out and grabbed the boy.


At that moment, the boy’s body jolted, instinctively pushing Lia’s hand away.


He widened his eyes as if surprised by something.


It was a face as if he had seen something unbelievable.


“…. What, is this?”


The sharp thorn was gone, but the underlying caution remained.


The boy, looking at Lia as if he had seen an unwelcome presence, wore a bewildered expression.


Fortunately, he seemed relatively more at ease compared to his previous reaction.


The pain that had consumed his body seemed to have diminished somewhat.


“Oh, come to think of it, I haven’t introduced myself. I am Shulia, from the Sithran Duchy.”


Introducing herself belatedly, Lia tried to ease the boy’s apprehension.


After all, even if someone like her approached, claiming to help, he would naturally be cautious.


No matter if this place was the garden of the Imperial Palace.


“…. Why are you…”


The boy’s guarded demeanor softened a bit upon learning Lia’s identity.


Instead, what filled the boy’s face was puzzlement.


Understandably, the boy couldn’t comprehend the current situation.


Why… was it okay?


Moreover, the sensation from a moment ago.


It was something he had never felt before. However, one thing was certain – that energy felt familiar and comforting.


To the extent that even his fortress-like guard melted away in an instant.


‘… Strange.’


Yes, it was indeed very strange.


Initially, just revealing his condition to someone had put him on edge.


Especially in a situation that was far from ordinary.


It could potentially harm the other person if he got entangled in his condition.


Hence, intentionally revealing the thorn to make the other person withdraw on their own.


It was an attempt to prevent the doctor from being called, and that’s why he held on.




The boy, with a sharp yet persistent gaze as if to unravel even hidden intentions, looked at Lia.


“If you have something to say to me…”


Lia asked with a puzzled expression as the boy stopped speaking.


The boy, who had been silently observing her, lowered his head slightly.


“If you’re okay, I’ll call the doctor.”


Although Lia was curious about what he was about to say earlier, it didn’t matter; she remembered something more important.




The boy shook his head with a firm expression.


“But if you’re in pain, getting examined by a doctor might help…”


“It’s useless.”


If getting a doctor’s examination could have improved his condition, it would have happened long ago. This wasn’t the kind of thing a doctor could handle.


“But still…”


Lia expressed difficulty in response to the boy’s refusal.


Even though he seemed somewhat better now, she couldn’t fully relax.


Calling a doctor would be the sensible thing to do, but since he didn’t want it, and she had nothing else she could do.


Yet, there wasn’t anything she could do herself.


Perhaps sensing Lia’s dilemma, the boy suddenly spoke.


“… Hand.”




“Just lend me your hand for a moment.”


Lia raised an eyebrow at the strangely déjà vu-inducing words from the boy.


What is this? The situation and these words feel very familiar.


However, Lia’s contemplation couldn’t last long.


The boy’s condition, which had briefly seemed better, had become serious again.


The boy was in much more pain than a moment ago.


Even parting his lips seemed difficult.


The boy scratched the floor with one hand and extended the other toward Lia.


As if asking her to hold his hand.


Sounds of pain reverberated from his mouth, laying bare the agony he was going through.


Unbeknownst to him, his hand, scraping the floor, started to bleed.


Yet, the boy remained oblivious.


The excruciating pain, incomparable to anything else, tormented him.


Lia was greatly taken aback by the sight.


‘What should I do?’


In Lia’s bewildered eyes, the outstretched hand of the boy, teetering as if about to collapse at any moment, was visible.


‘Uh, let’s just hold it.’


He did ask for a hand earlier, didn’t he?


Whether it truly meant holding hands or not, at this moment, that was the only option to lean on.


Lia wondered if the situation would really improve by holding his hand, but what else could she do?


There was no other way.


Lia, with a feeling of catching at straws, took the outstretched hand of the boy.


In that moment, even amidst the boy’s writhing in pain, he instinctively gripped her hand tightly, feeling the warmth.


She held it with such force that the hand felt sore, as if blood wasn’t circulating.


Yet, Lia didn’t let go.


It seemed like she shouldn’t let go of this hand now.


Especially seeing the boy holding onto her hand looked incredibly earnest and desperate.


The boy pulled Lia’s hand towards him, bringing their faces close unintentionally.


It was an unconscious action, and Lia’s body flinched at it.




There wasn’t anything to say in this situation, but it felt like being the owner receiving a puppy’s affection, creating a subtle feeling.


Despite wanting to withdraw her hand due to the discomfort, she hesitated because of the boy’s condition.


Even though he initially just wanted her hand for a moment, the boy’s state was gradually improving as he held onto her hand.


The once pale face, devoid of any color, was gradually regaining vitality, and the boy’s hand, initially chilling to touch, was slowly warming up.


How much time had passed like this?


As the boy’s breathing returned to normal, the blurred focus cleared.


The boy, now looking at Lia with an unblemished face, had regained his composure.


“Hey, are you okay now?”


Still holding one hand, Lia asked with concern.


“Yeah, thanks to you, I’m fine now.”


The boy’s tone was noticeably different from how he spoke just moments ago.


The atmosphere had also changed.


The boy, who had reacted sharply and guarded like a wounded beast, now displayed a relatively softer demeanor, finding a newfound ease.


In no time, the boy rose to face Lia.


While on the floor, Lia hadn’t realized, but the boy was much taller than she had thought.


Despite thinking he was around her age, he was at least an inch taller.


Briefly envious, Lia sighed with relief, then spoke.


“All I did was lend you a hand.”


“Indeed. It’s quite fascinating.”


Nodding approvingly to Lia’s words, the boy wore an intrigued expression.


The boy himself couldn’t understand the current situation.


However, one thing was certain – as soon as he held Lia’s hand, his previously agitated body seemed to calm down.


It was something inexplicable by any means.


Regardless of the reason, the crucial fact was that his condition, which seemed unbearable moments ago, had improved.


So, in his eyes, the girl before him was, in her own way, a benefactor.


Judging by her reactions, she might not even know what had happened.


“Anyway, thanks.”


The boy, pushing aside any lingering questions, grinned.


His gently curved eyes were incredibly beautiful and seductive.


Just that had such an impact that for a moment, the image seemed to shift.


“Well, I don’t know what happened, but if it helped, I’m glad.”


It felt awkward to hear thanks for such a small gesture as lending a hand, but well, who knows?


Perhaps she didn’t even realize, but her ability to soothe might have been genuinely helpful.


“You said you’re Shulia, right?”


“Yes, that’s right.”


“I’m Jeshuan. I usually dislike when someone calls my name, but I’ll allow it. Maybe… because we might see each other often from now on.”


Saying this, the boy, or rather Jeshuan, wore a mysterious expression that revealed nothing.


It was like a predatory beast anticipating its prey, as if expecting something, and at the same time, harboring a rough and fierce demeanor.






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  1. Bee says:

    Potential male lead sighted. Man, her father is going to be fighting him off with a stick, probably literally. I guess she must have powers as well. Thank you for the translation.

  2. Zeltzin says:

    Al parecer ya apareció el yerno… ese papá va a tener problemas….

  3. Prettysnowball10 says:

    I guess Lia has abilities too! Also this dude is probably a prince. Otherwise why else would there be a random boy sick in the imperial garden.

    1. louyve says:

      I thought so, she could also calm Cassian down before 😧😧

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