I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home






I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 13














Lia greatly praised her actions following her instincts.


When she said something ominous, he thought she was asking him to get rid of the emperor, but it was a misunderstanding.


Cassian, who had difficulty understanding Lia’s actions restraining him, had a realization, tilting his head thoughtfully.




“What, what is that again!”


Don’t do it, please!


You shouldn’t do things like that!


Although it hadn’t been long since Lia had been with Cassian, the conclusions drawn when Cassian thought were always unfavorable.


Lia, feeling once again a negative aura, frowned deeply.


“I wasn’t considerate.”


“…What consideration.”


“It wasn’t a suitable appearance in front of the angel baby. So angel baby should leave. I’ll handle it myself… Ugh.”


Before Cassian could finish speaking, in anger, Lia kicked him hard in the thigh.


‘That’s right!’


No, how on earth does one come to such a conclusion by thinking like that!


Why can’t this people think logical!


When Lia looked, it seemed the angel looked more like Cassian than herself.


It wasn’t a good meaning, and unless the world she lived in was entirely different, it seemed impossible to return to that level.


“Your Excellency, for heaven’s sake, just keep your mouth shut.”


“Not Your Excellency, but Khal.”


“Yes, Khal!”


Seemed like sending one person to the gallows and keeping the rest was the same as keeping a knife.


Murmuring so inwardly, Lia let out a deep sigh.


In this state, it seemed she might lose her life trying to get the guardian’s approval.


It was nerve-wracking to show such a scene in front of the emperor, so why does this situation keep happening?


Thanks to Cassian, powerful words that she usually didn’t say were circulating in her mind.


Meanwhile, the emperor showed no significant change in all these situations.


The emperor seemed indifferent, as if Cassian’s actions were nothing out of the ordinary. However, in the emperor’s cold eyes, there was a slight hint of displeasure.


Cassian was like an unstoppable, stubborn foal.


Even the emperor himself was irritated.


Lia quickly controlled Cassian in such a situation.


More precisely, Cassian seemed to be following her gaze and obeying her words.


Nevertheless, who could act audaciously in front of the duke?


Cassian exuded an overwhelming sense of intimidation just by his presence.


Anyone would be cowed in front of Cassian, not meeting his eyes properly, unable to speak properly.


Lia showed no signs of being intimidated by Cassian, and her attitude towards him seemed extremely comfortable.


That alone was enough to elicit admiration.


“Well, Cassian, stop unnecessary thoughts and sit back down. Your ‘angel’ wouldn’t want that. Surely, you won’t defy the ‘angel’s’ words?”


The emperor said, as if testing Cassian’s reaction.


In response to those words, Cassian glanced at Lia and quietly returned to his seat, obedient to her stern yet cute axe-like eyes.


In the midst of these events, Lia wore a bewildered expression. The situation was resolved safely, but her feelings became complicated when even the emperor, following Cassian, addressed her as ‘angel.’


However, she didn’t find the courage to point it out to the emperor.


“Well, then, I would like to finish the boldness from earlier.”


The emperor returned with the broken topic caused by Cassian’s unexpected behavior.


“I understand what Your Majesty is concerned about. But there’s no other choice. And currently, Grand Duke Cassian is the only person qualified to be the guardian, as I have thought.”


That’s why.


If there had been another option, I would have chosen it earlier.


Making Cassian the guardian was as risky as the benefits it brought.


However, Lia’s current situation was not favorable.


Time was running out, and at this rate, she could fall prey to relatives eyeing the duchy.


Rather than losing the family, she wanted to protect it, even if it meant taking risks.


That was all Lia could do for her late grandfather.


The emperor, reading Lia’s determination, displayed a complex and perplexed expression.


He just felt sorry for her.


Already going through a tough situation, she now faced a difficult decision to protect her family.


It seemed her situation was pushed to the point where she had no choice but to make Cassian the guardian.


So what could she do?


He had no choice but to respect her decision.


Choosing a guardian was entirely Lia’s responsibility. Even as the emperor, he couldn’t interfere in her decision.


“Alright. I will approve Grand Duke Cassian’s qualification as a guardian.”


Except for Cassian’s foal-like personality, the position of a grand duke would undoubtedly be a strong protective shield for Lia.


And judging by the recent situation, there seemed to be no need to worry too much.


Lia seemed capable of handling the grand duke’s personality, and, unusually, the grand duke seemed to be concerned only about her.


So, if she needed help, the grand duke would readily step forward.


If there was any small concern, it was whether Lia would be influenced negatively by Cassian, but that was the only thing to worry about.


“Today, I will send the emperor’s message to the duchy that Cassian is appointed as the next heir’s guardian in Shulia Sithran. So, as of now, Cassian is officially the next heir’s guardian of Shulia Sithran.”


“Ah, before that.”


Lia tensely watched Cassian as he casually opened his mouth.


Prepared to stop him if he tried to say or do something unnecessary once again.


“What is it?”


“The decision for me to become the next heir’s guardian in Shulia Sithran is made as Cassian.”


The emperor’s expression sank at his words.


Though it might sound ordinary at first, the emperor could sense the underlying meaning. While presenting himself as a duke to seek permission, in external matters, he would hide his status as a grand duke and become Lia’s guardian.


This raised questions.


Cassian, who already exhibited incomprehensible behavior, making such a decision wasn’t entirely surprising, but there seemed to be some undisclosed reasons between them.


After all, the connection between the granddaughter of the former Duke of Shulia and the current grand duke was unexpected.


“It seems there’s much to discuss between you and me.”


“I think there will be many words to share between us.”


Cassian nodded quietly.


He also had something to say to the emperor.


Even if it was only to the emperor, he needed to express his situation, so that if problems arose, the emperor would step forward to help Lia.


The emperor looked at Lia with Cassian’s consent.


“I have something to discuss with Cassian for a moment. If it’s acceptable to you, may I take a brief tour of the palace and return?”


“Yes, as you said Your Majesty.”


“When the conversation is over, I will send a maid to inform you.”


“Yes, I will vacate my seat now.”


Lia obediently rose from her seat, received guidance from the maid, and left the room.


The place Lia headed after being guided by the maid was a small garden within the palace.


Since she wanted to go to a place she had never visited before.


If it was a place she had been with her grandfather, the memories would be painful, pretending to be unaffected.


So, she chose a small garden tucked away among the many gardens in the palace.


Lia sat quietly on a bench in the garden, gazing blankly at the sky.


Various thoughts swirled in her mind, but she didn’t want to think about anything.


Even though the issue of the guardian, which was the biggest concern, had been resolved, she just wanted a moment to rest.


Especially after going through a hard time due to the guardian in the past few days, dealing with the sudden actions of the grand duke had made her even more exhausted.


It was at that moment.


A small groaning sound reached Lia’s ears as she quietly rested.


The suppressed groans seemed extremely painful and distressing.


‘… Shouldn’t I check?’


At first, she thought of ignoring it, but the sound alone seemed too agonizing to disregard.


She worried that it might not be as severe as last time, but what could she do?


If she didn’t pick it up, she could just leave it here in the palace, and even if she picked it up, she could throw it away to the palace officials.


And, given the location, if someone was here, they probably weren’t dangerous.


With such thoughts, Lia, following the groans, saw a boy who looked about her age.




Lia momentarily forgot the situation and assessed the appearance of the boy.


When she picked up Cassian, she wondered if there were such good-looking people, and the boy in front of her was no less.


At first glance, he seemed to be around her age judging by the slightly revealed appearance. Still, looking at the radiant glow, it seemed like he could turn all the imperial citizens into squid when he became an adult.


His bright and dazzling golden hair, like sunlight captured, and the suffering while sweating profusely made him truly a fragile young man.


For a moment, it felt like losing touch with reality.


It was like… the scene in front of her was not reality but a perfect work of art.


Lia, struck with admiration for a moment, approached the boy cautiously.


Apart from the appearance that could blind one’s eyes, the boy’s face was pale without a hint of color, and he was full of cold sweat.


Even just looking at him, it seemed like the other person’s pain was transmitted.


“Um, are you okay…?”


In a situation that clearly looked serious, Lia cautiously asked a question.


The boy, suffering with his eyes tightly closed, turned his gaze towards Lia at her voice.


Lia, once again, forgot about the situation and stared blankly into his eyes.


As bright and radiant as his dazzling golden hair, his golden eyes were so sparkling and beautiful that it seemed like there might be jewels inside.


Perhaps that’s why.


Despite the disheveled golden hair stained with dirt, there was a strangely mysterious aura about him.


“…G-go… Go… away.”

The voice that struggled to come out of his barely opened mouth was as charming as his appearance.


The occasional groans felt almost seductive.


However, the meaning conveyed by the voice was sharp and commanding.





Hello, you can support me here if you like my works ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. Prettysnowball10 says:

    Lia picks up sickly pretty boys like Pokémon!

    1. louyve says:

      She couldn’t help herself, it seemed like an instinct to save her father and her future husband.😆😆😆

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