I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home








I Picked Up My Father Who Left Home 08









In fact, the man originally intended to go for a simple walk.


He felt stifled from staying in his room all the time, and his mind was in disarray.


While staying here, some memories began to resurface, but they weren’t perfect.


He still had a fragmented feeling of his memories.


Especially, the memories the man found were about who he used to be, nothing more.


He couldn’t remember what he was doing, or how he got injured at all.


He only remembered his identity clearly.


So, to clear his thoughts, the man, who was walking in the corridor, happened to overhear the maids’ conversation.


The maids were talking about relatives who had come to visit Lia.


“I don’t know how they can be so shameless.”


“You’re right. The lady needs time to heal, and they come to see her every day.”


“The lady must be going through a lot. Her mind is already so complicated.”


The concern and worry for Lia were evident on the maids’ faces.


After hearing all the conversations, the man immediately went to find Lia.


Listening to the maids’ words, it seemed like there were people annoying her, and the man had a great talent in dealing with such people.


So, the man decided to drive away the troublemakers on Lia’s behalf.


It seemed that the concerns she mentioned a few days ago were related to them.


How dare those troublemakers make things difficult for her.


For a angel baby who should only see beauty and elegance, how can they allow troublemakers?


Such hardships were not what angel baby should deal with.


With such thoughts, the man’s ears picked up the conversation inside Lia’s study.


Just by listening, Lia seemed to be very irritated with the current situation.


However, the guest who came to see her continued to annoy Lia, seemingly unable to understand her words.


Without hesitation, the man opened the door with a knock and entered.


Normally, he should have waited for permission to enter, but he was annoyed by the conversation inside.


And to pests like them, he saw no reason to show courtesy.


Courtesy was something needed for humans.


Even knocking was a form of courtesy towards Lia.


On the other hand, the noble faces clearly showed anger at the man’s behavior.


‘…. Hmm, I guess even loud dogs are treated as guests these days. They don’t know where they are, and when they come to someone else’s house and bark, I think they’re just plain dumb?’


Someone of unknown origin and identity dared to speak to me like that.


It was something that couldn’t be overlooked.


“Not knowing one’s place is one thing, but how dare you intrude into the conversation of nobles…”


The noble who had stepped forward sobbed before he could even finish his sentence.


It was because of the intense pressure that had gripped his body in an instant.


“Where does a little pest like you get the audacity to speak to a human?”


Unlike when dealing with Lia, he appeared much colder and severe.


For a moment, Lia thought his face was the only familiar thing about him.


“I simply thought of him as a crazy person.”


He exuded an overwhelming sense of authority that could subdue people.


So, he seemed strange and a bit flustered.


But such thoughts were brief.


As the homeowner, Lia had an obligation to mediate the situation.


If she left it as it was, the man might actually harm the distant relatives who came to see him.


So, she decided to first stop the man.


“Sir, he’s a guest who came to see me.”


It was a reminder to be courteous.


“The angel baby is kind. Trying to accommodate pests like this.”


The man said with genuine admiration.


Although he continued to call her “angel baby,” it was just a casual nickname.


But indeed, she seemed like an angel.


Otherwise, she wouldn’t have treated pests with such courtesy.


“How long will you keep calling me that… No, that’s not important. They are not pests, they are my distant relatives.”


Treating a perfectly normal person like a pest was rude, and Lia decided to point that out.


“That’s impossible. How can creatures like them, who are like pests, be your distant relatives? First of all, their appearance is significantly different.”


Compared to the angelic and lovely Lia, her supposed distant relatives looked like chewed-up gum spat out on the sidewalk.


It was almost painful to look at them.


Of course, this was simply the man’s subjective opinion, but to him, living a self-centered life, his opinion was the answer and the standard.


“… From the start, they are distant relatives, so it’s natural they don’t resemble.”


They’re not even from the same species, so there’s no reason for them to look alike.


“They even look different species.”




The man, who was hard to communicate with, left Lia with a frustrated expression.


It seemed impossible to convince the man and demand courtesy based on my common sense.


So, instead of trying to persuade the man, Lia decided to calm down the distant relatives who had come to find her.


“As the honored guest from the family I brought, I will apologize on their behalf. It seems he’s not fully recovered from the injuries he suffered a few days ago.”


Lia offered a formal apology, expressing the man’s rudeness as a result of post-injury symptoms. She wasn’t particularly sorry for the ones who had come to find her, but she foresaw that if they made an issue out of the man’s attitude, it would become troublesome.


“No matter how badly he was injured, when you see someone so discourteous… He doesn’t seem entirely unscathed. But, for the sake of our family’s reputation, it might be better not to send him away, don’t you think?”


“He’s right, young lady. Even if you has been in mourning since the Duke’s passing, keeping someone so rude in the mansion isn’t a good choice.”


The people who had come to find Lia, as if counting on her, spoke with clear intentions.


Lia let out an annoyed sigh inwardly.


‘No, why did they have to show up now!’


Weren’t they the ones who had come to stay in the mansion using the man as an excuse?


It seemed they came to help her, but their actions were of no real assistance.


“Protecting individuals with abilities is an imperial duty, and since I personally brought him, I can’t do that.”


“Then it can’t be helped. But, in that case, I should protect young lady even more.”


The words sounded like they were worried about Lia, but in reality, it was just an excuse to stay in the mansion.


Knowing this, Lia couldn’t accept the nobles’ proposal.


However, they were unlikely to give up the catch they had managed to secure.


Moreover, it had become difficult to simply send them away.


Rejecting their proposal wouldn’t resolve the situation because if she did so, with the seemingly plausible excuse, she would easily obtain permission from the Emperor to let them stay in the mansion.


Given the validity of the excuse, even as the Emperor, he couldn’t refuse.


“My real age is revealed.”


If only she had been an adult, she could have avoided others getting involved.


Lia looked out the window with a frustrated expression as the situation refused to go as planned.


She even considered throwing them out of the window.


If she did it from the third floor, they would likely be seriously injured. That way, they wouldn’t be able to come back to the mansion due to their injuries.


The man, who noticed Lia’s gaze, nodded in an expression that indicated he had gained some significant insight.


Afterward, he walked slowly toward Lia’s distant relatives.


Within Lia’s study, the tension was so palpable it felt like it could be cut with a knife, even with the man’s minor actions. The natural reaction was to tense up due to the imposing aura of the top predator.


“Sir, is it, by any chance? It’s not what I think, is it?”


Lia asked, feeling greatly flustered, with a shaking voice that suggested she had a sense of what the man was trying to do.


“Do you want to throw them out the window?”


“No, it’s not that!”


Of course, she had briefly entertained such a thought, but she really didn’t want to do that!


Why could he figure that out when he couldn’t understand anything else?


Lia urgently tried to stop the man.


The people who had come to find Lia also became greatly alarmed when they realized what the man intended.


For some reason, it seemed like the man might actually do it.


If the man were to take such an action, they could certainly use their status to punish him and manipulate the situation as they pleased. But they didn’t want to execute such a plan, especially since it meant risking their lives as collateral.


“Anyway, let’s not be so weak. So, I’ll give you all a chance. Either leave quietly or enjoy the journey to the other side.”


“Who do you think we are…”


Before the nobles could even finish speaking, the man, who had approached them, seized the guest sofa with a stern expression.


Along with his movement, the corner of the sofa the man had grabbed broke.


“Come to think of it, before throwing you out the window, your bones might break first.”


With his words, the man emitted a chilling warning and a fierce energy.


Compared to a moment ago, the nobles couldn’t even catch their breath and had to gulp and gasp. They felt like their bodies were going to twist and explode at any moment.


Furthermore, the man’s gaze, right in front of them, was so intimidating and frightening that just looking at it induced panic.


In the end, the nobles had to quickly vacate their positions as if running for their lives.


The nobles’ minds were dominated by extreme terror, so they couldn’t even think about the man’s rudeness or the purpose of their visit.


After chasing away the nobles, the man expressed a high level of satisfaction.









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  1. Bee says:

    Hahaha, he really did get rid of them. Unfortunately he seemed to have caused some problems as well. Thank you for the translation.

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