I Picked Up an Abandoned Villain in the Polar Region

IPUAVNP Chapter 47

Episode 47


When Brody told Kyle about her inability to make her own decisions, Kyle’s first reaction was as expected.

“Are you out of your mind? We’re already busy going our separate ways, so why are you asking me to bring a kid with us?”

It meant, ‘do not talk nonsense.’

But Brody, who had convinced herself while explaining to Kyle, now spoke with confidence.

“Kyle, you know. We were originally going to the Rubinus Wilderness, but that fell through and we ended up planning to go to the Crescent Mountains. But if we take the baby, we can pass through Volcan, the capital of the wilderness as originally planned and go the short way. That’s why we’re taking the baby with us.”

Kyle looked at Brody, who was trying to convince him seriously.

If Brody had been overcome with pity and started talking emotionally, Kyle wouldn’t have even listened to her until the end.

But since Brody was now shouting out the ‘fastest way no matter what’ he had always shouted out, Kyle Rosser couldn’t just dismiss it as nonsense.

Kyle glanced at the newborn baby in the woman’s arms and said with a face full of annoyance.

“…It doesn’t seem like it will be easy.”

When they were together, they somehow managed to survive even if they went hungry for several days. But with a child, it was impossible.

He didn’t know about the wilderness, but there was nothing to feed a baby in the snowy fields, and they couldn’t move in this cold forest in the body of an animal; since they had to carry a baby.

It was hard work to cross the freezing snowfields with a human body. It was obvious that it would be troublesome and uncomfortable in many ways.

Brody, who saw these worries on Kyle’s face, naturally shut her mouth as she was about to tell him not to worry because she would take care of the baby.

They were excited to safely return the baby they had rescued from Shiloh’s untrustworthy hands and find a way to get home quickly, but then they finally realized the reality.

At that moment, as if he had read their worries, Shiloh spoke in a bright voice.

“If you’re worried about getting to the Wilderness, leave that to me. There’s a yak tribe nearby, and I heard they’re moving south this time. You can ask them to take you to the Wilderness.”

But Brody looked dubious when she heard that.

“But will they take us for free?”

“Hey, if you go with them without giving them anything in return, that’s more suspicious.”

When Brody was about to get annoyed at Shiloh for being so sloppy and ask if he needed money, one of Shiloh’s subordinates raised his head as if he had just remembered something.

“Oh, right. I heard from a scout a while ago that the dog that was guarding the yaks’ goats disappeared. So it looks like they’re looking for a goat herding dog to go south with them…”

“Goat herding dog…?”

Brody, who was repeating those words, looked at someone without realizing it. The others did the same.

Shiloh realized that there was a wonderful canine beside them and cheerfully uttered a few words.

“That goat herding dog. I think I found it already.”




Shiloh’s men summoned Ason, the leader of the yak tribe who lived near their territory.

Brody and Kyle went to the border of the territory with Shiloh for an interview and to make contact with them.

The leader, Ason, and the other men who came with him were all men with dark brown hair.

Their large bodies appeared as strong as ox horns and as hard as iron.

Shiloh greeted the leader of the yak tribe, rubbing his neck that had almost been broken by Kyle’s hands.

“It’s been a while, Ason. Thank you for accepting my urgent invitation to meet you.”

“You don’t have to thank us. It is thanks to you that we were able to leave this forest in peace.”

Ason was truly grateful to Shiloh for allowing him to stay in the forest of Ennea.

“I heard you’re going to introduce me to a dog that knows how to herd goats. Can I see it?”

Then Brody, who had been standing next to Shiloh, stepped aside and shouted.

“Here it is! It’s this guy!”

Where Brody pointed, there was a wolf, not a dog, dragged by her hands, almost dead. 1I love this🤣

‘Are you seriously telling me to herd the goats right now? You think just because I’ve let you act up lately, I’ll overlook this?’

Brody, who had nearly been threatened into submission along with Shiloh, finally dragged Kyle to the goat herding dog interview, smiling victoriously as she patted Kyle on the neck.

On the other hand, Ason looked at Kyle, who was standing there in a state of despair, and then raised his head.

“…What we wanted was a dog.”

Brody saw the interviewer’s disappointed look and quickly clapped her hands and said.

“Oh my, don’t you know?! Wolves are originally dogs!”

“I know that, but…”

“What a kind, gentle, and smart friend this guy is! He really listens to me!”

To demonstrate how obedient the dog was, Brody motioned for him to put up a paw and shouted, “Hand!”

At this, Kyle showed his teeth and growled at her to shut up.

Brody immediately grabbed his snout, covered his teeth, and smiled at Ason.

“Haha. He’s a little sensitive, but if you feed him on time, he’ll do anything well. You can trust and leave the Yak’s goats to him. You won’t regret it.”


Ason, the leader of the yak tribe, looked at Brody and Kyle with a worried expression.

Whether it was due to the commendable effort of the salesperson or the significant patience shown by the wolf, who endured all this humiliation as a predator, was uncertain.

He soon burst out laughing and asked Brody.

“Where did you say you were going?”

“The Southern Wilderness!”

“We won’t go that far, we will go to the nearby Kelkov Hills.”

“Hey! It’s okay, as long as we get close.”

It was a vacancy that took responsibility for everything from accommodation to transportation.

Brody asked straight away, as if there was nothing they couldn’t handle.

“When are you leaving?”

Ason turned around with the yaks as if to discuss with them then answered loudly.


It was a pass. Whoa! Brody jumped up and down, hugging Kyle and stroking his fluffy fur as she praised him.

“Good job, my puppy!”

“Kill me, for real.”




The two people who passed the interview went to pick up Rubinus’ child to leave immediately.

The woman who had been caring for Shiloh since the baby was brought to her was filled with tears of joy when she heard the news.

“The baby’s name is Ron. He’s such a good boy. Please return him to his mother.”

She held out the baby, wrapped tightly in a swaddle, to Brody, and wept.

Brody received the baby with a reluctant, trembling heart.

“…Ugh, it’s heavier than I thought.”

She couldn’t tell if it was the weight of the baby or the weight of her new responsibilities.

Whatever it was, she had to face this weight as reality.

Brody sighed softly.

She looked at the sleeping baby, hoping that she didn’t make a regretful choice.

She touched the baby’s cheek, which was red from the cold weather, and gently poked his chubby hand.

Suddenly, at that moment, the sleeping baby grabbed Brody’s finger.

Brody was startled and looked at the baby, but the baby was sleeping while breathing softly.

The image of the baby holding onto her finger with all his might while sleeping touched her heart.

Brody, who finally met the baby, made up her mind.

She held the baby in my arms with a sense of responsibility to bring the baby back to its mother safely so that she wouldn’t regret it.




“That look really suits you!”

Brody come out with the help of the white fox tribe women, carrying the baby and the baby’s belongings.

She narrowed her eyes at Shiloh’s words as he and Kyle waited for her.

“You must be disappointed? Today is the last chance to leech off the life of your once-in-a-lifetime noble.”

“Are you seriously saying you’re the noble person here?”

“Then could it be him?”

Brody pointed to the goat herding dog, which was sitting on the floor, sighing deeply.

Shiloh swallowed his laughter and said to Brody.

“That must be great for you. You’re receiving a gift that’s hard to come by from the person who leeched off your life.”


Shiloh placed a small, round object in Brody’s hand as she frowned and asked, “What is this?”

“As you know, when you enter the wilderness of Rubinus, you will get rashes and hives on your body due to the spell that the red foxes cast on foreigners. Of course, it’s not a fatal spell, but it’s going to be a painful condition to be in, on an already difficult journey. This is a medicine to prevent that in advance. It’s made from herbs that only grow in the wilderness. Be sure to take it before you go there.”

“Oh… really?”

Brody looked closely at the medicine that looked like cow dung that the dung beetle had painstakingly rolled out, and asked.

“But there are three of us, why are you giving me only one?”

Where are baby Ron and Kyle’s? Shiloh answered.

“This child will not get sick even if he goes into the wilderness, because he is not a foreigner. So don’t worry, and that wolf… He should be able to hold on, right?”


Brody quickly started to rummage through his pockets, demanding that he hand over some for Kyle too.

“Give it to Kyle quickly!”

“I’m sorry, but I only have one medicine! That’s why I’m giving it to you.”


As Brody looked at the pills with a desperate expression, Kyle, who didn’t care whether there were any more pills or not, said to her.

“It’s okay, you take the medicine.”

“That’s right. My mom probably gave it to me hoping you would eat it rather than that wolf.”

Brody’s eyes widened at Shiloh’s words.

“Did your mother give this to you?”

Shiloh nodded with a smile on his face after hearing the question.

“Mm. She asked me to tell you that she was thankful. She also asked you to forgive her for not being able to come and see you off in person.”

“…What forgiveness? Tell your mother to take care of her health.”

Brody, who felt embarrassed after receiving Eileen’s massage, answered awkwardly and scratched her cheek.

The two were silent for a moment. Then, Shiloh bid Brody farewell first.

“Goodbye. Even though it wasn’t a clean meeting, you were still the luckiest thing in my life.”

There was deep sincerity in his eyes as he looked at Brody.

Whether it was love or hate, Brody felt a surge of emotion at what would become his last words to her.

But she pulled herself together, bit her lip, then answered playfully.

“You too, take care. Even though you were a fraud to me from beginning to end, thanks to you I have developed an eye for people.”

“Really? But you’ll probably fall for someone like me again. And even if you get fooled like that, you’ll help them; because you’re a loving rabbit.”

Shiloh said that and smiled coolly. Brody glared at him and then laughed too.

And just like that, Kyle and Brody said goodbye to the white fox Shiloh and set off.

After a while, they met the tribe of yak people who were waiting for them at the edge of the forest and joined their herd.

So, this should be the end of sponsored chapters, but dear Ayisha decided that it wasn’t enough for her and sponsored 10 more chappies🫠. You should be grateful dear readers as my lazy brain wouldn’t have worked again on this novel for at least 3 days, before the next upload😂. Anyways if any of you like the story so far please donate for more chapters or comment some kind words (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

You can support me here on kofi to continue translating your favourite novels.


  1. shoya says:

    Thank you so much for your amazing translation
    Thank you Aisha for your donation
    I really wait for your updates to the novel always and I update the page daily after returning from work 😂😍

    1. Alaa says:

      MY Heart!! thank you so much, that’s what I am waiting for ❤️

  2. lilianasabitha says:

    Thank you so much for the update and miss Ayisha for the donation
    I really enjoy it..

    1. Alaa says:

      I feel my laziness is being slowly soothed by these beautiful comments 🥺

  3. FunsizedCountess says:

    Thank you Ayisha and Alaa! ♥️

    1. Alaa says:

      💖⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)💖

  4. Labgo says:

    Ayisha is now a goddess for me, thank you the chappies and thank you Alaa for the translations.

    1. Alaa says:

      Thank you Labgo for you continuous support 🌷, as for Ayisha, yeah she is amazing 😂.

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