I Picked Up an Abandoned Villain in the Polar Region

IPUAVNP Chapter 3

Episode 3



Brody straightened up and stood up.

A coniferous branch touched the tip of her fluttering nose. She leaned down, holding on to the branch with her front paws.

The moment the tree branch suddenly tilted and snapped, the recoil spread throughout the tree.

The snow that had piled up on the large tree fell gently.1I know some of you can’t picture what happened, she stood on her back legs and snapped a the tree branch.

Brody ran inside the tree with a branch in her mouth.

Under the spruce tree, there was a cozy space like a hut, where the bonfire she had lit and the man she had dragged were lying there.

Brody sat down in front of the campfire and gnawed on the leaves of a conifer, holding on to a branch with her front paws.

Originally, when she transforms into a rabbit, she tends to consume hay, berries, and dried carrots as her staple food.

This is because plants with a strong phytoncide scent, such as conifers, were a bit nauseating to eat raw.

However, in a situation where stocks are difficult to obtain, there was no choice but to fill one’s stomach.

While I was mindlessly gnawing on the leaves while looking at the fire, a moan was heard from Kyle, who was lying down.


Brody’s white ears perked up. She approached him with a leaf in her mouth and asked:

“You woke up?”

Brody was reflected in the eyes that opened with difficulty. Just like when they first met.

But Kyle’s eyes passed her as if he didn’t see Brody. Then, he slowly looked around, and after a while, he stood up.

“Are not you hungry?”

Brody asked worriedly, but there was no answer.

It was only after Kyle looked at the spot where he was lying and the bonfire that was driving away the cold with its warm heat that he became aware of Brody’s presence looming in front of him.

Brody made eye contact with the man who was looking at her for the first time since they met.

You’ve been treating me like an invisible rabbit. Even though I felt embarrassed, I felt even better now.

So I winked.

Originally, it was my habit to wink or grin when I made eye contact with another person.

When I did that, the other person would usually burst out laughing out of bewilderment.


But Kyle was unresponsive. Like a person who saw nothing, he just said what he wanted to say.

“Where am I?”

It was a very low, husky voice, as if it had been scraped from the back of the throat.

Even though it was not a cave, the voice rang out. Just the voice alone was enough to send shivers down one’s body.

He doesn’t have an ordinary face, first he has perfect beauty then a voice like that.

She forgot that Kyle had ask her a question, and just blankly admired his face.

If he had looked like a beautiful corpse before, his now flushed face had the beauty of a leading villain, turning all creatures in the world into squid.

Brody stared in fascination at the face that seemed to have been made by God himself, and only then quickly came to her senses when she heard his voice again.

“Where am I?”

“Ah…here?”2Her answer would have made me throw her out of my sight if she did that to me(⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻.

Of course, even if she tried, she couldn’t answer right away.

After a long time, she came out of her revere towards his beauty and regained her senses and spoke.

“This is the white Stone Plain.”

“Where is it?”

“Do you see the mountains out there? They are the Kalks Mountains”

Kyle’s eyes followed her paw.

They were beasts with sensory organs superior to those of ordinary humans.

It was night and it was dark everywhere, but their eyes clearly saw the mountain peak rising at the end of the horizon.

“If it’s the Kalks Mountains… does that mean this is the continent of Asgar?”


Kyle groaned when he heard Brody’s words, then immediately lowered his head, cupping his forehead.

I didn’t know why he was like that. He might have realized that this was an area thousands of kilometers away from where he lived.

Since he lived in the southernmost part of the southern continent of Knohen, he had only heard of the northern continent of Asgar and had never been near it.

For those living in Knohen, the southern continent, Asgar, the northern continent, was such a distant place.

“Your head hurts?”

Despite Brody’s worried questions, Kyle didn’t answer and just held his head and moaned.


It was an earnest call. Brody recognized the name and her eyes widened.

“I have to go back…”

“You’re going back?”

“I have to hurry, quickly..”

“You can’t go back!”

Brody, who heard his words from the side, spat out the coniferous material in her mouth and shouted.

Kyle, who had been muttering in despair, raised his head at the resolute cry.

Brody, who came to her senses, quickly shut her mouth, but Kyle’s sharp gaze had already landed on her.

Finally, Brody hesitated before adding:

“You are a patient now. Where are you going with that body?”

But Kyle didn’t listen to her and got up.

His body stumbled violently, but he didn’t care.

He bowed and went out of the hut, and Brody quickly followed him, holding on to the hem of his pants and shouting.

“No! Don’t go!”

If you go, you’ll die!

Zelda is the main character, so she won’t die even if you don’t go!

So you just shut up and live here!

Of course, all of these words were things Brody could only shout in his heart.

She bit the hem of Kyle’s pants and pulled him, groaning.

On the other hand, Kyle seemed to be bothered by Brody’s clinging to his leg, so he easily removed her by wiping her off.

But Brody did not lose and ran to block his path.

She stood with her front paws spread out at Kyle’s feet and shouted angrily.

“No! You can’t go! If you want to go, step on me!”

He seemed irritated because the rabbit, whom he had never met before, told him to do this and that. Kyle frowned and stroked his hair.

Then, without stepping on the annoying rabbit, he kicked it.3How heartless!!


Brody was kicked by his foot and flew so far away that she was buried in the middle of the snow.

After a while, white ears sprouted from the snow. Eventually, Brody kicked the ground with hee hind feet and flew up onto the snowy field.

Even after Kyle kicked the rabbit at his feet, she did not give up and followed behind to stop him, but Kyle threw the rabbit away every time it stuck to his leg.

Of course, she continued to chase after him, grabbing him and whispering to him.

“You live really far from here, right?”


“Just by looking at you, you don’t seem to know it because you’re from a southern continent like ‘Knohen.’ Do you know how far the southern continent is from here?”


“And you don’t even know the Willos Wisps? If you get caught by the wisps that appear every night, you’ll freeze to death while standing still in the mountains!”


“No, how are you going to get home if you don’t even know the way in the first place?”

Brody spread out her front paws with an expression on her face that said she didn’t understand how.

And then she ran forward, chattering eagerly again. It was to avoid getting kicked by Kyle and to get ahead of him.

However, Brody, who had been running for a while, looked back when Kyle, who was supposed to be chased by her, did not come.

Kyle stopped in his tracks.

He stood still and looked at Brody. As if he had finally come to his senses after hearing her words.

Brody looked at his face, which had become even more confused, and swaggered.

“Look, you don’t know.”

“Do you know how?”

“Of course, Asgar is like my front yard.”

Brody, who had been shrugging her shoulders smugly, suddenly realized that she had said something she shouldn’t have said and covered her mouth.

Even if she tried, it wasn’t a good idea to show off in the first place.

The shoulders that had been raised to show off became stiff. Brody rolled her eyes and looked at Kyle.


I knew it. Kyle’s sharp blue eyes flashed as he looked at me, like an animal that had seen its prey.

He curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled.

“Then you can give me directions.”

“I-I don’t want to!”

Brody shouted, deliberately pretending to be strong. Then Kyle, who resumed his steps and started coming her way, spoke.

“If you guide me safely to the Knohen continent, I will give you 10,000 gold coins in return.”

10,000 gold was a huge amount of money.

This was enough money for May’s family to sell their hay store and build a mansion, so that they can live and eat for the rest of their lives.

But Brody shook her head.

“I wouldn’t like it even if you gave me 1 million gold.”

“Do you understand?”

“Get it!”

Brody shouted sharply, then turned around and ran like crazy.

This was because the feeling she got from Kyle approaching her was unusual.

She knew Kyle’s personality well.

Because of Kyle Roden’s crooked personality from a young age, he often showed trash-level personality to people other than Zelda.

Nevertheless, the fact that Brody choose him as her favorite before being possessed was possible because she was a reader who empathized with the female protagonist.

If she didn’t know him as well as she does now, Kyle Roden was a person one couldn’t like.

Brody gasped and ran away from him.

Rabbits run very fast, and if they set their mind to it, they could reach a speed of over 70 km/h.

Brody looked back and screamed, confident that Kyle would never be able to match the speed if he was a weak human like now.


What was running towards her in the snowy field on a dark night was not a person, but a huge four-legged animal.

Brody’s legs gave out when he saw the beast running towards her with teeth that could easily crush her head.

Because of the sudden stop, her body was unable to withstand the recoil and fell over and rolled over.

Brody, who fell to the floor, opened her eyes.

Grrr… The sound of the beast got closer. The hairs all over my body stood up.

The poor rabbit put her face between her front paws and trembled. A shadow fell over Brody.

A wolf dressed in dark blue fur pressed its paw against the neck of a crouching rabbit.

Then he growled and spoke in a lower voice than when he was human.



“Are you going to guide me to the continent, or are you going to die here?”

Brody, whose neck was crushed, groaned and struggled.

Nevertheless, Kyle didn’t show any sympathy, and pressed on it with the intention of breaking her neck, urging her to answer.

“Answer me, quickly.”

However, there was one fact that this coercive man did not know.

The personality of this little rabbit was no less strong.

Brody shouted without giving up even though she was shaking.

“Do it! If you kill me here, you will die too! Do you think it would be easy for you, who don’t even know the geography of Asgar, to survive in this vast snow country? Do you think it would be easy to find someone other than me to help you?”

“Then, please guide me to a place where there is someone who can help me.”

“No! The road to the Knohen Continent is so dangerous that you have to risk your life! I can’t guide people to that dangerous place!”



The next chapter will be release a few hours later, it will be locked though and will be unlocked next week.

Don’t forget to point out mistakes and enjoy your day~

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