I Picked Up an Abandoned Villain in the Polar Region

IPUAVNP Chapter 14

Episode 14


‘I’m in heat.’

‘You probably don’t know this, but rabbits are always in heat. In short, it means the full 24 hours a day.’

The thing, that made his face harden when he heard it, was most likely a joke.

It was natural for a healthy animal to have an estrus period, and it was common sense that the duration and frequency vary from animal to animal.

However, just as he was about to understand and move on, he suddenly had an uneasy thought and looked at the rabbit again.

It was common knowledge that a female in estrus needed a male.

And the fact that Brody frequently went through estrus meant that she needed a male from time to time, and it also means that she was in the same situation when she first met him.

Kyle, who recognized this fact, began to question why the rabbit had been hitting on him all this time.

Until now, he thought that the reason the rabbit had been clinging to him and treating him well was because she fell in love with him at first sight and nothing else.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense why she did everything she could to seduce him.

But wouldn’t all that behavior be explained if it was due to heat?

Since he was the only male in this **** snowy field, wasn’t there a possibility that she had no choice but to cling to him?

In other words, the reason the rabbit asked him out may not be because she truly likes him, but because she just needed a male, and the things she had said so far about loving him may not be sincere but lies.

When he reached that conclusion….

Kyle thought about it for a while and then shook his head, saying it was nonsense.

This was because he thought that if she didn’t like him, there was no way she would have used her abilities on him, knowing that she would be in a state of fatigue for three days.

Of course, he also remembered when he almost fell into a crevasse, she took off the rope he had put around her so she could live alone, as if it were a rebuttal.….

But as she said, it was an instinct that could have happened unintentionally.

Kyle repeated this to himself and thought it was clear that Brody liked him.

Of course, to be honest, he didn’t care whether the rabbit liked me or not.

The only person he cared about was Zelda, and all the rabbit needed to do was to faithfully serve as a guide.

As usual, it was a neat conclusion. However, despite this, Kyle’s mind became complicated due to the uneasy feeling that the problem was still unresolved.

Well, even so, he had no intention of asking Brody, ‘Did you ask me out because you liked me or because you needed a male?’

In the end, Kyle had to go to sleep with a discomfort he couldn’t resolve.




The next day.

Today, the day started at dawn with Brody’s problem aftermath.

Brody, who couldn’t forget the humiliation of last night, was showing Kyle everything she had and didn’t have from dawn onwards.

“How much further do we have to go to reach the coast?”

“Are you asking that of a horny me now?”


Like this.

“You’ll get hurt if you go down there, you idiot.”

“Idiot? Are you insulting me just because I’m horny?”


Like this.

“Stop eating leaves. We have to go quickly.”

“Okay, so I’m not allowed to eat when I’m in heat, right?”


And like this.

Kyle was already annoyed because he was hungry, but he was starting to get a little irritated as the **** rabbit kept mentioning yesterday’s events every time she spoke.

So in the end, angry words came out of his mouth.

“Aren’t you really overly self-conscious? I don’t care if you’re horny or crazy, so don’t make me angry in the morning for no reason.”

“What? Overly self-conscious?”

The rabbit, who felt embarrassed by Kyle’s remark, put her hands on her waist, and snorted.

“You said you didn’t care, but why did you look at me like I was an animal yesterday?”


Kyle could not refute this part. There was a reason other than joking that made his expression harden at that time.

Even if he said it was a joke, she would tell him not to lie, so he’ll have to give her the other reason. He didn’t want to tell her that even if he died.

When he finally closed his mouth without explanation, Brody squealed, saying it was true that he despised her.

And it didn’t stop there, she chased after Kyle and even threw round balled up snowballs at him.1That teaches you not to miss with a female when she is angry.

After enduring this for a long time, he finally couldn’t stand it anymore. So when the rabbit that kept bothering him non-stop before, went under the tree by herself, grabbed a branch and was crunching on it, he approached.

And while the rabbit was preoccupied with eating without knowing anything, he stepped on the rabbit’s fluffy tail with his front paw.

“Oh my!”

The surprised rabbit jumped forward. Kyle, who had not expected her to move, was still stepping on the rabbit’s tail and was surprised to see the tail fall away from her body.


When he took his foot off the rabbit belatedly, the tail that had fallen off stuck to the rabbit’s butt again and was restored to its original state.

Kyle was dumbfounded by this bizarre sight. He was so much so that he couldn’t even speak properly.

“No, what’s wrong with your tail?”

At this, the rabbit came hopping, raised her front paws and started getting angry.

“What are you doing now!”

“You……Your tail is weird. Did you know?”

“What! What’s wrong with my tail?”

The rabbit was grumpling and circling around him, then as if she finally exploded, she ran towards Kyle, who was looking at her tail strangely, and hit him on the nose with her front paw.

But even after getting hit, Kyle couldn’t take his eyes off the rabbit’s tail. He still thought her tail was missing.

Of course, Brody’s tail didn’t fall off and was perfectly fine.

Originally, rabbits’ tails were furry, so most people thought they were round and short, but in reality, they were quite long.

Of course, Kyle was surprised because he didn’t know about this.

“Apologize right away! I want you to apologize for stepping on my tail!”

The rabbit jumped up, hit him on the nose with her front paw, and fell down again.

“Do you know how important the tail is to a rabbit?”

She ran around wildly, her stretched out white tail moving from side to side, saying that a rabbit’s tail was also used to confuse enemies in the wild.

It didn’t seem like something like that would disturb the enemies, but it was a pretty amazing sight.

Kyle, who only regained his composure after seeing the tail moving freely, swatted her away with his foot as if he was chasing a mosquito, as she tried to make him apologize to her beloved tail.

He had no intention of ever apologizing to something like that.

Rather, he thought that if an apology was to be made, it should be from the rabbit who surprised him with her extended tail.




They had been bickering while walking all afternoon because of the tail incident, but stopped after spotting a snowy field visible between the trees of the forest in the distance.

What they thought was a snow field was actually a frozen sea with drifting ice.

Kyle, who learned of this as he reached the coast, tried to go straight into the sea.

But Brody, who was chasing him from behind, hurriedly called out to him and grabbed his tail with her front paws.

Kyle, who was caught by his sensitive tail, didn’t think about what he had done earlier and turned his body around, barking, ‘Krrrr!’ as if he was going to bite her.

Brody, who although had the intention of retaliating, had caught his tail out of urgency, lowered her voice and shouted at Kyle, who bared his teeth.

“Shh, quiet! Look over there!”

After Kyle threatened Brody, he turned his gaze to follow her outstretched paw.

Her front paw was pointing at a drift ice rising above the frozen sea.

The moment he was about to get annoyed and asked what was there because he couldn’t find anything there….

Just then, he spotted a huge animal wandering among the drift ice and his eyes widened in surprise.


It was a white bear.

Kyle instinctively registered the bear’s presence and trembled.

He have seen many bears in his life, including brown bears, black bears, and asiatic black bears, but this was his first time seeing a white bear.

Bears, like wolves, were one of the top predators in the ecosystem, and their strength was superior to that of wolves.

But among those bears, that white bear was on a different level from those he had seen in the his lands.

Not only was it big, he could tell that he was no match for its body or strength.

It was better not to encounter it. Kyle turned without hesitation to go back into the forest.

However, when he couldn’t see the rabbit that was supposed to follow him, he looked around and saw that she was still hiding behind a rock, watching the white bear.

“Wow. I heard about white bears from my dad, but this is my first time seeing one in person. It looks really cool….”

He frowned.

Was she that crazy, really?

Currently, he couldn’t understand what was going on in Brody’s mind, who was so amazed and cool when she saw that predator.

“Hey, won’t you come quickly?”

“Sniff sniff. I guess he’s looking for a female. The smell is strong.”

“What, excuse me?”

“Oh my god. Look at that dependable big guy! It’s so cool!”

Kyle who saw the rabbit holding her front paws together and making an ecstatic expression, burst out laughing thinking that she had really lost her mind.

He needed to get out of here quickly, but he was getting delayed by Brody who was wasting time on useless things.

In the end, Kyle said angrily to the rabbit, who was swaying her body as if she was going to run to the white bear at any moment.

“If you like that bear so much, go see it. You **** rabbit.”

Of course, it was just a throwaway comment. It meant that if you weren’t going to go to the bear, just come quickly and quit wasting time. It wasn’t anything more or less than that.

But when the rabbit heard his words, she quickly turned around with her shaking body.

Then she ran towards Kyle and asked with bright eyes.

“Really? Is it really okay for me to go see Bear Oppa?”

Kyle was surprised by the unexpected question and was about to ask what kind of rabbish that was.

He also wanted to scold her, saying, ‘After spending a few days with a carnivore that couldn’t eat you, you think all carnivores in the world are like him.’

However, when he felt that the rabbit truly wanted to go to the bear, he was dumbfounded, and the words that came out of his mouth that were completely different from what he had thought.

“……It’s okay, you can go.”

If you really want to die, go for it. This is what it meant. But Brody, who misunderstood this ironic statement as permission, jumped up and down in joy.

“Really? Really? Then, I’m going to see Bear Oppa! I’ll return soon, so just stay here and wait!”


Wait for what on earth…?

Foe you coming back as a corpse……?

He was so speechless that he couldn’t even stop the crazy rabbit running towards where the bear was, as he just stood there blinking blankly.





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  1. Isis says:

    please update, release more chapters 😍

    1. Alaa says:

      I was planning to do so tomorrow anyways 😁

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