I Picked Up an Abandoned Villain in the Polar Region

IPUAVNP Chapter 13

Episode 13


After many twists and turns, Kyle and Brody passed through the glacial valley of Rodia and completely descended the Kalks Mountains.

Now before them was a vast forest beneath the mountain, and beyond the forest was an ice-covered coast.

Kyle and Brody headed to the beach bordering the forest. The purpose was to catch sea creatures there and fill Kyle’s hungry stomach.

Thanks to the anticipation of being able to eat meat soon, Kyle’s steps became very light.

On the other hand, the closer they got to the sea, the heavier Brody’s heart became.

Because there was no vegetation in the sea, her food availability became uncertain.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve eaten a lot so far, so it’s okay. Now you have to focus on filling your stomach.”


“Starving for a few days is a piece of cake.”

“Okay, just hang in there.”

“Don’t worry. Brody can tolerate the hunger….”

“I don’t worry about any of that, so calm down.”

Kyle shook his head when he saw the rabbit busily picking leaves from conifers and stuffing them into her backpack, even though they hadn’t even left the forest yet.

If one were to squeezed it hard enough, the backpack would most likely burst.

Brody stockpiled leaves until her backpack weighed down her small body, then she took it with her and set off while whining.

The sight of Brody stumbling around with her shaking backpack was ridiculous to Kyle.

He walked next to her and playfully tapped her backpack with his front paw then asked,

“Isn’t it heavy?”

“No touching!”

Brody, who almost fell because the backpack was tilting to the side, opened her eyes wide and shouted.

It seemed like the rabbit had become very sensitive.

Normally, Kyle would never have done something like this to delay the trip.

However, for some reason, he teased her by touching her backpack several times after that, and Brody, who had been jumping around to avoid his taps, quickly got tired.

“This is all because of you!”

She took off her backpack, threw it away, lied down in the snow, and said, ”I can’t walk because I am so tired, so take responsibility.”

Now Kyle should come up to her and scold her saying, ‘Stop your nonsense and get up.’

However, when she heard no sound, let alone the expected response, Brody, who was lying down with her eyes tightly closed, immediately looked around.

Kyle wasn’t there. Moreover, the backpack she had thrown aside a moment ago was nowhere to be seen.

Brody straightened her body and when she stood up, she saw that Kyle was already walking away.

And the backpack that was missing was hanging loosely around his neck.

Brody hesitated feeling ashamed, but soon realized why Kyle had played such a childish prank on her.

It was likely because he wanted to help her lift the heavy backpack.

However, because of his awkward personality, he couldn’t just carry it right away, so he created a ‘situation’ where he had no choice but to carry the backpack.

Brody burst into laughter after realising his convoluted way to do things.

Of course, her angry heart just moments ago melted away along with it.

Brody quickly perked up and ran to him, laughing. Then she spoke with a happy face to Kyle, who looked somewhat awkward.

“If you wanted to carry it, you should have just said so, honey. I got angry without even knowing your intentions.”

Her white fluffy buttocks twitched from side to side along with her plump body.

On the other hand, when Kyle realized that the witch-like woman had looked into his inner thoughts again, he could not hold back his embarrassment and responded coldly.

“If you’re grateful, just shut your mouth and go away.”

But if she shut up right here, she wouldn’t be Brody May.

The rabbit, who would get sick if she didn’t tease him even for a day, run around him and said,

“Aren’t you like a trustworthy boyfriend who carries his lover’s bag for her?”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“Hehe, that’s embarrassing.”

“……I told you to shut up.”

“I told you before, honey, but you are really shy.”

Brody covered her mouth with her front paw and laughed, but suddenly felt a cold feeling, so she rolled her eyes and checked Kyle’s reaction.

And the moment the rabbit saw murderous intentions blooming in Kyle’s eyes as he stood still, she started running with kyle hot on her tail.

However, it was quite difficult to catch a rabbit running away while changing direction continuously, so eventually, Kyle gave up chasing her.

Brody, who had run away quite the distance, straightened up and looked around. Only then did she realize that Kyle was tired and of course she jumped up to him again.

But, she didn’t get too close, as she asked him from a slight distance while observing his expressions.

“Kyle, Are you angry……?”

“Be quiet.”

Kyle just blurted out two word as if he was completely exhausted.

Brody thought he couldn’t get revenge on her because he was tired, so she smiled and walked towards him.

However, this was Brody’s wrong judgment.

Kyle looked down at the rabbit that approached him without knowing anything.

And when Brody belatedly felt the unusual energy and tried to run again, he bit the rabbit’s back foot.



After barking and pining the rabbit’s back foot, he bit it again with force and spat it out.

Brody immediately burst into tears. She asked him to bite her gently, as his teeth were too strong for Brody.

“You shouldn’t have fooled around like that then.”


Feeling angry that she was deceived, and her back feet got hurt, Brody stamped her feet and cried.

She was screaming that she couldn’t even get up and that the pain was so bad that maybe she couldn’t walk anymore.

Kyle, who was slightly worried after seeing Brody throwing a fit, came over and looked at her hind feet, but found that there were no cuts or breaks. So after checking, he pretended not to notice her crying and went on his way.

“Stop making a fuss and come quickly. Don’t make me angry.”

The harsh threats started, but Brody still lied down and didn’t stop crying.

After a while, Brody glanced up to see if he had gone, and made eye contact with Kyle, who was looking at her with pitiful eyes.


She pretended to be handicapped and made a fuss, but he saw through her acting.

Brody sniffled and got up shyly.

Actually, it wasn’t so painful that she couldn’t walk. She just acted this way because she wanted to ride on his back.

And since Kyle had already figured out the pattern after many experiences, he continued to watch Brody and eventually made her tactic fail.

Of course, even though Brody was caught, she didn’t give up and walked towards him, pretending have a slight limp.

Then she rubbed her face against his leg and smiled. It was an act to relieve the embarrassment.

Naturally, Kyle wanted her to be ashamed of her actions, so he kicked her and walked away.

Brody, who fell behind him, rubbed her nose and followed his back, yelling for him to wait for her.




“Kyle, are you going to sleep with me today?”

The same question was asked every day.

“Are you crazy?”

The same answer always came back.

Brody quietly crouched down in front of Kyle’s den as he was getting ready for bed and looked at him.

In fact, it would have been better to say she was glaring ather than looking. She couldn’t hold back any longer and asked.

“When on earth are you going to spend a cozy night with me?”

“I never promised to have an intimate night with you or anything like that, you freaking rabbit.”

Brody, who was resting her chin on her neatly folded front paws, sighed at Kyle’s answer.

“Hey, honey. It’s already been a million years since our progress stopped at the bridge. I think it’s okay to raise the water level a little more now.”

“I don’t think there’s a need to raise it any higher.”


Brody’s glaring gaze became sharper. He tried to ignore it, but Kyle, stung by her gaze, eventually turned his head in Brody’s direction and let out a deep breath.

It meant that he was tired because it was night. His eyes were dark, the color of the deep sea, with a hint of irritation.

“Please go away. Let me get some sleep.”

“Stop sleeping! How can you sleep with the cutest, most feminine female in the world next to you?”


Kyle was dumbfounded when he saw Brody spitting out such ridiculous things in an angry voice without a change in her expression.

He said with a laugh.

“Isn’t this too much self-praise coming out of your mouth?”

“It’s not wrong! Look at my front paws. Aren’t they cute?”

Brody couldn’t bear to back down, so she stuck out a round, plump paw at the entrance to the cave.

And she didn’t stop there, she now stuck her butt out and spoke.

“Look at my fluffy tail. Isn’t it so lovely?”


Annoyed at the firm word, Brody turned around and quickly crawled into her den.

Soon, he heard stumping coming from the cave next door, making a loud wall-to-wall noise. It was a protest.

Of course, Kyle, who had already gotten used to the noise, muttered in a sighing voice.

“Is she really in heat? Otherwise, how can a rabbit have only such dark thoughts all the time?”

After mumbling that, he rolled up like a shrimp to went back to sleep.

Kyle opened his eyes to to a chilling feeling as the cave next door suddenly became quiet.

He was startled to see the rabbit crouching in front of his burrow like a white ghost, looking at him with bright eyes.

“I’m in heat.”


Kyle was taken aback when she took what he said as a jest previously and turned it to such serious matter. But Brody spoke confidently.

“You probably didn’t know, but rabbits are always in heat. In short, it means the full 24 hours a day.”

Brody, who was about to ask if he understood her actions, suddenly frowned as she saw Kyle’s face strangely distorting before her eyes.

“What is that expression? Why are you looking at me as if you are looking at a beast?”

Brody jumped up, pointed at Kyle’s face with her front paw and shouted.

However, even after being reprimanded, Kyle could not erase the slight contempt that was written on his face, which made Brody even angrier.

“Apologize right away! Apologize for looking at me like I was an animal!”

There was no apology.

Kyle hid in the den as if he had encountered an invincible beast, and ignored her outburst as he was absorbed in the unpleasant thoughts he had just had.





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