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Knowing the original work, I look around the current situation and unconsciously compare the current situation with the content of the book.

While I seek to gather information and predict the future, getting too absorbed in the content of the original work can actually hinder my perspective. For now I must focus on the present.

I relaxed my expression and formed a smile on my lips. Then, I approached the place where the children had gathered.
As the children noticed me, they extended their chosen books with bright faces. My current reality is safely finishing a market outing with the children.

* * *

As I left the bookstore, my hands became heavy. By the bag containing toys and books.

I briefly regretted for not
letting the coachman accompany us for a little longer,but soon I lifted my head.

The children were still cautious around adults other than me, so if I felt comfortable, it would make them uncomfortable.

I turned to the children. The children who bought what they wanted looked very excited. Looking at it, I forgot the weight for a moment.

“Now let’s stop by one last place and go back.”

“to where?”

Ren tilted her head and asked. I raised the corner of my mouth and replied.

“To buy clothes.”

The children looked bewildered, but I didn’t say anything more. I slung the bag over my shoulder and extended my hand towards Chloran and Eddy, as if I had come for them. Eddy grabbed my hand eagerly.

I smiled at Eddy and looked at Chloran. Although he had been holding my hand all along, he seemed slightly hesitant and awkward when I reached out to hold his hand again. Perhaps he was embarrassed.

However, as I extended my hand silently, Chloran cautiously grabbed the tip of my fingers. Looking at Chloran, I complimented in a gentle voice.

“good boy.”

“What are you saying … .”

At my words, Chloran pouted his lips, but the hand that held mine was tight. Fortunately, the distance between the bookstore and Clover’s shop wasn’t too far. When I entered the store, Clover came out and recognized me and gave me a welcome look.

“Welcome back. You’ve come again.”

Instead of answering, I smiled with a sweaty face, then let go of the children’s hands and put the heavy bag on the ground. At first, I was able to hold on, but as I walked, it felt like my shoulders were gradually sinking.

“Here is cold water. Are you okay?”

“Ah, thank you.”

Seeing me like this, Clover quickly handed me a glass of cold water. Without hesitation, I took the glass and gulped down the water. I felt like I was living a little bit now. Meanwhile, the children were looking around the store.

Thankfully, they weren’t running around or causing a ruckus under Jake’s control. Well, except for Chloran, they were all very well-behaved kids.

“You must have gone shopping. Are those children you mentioned before?”

It was what I had said last time. I nodded my head. Clover’s eyes were filled with affection.

“They are such adorable kids.”

“Yes, they are. Today, I brought them to buy clothes.”

“And your clothes?”

” Yes”

When Clover asked, I nodded. After that, I felt a little embarrassed. The fact that I sold so many clothes last time and came back to buy them.

But that was too revealing! Not only was it very inappropriate to wear in this weather, it wasn’t even my taste. I explained the situation to Clover.

“I’m attending a banquet this time, but I don’t have the right dress to wear. It’s expensive to go to a boutique to buy it, and it takes a long time to get it tailored. However, I remembered the dress you made when I visited last time.”

“I see.”

“While I was at it, I also bought clothes for the kids. They really loved the clothes I bought last time.”

“Oh my goodness… … .”

At my words, Clover’s face lit up with delight. In fact, the clothes the kids were currently wearing were also bought from this shop. Maybe Clover had already noticed the moment they came in.

“Coincidentally, after the customer left, I made some new children’s clothes. But first, you should take a look at the dress you’ll wear to the banquet… Would you like to see it??”

At Clover’s words, I nodded.

“The dress is inside. Would you like to come?”

“Ah yes. wait a minute.”

Following Clover’s guidance, I apologized and approached Jake.

“I’ll go in and out in a minute. It won’t take long. Will you look after the children until then?”

Jake looked at me for a moment at my words and nodded.


“thank you.”

After thanking Jake for his gracious acceptance, I followed Clover inside.

* * *

When Sierra went inside and the children looked around the store. Chloran in particular had his eyes twinkle.

“Ren, come and look at this.”

Chloran called Ren loudly. Ren took Eddy and Roddy, who were watching together, and approached Chloran. Soon after, Ren burst into exclamation.

“Wow, this is really pretty. right?”

“I think the color is so pretty.”

“It’s like the night sky!”

Roddy nodded vigorously. and the night sky color adorned her golden eyes. The fabric the kids were looking at was of the same color as the night sky.

The displayed fabrics on the wall seemed as if they had directly transported the night sky into the shop. They had never seen such a beautiful fabric before. Ren’s gaze was hazy. Ren murmured.

“I think The market is such an amazing place… … .”

Eddy and Roddy nodded in agreement. Chloran didn’t say anything, but his expression was relaxed.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people gathered in my life. Eating delicious food and eat a lot of strange things. No one thinks we are dirty.”

“It’s like Wonderland.”

Roddy replied. Then Ren tilted her head and asked.


“Yes! The main character of a book I read a while ago also fell into Wonderland, and there were a lot of strange things like this.”

At Roddy’s innocent words, Ren smiled softly at her and stroked her hair. And, as if muttering, she said.

“I know. Like Roddy said, it really feels like Wonderland.”

Eddy and Chloran didn’t say anything, but they were all thinking the same thing. Each of them was born in a barren environment and was abandoned on the road before they could speak.

To survive, they had to endure, and that led them to gather here at “Sierra’s Orphanage.” But the misfortune didn’t end there. The children were exhausted from the poor environment that was worse than the street and the director’s abusive language and indifference.

I felt like I would rather go to eternal sleep to get away from everything. But one day, the world they belonged to began to change. It was precisely after the director, Sierra, changed.

I was able to eat a proper, delicious meal, wear new clothes, read what I wanted to draw and read, and run when I wanted to.

I didn’t have to look at anyone anymore. They no longer had to worry about anyone’s eyes on them, nor did they have to cower at sharp, flying words. The kids felt like they were in the strange world roddy had mentioned. Still, the comfort and luxury felt unfamiliar. It was as if they were thrown into a place where they didn’t belong.

Amidst the happiness, they were afraid of when this world would return to its original state.

“… … .”

Suddenly there was silence. Even if we don’t talk to each other, we’re probably thinking the same thing. Only young Roddy was still looking at the fabric with sparkling eyes. Then, a short distance away, Jake was silently listening to the conversation of the children.

Jake’s gaze fell to the ground. There were bags filled with all kinds of things that Sierra had bought for the children today. His eyes had a complex expression as he looked at them. His lips quivered slightly.

“… … it’s not going back.”

(T/l: Jake is basically answering the children regarding this part “Amidst the happiness, they were afraid of when this world would return to its original state”)

Jake’s voice spread quietly in the space where there was only silence. The children turned to Jake. Jake raised his head, met the children’s eyes, and spoke in a louder voice this time.


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