I Need Sponsorship

* * *

After Sierra left, he returned to his office and started working again as usual.

After a while, Rick put the teacup down in front of him. The Duke shifted his gaze from the papers to the teacup and smiled slightly as he thought for a moment.

Observing this, Rick involuntarily spoke up.

“Your grace, why do you care so much about her?”

At his sudden question, Dietrich looked at him as if he was saying something. Rick added an explanation.

“lady Sierra Peirunte. It is true that she has secured the trade with the Western Kingdom, thanks to her, but I think you care about her more than that.”

“Do you think it is too much?”

“Not really. I’m just curious about the reason behind it.. … .”

As he blurted out his Last words, Rick thought about her for a moment. Sierra Peirunte.

A fallen noble with nothing but a small orphanage to her name. How she came to know about the trade routes connecting to the Western Kingdom was a mystery, but it was clear that thanks to her, Crayman duchy developed greatly because of her.

And it was perfectly understandable that in return, the Crayman Duchy decided to sponsor her orphanage. However, it was also true that the Duke’s support seemed excessive.

‘The same goes for the tea bag business.’

He remembered the tea bag she had given him as a gift. It’s obviously a groundbreaking invention, but families trying to connect with the Duke of Crayman were many.

However, Duke Crayman, who did not pay attention to all of that, decided to invest in her invention without hesitation. Not only that. When he first decided on the donation, it was so much that I had to stop it.

Duke Crayman must have known that all of that was no ordinary sponsorship. Not knowing what he was thinking at all, Rick impatiently asked the question.

Duke Crayman did not immediately answer. He touched the tip of the teacup with his fingers as if thinking of something, then slowly parted his lips. His voice blended with the scent of tea and resonated gently.

“Sometimes, I have such thoughts… Rick, if you and I had met proper parents, you wouldn’t have turned your back on the family, and I wouldn’t have become a ‘monster’.”

“… … .”

At his words, Rick bit his lip. Looking at Rick’s blue eyes, cold air swirling through the monocle, Dietrich smiled bitterly.

“What does that have to do with her?”

Rick’s voice unintentionally turned cold and blunt. Despite his impolite attitude, Dieterich refrained from reprimanding him. Because Dieterich understood that Rick’s words unintentionally touched upon the painful memories he had endured and tried to hide

Dietrich lowered his eyes. And he remembered the scenery of her orphanage he had walked with her.

The faces of children who feared him and Sierra’s lonely gaze as she looked upon those children. Most of all, he remembered how she prioritized the children over herself.

From the frightened expressions of the children, he could see himself and Rick in their younger days. Their own wounds were added to the scars the children had already suffered. Perhaps that was the reason.

“We were driven out because we didn’t have protectors for ourselves, but I hope the children in the orphanage won’t grow up like us. With her, she can be a wonderful protector for them.”

“… … .”

“I just want to see them happy.”

“… … Do you want vicarious satisfaction?”

“Are you seeking vicarious satisfaction?”

“I might be.”

In response to Rick’s question, Dieterich let out a dry laughter and took a sip of his tea. The warmth had dissipated, and the lukewarm tea swirled around in his mouth before going down.

Rick pressed his lips together in response to Dieterich’s words. Memories of childhood trauma, which always led to further abuse, slowly resurfaced from deep within. But he didn’t show it.

It was an implicit agreement not to talk about each other’s childhood. It was a memory with nothing good, so they simply buried it and treated it as a nonexistent time. But now that he had brought it up…

‘He must be sincere to bring it up like that.’

Rick took a deep breath to regain his composure. His name was Duke Crayman’s secretary and comrade who had been with him on the battlefield, but He couldn’t afford to lose his composure over something like this. However, there was still a part that he couldn’t understand.

“If that’s the case, why did you decide on the tea business instead of stopping at sponsorship? It doesn’t seem to be related to the orphanage sponsorship.”

Of course, it was clear that the success of Sierra Peirunte would also enrich the orphanage. But even so, it seemed excessive to consider it as part of the sponsorship. They were already sufficient with a monthly payment of 500 gold coins. Instead, the business seemed more like an effort to revive the fallen Peirunte family rather than the orphanage. The duke didn’t immediately respond to Rick’s question. Time passed, and then Dieterich finally answered thoughtfully.

“I just liked the taste of the tea.”

That was it. The unspoken words carried the implied meaning of not asking any further questions about it. That’s why Rick couldn’t inquire about that matter anymore. All he could do was think that the Duke genuinely liked the tea.

“If you’re done with your curiosity, then go and do your work.”

“… … All right. Call me if you need anything.”

“I got it.”

Rick, who looked at him one last time, left the office. the sound of the door closing faded away, no sound could be heard inside the office. Not even the sound of papers being shuffled. After a while, Dieterich sighed and took off his glasses. His golden eyes were filled with complexity.


He had simply answered Rick that he decided to invest because he liked the tea. However, he himself couldn’t be sure if that answer was the truth. He didn’t know the exact reason behind it. Just…

Dietrich closed his eyes and recalled that moment. A light breeze blew through the windows and wrapped around the director’s office, spreading the scent of green tea. When he lifted his gaze while savoring the scent, his sight was filled with a scenery. Sunset-colored hair swaying in the wind and distant golden-brown eyes that felt somewhat familiar. Shadows cast beneath lowered eyelashes, and her lips pressed tightly together.
Even though he appeared indifferent to the beauty, he couldn’t be certain. What was it that captivated his gaze so deeply?

‘I wonder what exactly remains in my mind.’

When he smelled the aroma of green tea, her figure came to mind, and when he thought of her, a faint scent of green tea arose. He couldn’t determine which came first. It was just that all the senses from that fleeting moment came into his mind, deeply engraved.

* * *

When I returned to the orphanage, it was already dinnertime. My back ached throughout the preparation of the dinner. Every time I turned around, Jake stared at me with resentful eyes, and when I resumed preparing the food, I could feel his piercing gaze on me. It seemed like he resented me for coming back late, contrary to the promise that I would return soon. Not knowing how to react to Jake’s behavior, as he was not like the other children, I eventually apologized sincerely, and he left the dining hall without sending me any more resentful looks.

While the children had their dinner, I entered the director’s office and immediately picked up the blue envelope placed on the desk. Unnecessary tension made my throat dry. The front of the envelope only bore the words “To Viscount Sierra Peirunte.” I slowly flipped the envelope over and let out a sigh mixed with lament. The engraved royal emblem felt like it was pricking me. I used a letter opener to slit the opening. In the meantime, I remembered what the duke had said.

‘I’m sure he said it was a banquet.’

A banquet. From the moment I entered Sierra’s body until my death, I never thought there would be any connection between us in a place like that. I never thought I would attend a banquet like this. Moreover, an imperial banquet. I opened the envelope and took out the letter. The touch of the finest paper brushed against my hand. Suppressing my admiration momentarily, I quickly began to read the words.


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