I Need Sponsorship

The former Emperor’s aide, the Duke of Crayman, also turned against the current Emperor, and the imperial family and the Duke of Crayman began to keep each other in check.

Around this time, the path to the Western Kingdom, which had been shrouded in secrecy due to the seclusion policy, was opened, and the imperial family and the Duke of Crayman,who mainly engaged in trading, immediately tried to bring in the Western Kingdom’s culture and resources.

Unfortunately, the pirates had taken over the seas of the Western Kingdom. And pirates were well aware of the geography of the sea and their number was not small, which made it difficult to trade. The Western Kingdom also did not respond very enthusiastically to trade, so they had to deal with the pirates on this side.

However, the sea belonged to the Western Kingdom, so they could not start a war hastily. Also, they could never ignore the whirlpool near the Western Kingdom. In the meantime, the Western Kingdom even said it would trade with only one side, and because of this, the current situation was that the royal family and the Duke of Crayman, who mainly engaged in maritime trade, were looking for trade routes while checking each other.

……maybe. As I said, I was not sure because I guessed the current situation based on the contents of the original. However, I thought to myself that if the Duke of Crayman really responded to my letter, this might become my biggest concern this time. And my guess seemed to be correct.

The Duke’s face, which had been cold throughout the whole time, was cracked for the first time. After a long silence, he finally opened his mouth.

“……then how are you going to solve that problem? The problem that neither I nor the imperial family have been able to solve?”

I succeeded in hitting the point but he still distrusted me. I asked him for a pen and he handed over his own quill pen he had been using a while ago.

I put the tip of the pen on the map. His gaze was focused on me. Just as I was about to move the pen tip. I stopped moving my hands. He looked at me with a questioning face, and I opened my mouth.

“Before this, you still haven’t answered me yet. Will you sponsor our orphanage?”

His eyes fluttered as I completely removed my hand from the map. I smiled broadly at him and said.

“If there’s something going, there will be something coming. Don’t you think so?”

For a moment, his gaze and mine exchanged. I didn’t give in to his eyes that looked like the eyes of a beast who looked at its prey. It’s the same, dying once in my previous life, and dying in this like that.

If so, right now risking my life like this there might be a possibility even though the success rate is low.When I didn’t show any sign of backing down, the duke, whose expression was slightly distorted, asked with an incomprehensible face.

“Who do you believe in so much and act so recklessly? And Don’t you think that I can get information through torture to?”

It wasn’t a threat. He was genuinely curious. What do I believe in so much and come here without hesitation? I lowered my gaze. And I slightly opened my mouth.

“I’m sure you’ve already finished investigating me. You know, I don’t have anyone who I trust so much.”

If there is one, it is him, who would make that child become the emperor in the future. Of course, I don’t know if he can be my strength, but anyway, the biggest power I had was to believe in him. However,

“But I believe in you.”

“What do you mean?”

“That Your Excellency will not use such a rough method.”

“………You seem to know me well.”

” Because You’re so famous.”

He spoke in a roundly way with a smile. But he must have felt a strange sense of incompatibility with my words.

‘If she found out about it through rumors, then she would be more scared.’

That’s because, in the rumor, he was the king of the cold battlefield with no blood or tears. No matter how strange and heartbreaking the story may be, if it is an enemy, they will draw their sword down without hesitation. His status on the battlefield was both honor, pride, and fear. People worshiped him, but at the same time feared him. They feared that at any moment the blood-crazed man might draw a sword against his own people. The nobles also created bad rumors because they were jealous of him as his status increased day by day. The Duke of Dietrich Crayman is a monster without blood or tears. He knew the truth better than anyone else.

“Or do you want to see me shaking in fear in front of Your Excellency?”

His shoulders trembled when I asked. He stared at my eyes as if trying to know what are my real intentions, but I just looked back at him with a smile. He replied.


“Then it. I know you’re not the one to do that.”

“……let me ask you one thing. What are you going to do if I don’t accept the offer?”

“I will leave this mansion and go to the imperial palace.”


He burst out laughing as if he was dumbfounded by my answer that came immediately. It wasn’t just meant to put pressure on him. The words I spoke also proved that I was aware of the relationship between him and the imperial family. That meant that I might know more information than this, and my words also gave me some credibility.

He must have thought that he took the lead, but it was actually me who took the lead from him. ……Unless he really catches me and tortures me. If he comes out with force, I have no way either. So this is a risky deal. The deal with him.

But I am convinced now. That The Duke is in a very difficult situation at the moment. To overcome this situation, he will have to hold my hand.

“……then I also have a condition.”

“Go ahead please.”

“If I accept this deal, you should not tell the story of this anywhere. Also, the information given to me cannot be handed over to anyone.”

I looked at the duke for a moment without saying a word. Soon I nodded willingly.

“All right.”

In the first place, I didn’t intend to brag about the same information here and there. Because doing useless things would only cause my neck to fly.

“Then I’ll accept the offer.”

For a moment, my heart was pounding. It wasn’t because I was nervous , it was because I felt a sense of relief that I had finally achieved my goal. I almost screamed without realizing it. I barely held onto any reason to add one more, but I added another condition.

“Please support us only until all the children in the orphanage become independent. And If my information is true, please leave a certificate of sponsorship. And finally, please don’t ask the source of where this information came from. However, if the information is wrong, you may do as you wish.”

It meant that he could kill me, and he nodded and accepted it. Then he asked, narrowing his eyes.

“But with that kind of information, is that really all the conditions?”

“Yes, it’s information that I don’t even need even if I have it anyway, and…….”

My eyes went back to the sea on the chart. I could feel him still looking at me. I said, moving the tip of the pen slowly.

“Compared to the lives of the five children, it’s not a very light price for me.”

“……I see.”

the Duke replied, who had been silent for a moment. I was now focusing on the chart.

‘You have to think of it. What did it look like?’

The appearance of the sea map was not unfamiliar. I’ve seen this map in “The Indelible Scar.” To be exact, I have seen it when introducing trade routes in the set-up book that describes the Lux Empire. I used to look at the map quite carefully, admiring the artist’s detailed work. In addition, the map was engraved with Chloran’s traces, the location of the orphanage, and the location of the capital,etc.

I was focusing on looking at the sea. I don’t know latitude, longitude, anything like that. I am just trying to remember and draw the image of it on the map I was focused on. A single maritime trade route made of spiral whirlwinds, pirate flags and dotted lines.

It wasn’t hard to recall. whirlwinds and pirate marks were also drawn on this map. However, I increased the number of pirates there and spread the area of the whirlwinds wider. And exactly in between.

“If you enter here, you will be able to enter the port safely.”

After drawing the last dotted line on the Western kingdom, I stopped moving the pen tip. And looked at the Duke.

“This is the information I know.”

“……I can’t believe it. Is this really possible? Did you go through this route yourself?”

The empty sea was filled with shapes and lines. I answered his question with a vague face.

“It’s not that I’ve been there myself…… It was just Indirect experience…….”

“I don’t understand what you mean by that. But if this information is really true…….”

He blurted out the end of his words. He’s probably drawing the future after pioneering this trade route. The Crayman duchy would grow bigger than this, and even the imperial family wouldn’t dare touch the Duke of Crayman after that.

“If you don’t believe it, check it out yourself. You can decide after that. Until then, it’s okay to put the sponsorship on hold.”

I got up. The negotiations are over. My plan worked successfully and now all I had to do was confirm that my information was true. The Duke, who looked at me with a strange expression, went back to his desk and filled out a sponsorship certificate and handed it to me. The seal of the Duke of Crayman is clearly engraved on the certificate.

A lot of emotions flooded in. It was hope. I bowed to him and tried to leave the office. At that moment, his voice caught me.

“……if this information is true, I will take Baron Sierra Peirunte as my benefactor.”

At his words, I turned my head. Duke Crayman was staring at me with serious eyes. Looking at his golden eyes, which were pure as if the sun had melted in them, The benefactor of the Duke of Crayman. That’s true. I said with a smile.

“I feel proud.”

I answered lightly and left the office. Rick was waiting outside. I spoke to Rick.

“The discussion is over. Can you please take me back to the orphanage?”

You brought me all the way here, and you wouldn’t tell me to go back on my own, would you? Rick, who had a strange look in his eyes for a moment, then bent over.

“I’ll take you there.”

“Thank you.”

I smiled and followed Rick. As I left the mansion and got on the carriage, I thought as I looked at the Duke’s house getting farther and farther away. Please, based on my information, I hope Duke Crayman’s entry into the Western Kingdom will be successful. So that no one threatens the Duke of Crayman.

And a month later, news spread throughout the empire that the Duke of Crayman successfully entered the Western Kingdom safely.

* * *

It’s been a month since I’ve been to the Duke of Crayman. It also means that it has been over a month since I entered this body. In the meantime, many changes have been made in < Sierra orphanage>. First of all.

‘ Now It looks like a place where children are raised!’

After repairing the final thing, I raised my head with satisfaction. The ceiling, which had been dripping with rainwater due to a hole, was now tightly closed so that not even the slightest gap could be found.

It’s not just the ceiling. The watery hallway, window, the kitchen with only one shelf, and the dining room where the legs of the chair were broken. It has changed so much that it looks like a newly built place.

The windows were replaced, more shelves were added, and the tables and chairs were too old, so I just replaced them all. I even laid out a pretty tablecloth. Some people might think it’s strange that a nobleman does this themselves. I wasn’t originally a nobleman in the first place. Rather, these chores suited me. The changes were not made only from within. I looked outside through the window, which was so smooth that even a fly would slip through it.

“Chloran! You climbed too high! Come down!”

“This is nothing, Ren!”

“Ch, Chloran, Ren is right. It’s too dangerous…….”

…… My face stiffened as I looked out with a pleased expression. Chloran standing at the top of the jungle gym and poking the sky with branches, and children stopping him from underneath, saying it was dangerous. I jumped out in a flash.


Chloran’s shoulders flinched as I shouted. Then he looked down at me with a nervous face. I put my hand on my waist and said with a stern face.

“The top of the jungle gym is too high and it’s dangerous, And I told you not to go up.”

“Ugh, it’s fine as long as I don’t fall…….”

His prestige had softened a lot, but I did not let go of my stern expression.

“But it’s still dangerous. What are you gonna do if you fall from there? Come on down.”

“Oh,I understand. Sheesh You nag a lot.”

Chloran muttered and lowered his posture. Originally, the jungle gym was a playing facility for children to enjoy, but Sierra made the jungle gym as high as a castle, to show off that it was an orphanage. Therefore, I told the children not to go up to the top because it was dangerous, but Chloran, who has a strong curiosity and adventurous spirit, couldn’t stand it and went up to the end.

I looked around. Jake is probably reading since I can’t see him around . It’s because I worked to take the opportunity when Jake wasn’t there. I’m thinking of nagging you when you come down.


Chloran’s body, which was preparing to come down, lost its balance for a moment and tilted outward.


Eddy screamed. In the meantime, Chloran’s body was about to fall down. Ren covered Roddy’s eyes and she was at loss. I flew away without time to think.


And he got the falling Chloran straight. For a moment, I felt the joints in my body twisting for a moment, but without even having time to feel the pain, I checked the condition of Chloran’s body in my arms.

“Chloran! Did you get hurt ? Are you okay?

“Oh? Uh…yes….”

Chloran, who had been frozen in embarrassment, nodded belatedly. Relieved at the sight, I finally felt the pain in my body. But I didn’t show it on my face. Instead, I spoke to Chloran with a stern look on my face.

“I told you to not go up to the top because jungle gyms are dangerous.”

“Ha, but…….”

Chloran hesitated, but I didn’t erase the stern look on my face. Then Chloran muttered in a small voice.

“……I’m sorry.”

“Huh. As long as you didn’t get hurt. Still, you should never do this dangerous thing again. Got it?”

“Well, there…….”

Cloan nodded timidly and blurted out the end of his words. I felt sorry for him, so I melted my frozen expression and said.

“It’s good to play, but you have to eat. Go in and wash your hands. I’ll prepare lunch for you.”

The children’s faces, who were wary of my words, brightened up. Then they went inside one by one. Smiling at the back, I looked back at the jungle gym and sighed deeply. The playing facility, which was untouchable due to old grime and burned dust, was transformed into a new one thanks to my efforts to clean it every day for a month. Even when I touched it, there was no dust at all and it felt good. Perhaps that’s why the children, especially Chloran, spent more than half of the day here. Yeah, it’s nice to play. I just want them to be careful while playing.


That’s the age when they want to jump around the most. So It is not good to just keep stopping them because they can get hurt.

‘There’s nothing I can do. So I had no choice but to keep an eye on them.’

I sighed once again and paused as I tried to move. Then I frowned and lowered his gaze. A throbbing pain spread from my ankle. It seems that my ankle was sprained when I was hugging Chloran.

‘I should put a bandage on it later.’

It was throbbing, but not unbearable. This kind of pain is familiar. I always lived with pain like this because I didn’t hesitate to work hard to make money. I walked into the orphanage, not thinking much of it.

I have to hurry up and prepare the children’s lunch. Then I suddenly stopped walking and looked around the orphanage. Even though it’s only been a month since I became a Sierra, the orphanage has changed a lot. Children’s playground, newly painted exterior walls and voices.

‘It wasn’t easy.’

Repairing childcare facilities was not the only difficult thing. but it was never easy to get close to children. In fact, it’s hard to say that we’re still very close. However, it can be said to be a great development compared to before. If it had been in the past, Chloran would have never said sorry to me.

‘Ah, it was really hard.’

Chloran kept pushing me away, but every day he came back injured. In the end, we got a little closer as we had a sincere conversation.

At that time, Eddy began to get close to the children in earnest.’

In fact, it was none other than Eddy who made the most changes in the past month. Not long ago, when it was time to have a sincere conversation with delicious food, Eddy expressed his honest feelings to the children. She came here last, so it was hard to get close to the children. But they didn’t push her away, she is gathering courage little by little.

Who was that at that time ? Oh, it was Chloran. At Eddy’s words, Chloran who heard it screamed and got angry, said, “We already thought of you as a family, but you don’t.” At that time, Eddy burst into tears, so I remember being very embarrassed that time. And…

I gazed further away. Outside the fence, to the way where the Duke of Crayman’s mansion was . Not long ago, it was reported that Duke Krayman had pioneered a trade route to the Western Kingdom. And I’ll soon hear from him too.

I headed to the kitchen. The kitchen, the ingredients I had prepared in advance were there. Taktak, I sliced the paprika and vegetables and then stir-fried them all at once. At the same time, well-cooked rice was scooped and dropped on top of stir-fried vegetables. Children gathered one by one as the sizzling sound and delicious smell began to waft.

“What’s for lunch today?””

In response to Ren’s question, I cracked an egg and said.



At my reply, Roddy raised her arms. The child who liked omurice the most was Roddy. The other children also had the look of expectations on their faces. I Placed fried rice in a round shape on a plate and added yellow egg yolk on the top. At the end, I drew a picture with ketchup. It’s my favorite time when making omurice. Rabbit, cat, dog, flower, tree. After drawing that, I put a cute mini flag at the end. Now it definitely looked like the omurice that a child would eat.

“Eat slowly.”

I moved the dishes in front of the children.

“Thank you for the food!”

The children who shouted together began to eat omurice with spoons almost at the same time. They must have been very hungry after playing all day. I glanced at the child sitting on the edge. It was Jake. While the children were playing, Jake read a book. He was reading so eagerly that even when he ate, he did not put the book down.

‘Come to think of it…….’

I recalled Jake’s age.

‘Fourteen Years Old.’

He was at an age where children were curious about the world and had a great desire to learn knowledge.


He raised his head when I called. But his brown eyes were still dry. Even when most children opened up to me, Jake was the only one who didn’t open up to me.

“Yes, Director.”

But that didn’t mean he rejected me at all. He was drawing a line. The distance between me and him was where I could change back to the past self any moment. Jake was always getting ready to run away, so I had a hard time approaching him. I paused for a moment and then said,

“Do you want to take a formal class?”


At that question, Jake’s lips were closed. At the same time, his eyes shook. As expected, Jake was hoping. He might learn more and more by reading books. However, because the situation was not favorable, so he must have been solving his desire to learn by reading books.

‘It’s something that I will have to face someday.’

Education costs a lot of money.

‘The amount left right now is 90 gold coins.’

It was the money I barely saved. It wasn’t a very relaxed situation, but I wanted to make sure that process of education was completed. For the future of the children.

“……really can I do it?”

Jake asked with incredulous eyes. It was the moment when I tried to answer him with a smile.

Ding dong.

The bell rang. Someone is here. I tilted my head. Did anyone come? I spoke to the children.

“Don’t come out and eat. I’ll check it out.”

After smiling at the nodding children, I glanced at Jake for the last time and left the dining room. And the moment I opened the front door, I was surprised.

“You are…”

* * *

Bang! The thick round table made a dull sound as both fists broke it

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the wound on your hand…”….”

“Rather Punish us …….”

Then there were groans like wailing from all over the place, but Emperor Ioman Prece, the man who punched, could not erase his anger. He let out a roar.

“The Duke of Crayman won the right to trade with the Western Kingdom first! By the way, did you lords just did nothing but sit back and watch them?!”

“Well, that’s…….”

“You don’t even know what route Duke Crayman used to enter the Western Kingdom! Even if you knew, the Duke of Crayman took over it first, so now we will have to pay a tax to use it! To him, I, the emperor of the empire, is like his servant! Do you think this is normal?”

“Well, it’s not your majesty.”

“You are right, Your Majesty. The Duke of Crayman insulted the imperial family !”

As the emperor looked around, everyone lowered their posture and began to flatter. But it didn’t work. Instead, his cold eyes swept across the round table. servants were all suffocated to death. The person who killed his brother and ascended the throne himself , showed his outstanding military forces and resourcefulness, even all the vassals who opposed him were tongue-tied after that.

Since his time as a prince, he has been outstanding, but he could not succeed because his mother’s blood was of a commoner. In the end, he killed his older brother, who was the culprit, but no one dared to rebel against him. It was because of the brutality and coldness he showed. When he became emperor, he led the empire safely, but those who rebelled against him, he followed them to the end of the continent and cut off their heads.. Therefore, there were no more people who opposed him, Except for one, Duke Crayman.

Even though he did not touch them, the moderately gentle emperor was especially angry when it was related to the Duke of Crayman. The central nobility, who had more contact with the emperor than the duke, hoped that Duke Crayman would not offend the emperor, but this time Duke Crayman did it really well. It was by stealing the trade rights with the Western Kingdom, which the emperor was aiming for. When the emperor heard the news, he went wild, and thanks to that, only innocent vassals were shaking like a man who had received the date of the day when they would die.

“I don’t understand. How did the duke know about that trade route? That no one really knows about it?”


There was silence. At that moment, a man raised his hand. As the emperor’s eyes turned towards him, the man who swallowed his saliva said.

“I’m not sure if it’s the main reason, but…… According to the person who placed, at the Duke’s mansion, before the opening of the trade route, there was a guest who came to the Duke’s mansion.”

Then the emperor frowned and asked back.

“Guest? Are you saying that having a guest at the duke’s mansion is special?”

“That’s,that’s because of that person’s status, with that status it is usually difficult to enter the Duke’s mansion, but they entered….”

“It’s frustrating. your stomach is going to explode if you keep prolonging, Say it at once. Who the hell is it?”

“Well, it’s…… the director of an orphanage…….”

“What? Say it again.”

“……It’s the director of an orphanage.”

“The director of a nursery school? How did the director of an orphanage get in and out of Duke of Crayman?”

” That hasn’t been revealed, but it is certain that after she had a private meeting with the Duke of Crayman, the duke immediately sent some people to check the route.”

As he spoke, the emperor doubted his words. According to the investigation, she was really the head of an ordinary orphanage. The only unique thing she had was that she was a fallen aristocrat.

‘They said the orphanage management was so poor that they were eliminated from the audit.’

Therefore, she was the director of an orphanage, which was not even supported by the empire, and it was difficult to call it an orphanage by looking at it. But how can such women be related to this? The man was sure that he would get a big scolding from the emperor. He expected him to yell at him for bringing such ridiculous information. It’s not just men. All the vassals gathered here sympathized with him. But…

“You’d better watch them.”

The emperor’s answer was completely unexpected. The man looked at him with incredulous eyes, but the emperor remained lost in his thoughts. There was silence. When no one was raising their hands to speak, the emperor finally opened his eyes and opened his lips.

“Send someone.”

“Uh, where do we have to send it?”

When one of the vassals asked back, the emperor said in a contemptuous voice.

“Where else do you think I’ll send it? Of course it’s that orphanage.”


“Your majesty, you always believe in what you see in front of you.”

The air froze coldly for a moment. The emperor was still angry. The vassals who gathered here were those people who shook their heads, saying that he could not become an emperor. It became a complex for the emperor, but it was also a pride. Even though he became an emperor, he was stigmatized as an emperor with the blood of the people who followed him until the end, But everyone shook their heads saying no, but his pride made it possible.


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