I Lied to the Male Lead with My Pinky Finger on the Line


After Eila disappeared, a commotion erupted in Rojasis Manor. It was an unprecedented event that had never happened before.


Julion mobilized all available personnel to search for Eila.


The manor was heavily fortified with multiple layers of barriers to prevent external intrusions. Physically, there were dozens of guards stationed around the clock.


So the assumption that someone infiltrated the mansion, kidnapped Eila, and escaped without being noticed seemed highly unlikely.


‘…Could it be that she left on her own?’


If Eila had decided to run away, it was entirely possible. Julion knew this because he had personally taught her.


Eila possessed a remarkable magical talent that was almost impossible for someone her age.


Although it couldn’t be stated definitively, she had the potential and passion to become a mage who would surpass even himself in the future.


So it wouldn’t have been difficult for Eila to leave the estate without being detected by anyone. A simple invisibility spell was all she needed.


While the manor was well-guarded against external intrusion, they had not blocked the possibility of someone inside leaving.


Julion himself was aware that keeping his daughter confined to the estate was not ideal. He also knew that Eila harbored dissatisfaction with that situation. Nevertheless, Eila never complained to him even once.


When Nita mentioned that she had taken Eila out without permission today, Julion didn’t express much anger either because he had a tender and sympathetic heart towards her.


‘But why today?’ 


No matter how much he thought about it, it didn’t make sense. 


Throughout the night, the nearby village and even the forest were thoroughly searched. But there was no sign of Eila anywhere.


As dawn approached, Julion returned to the mansion for the time being. Suddenly, his mind wandered back to the forgotten incident.


Engulfed in an ominous feeling, Julion rushed into the secret underground laboratory. And there, he witnessed a reality he wanted to deny with his own eyes.


The half-demon experimental subject was gone.


There were no traces of the barrier being breached from the inside.


He couldn’t think of any other way than that someone from the outside had helped with the escape.


A horrific hypothesis emerged in Julion’s mind.


‘Could it be that the one who facilitated the escape of the experimental subject also kidnapped Eila?’


If that were true, the chances of Eila being safe would plummet endlessly.


The image of Eila’s mother, Chestina, comes to mind. The situation seemed to increasingly darken.


Perhaps a few weeks ago, when the experimental subject’s mother escaped, they should have foreseen that such a thing could happen in advance.


Believing in the security of the manor had been a mistake. But it was by no means baseless arrogance.


As far as Julion knew, the barriers of the manor were never possible to penetrate by purely magical means alone.


Unless there was a mage with abilities far surpassing his own. No, even that would have been impossible.


At least, it was impossible in the case of an external intrusion.


No matter how much he reconsidered and reviewed, the conclusion remained unchanged.


It was absolutely impossible to infiltrate through all those barriers and retrieve the experimental subject and kidnap Eila without anyone noticing.


Even if he went down several decimal places below zero, the probability was still insufficient.


With heavy footsteps, Julion made his way to the palace.


He needed to inform the Emperor about Eila’s disappearance and request permission for leave.


And it was there that he received a report from his Secretary Sion.


“…Eila came to my workshop yesterday?”


“Yes. She said she had some questions while studying and wanted to look up some data… Lord Nita vouched for her, so I let her in, but I wonder if this has anything to do with it?”


Sion asked with a dark complexion.




At that moment, a new hypothesis struck Julion’s mind like lightning. Although it seemed absurd at first glance, it was the most plausible hypothesis in reality.


‘Could it be, but…’


Despite vehemently denying it, the more he thought about it, the more convincing the hypothesis became.


If Eila had helped the experimental subject escape, everything would have fallen into place.


All the mysteries would be solved, and all the clues would fit together.


‘But why would she do that?’


That was the one thing he couldn’t understand, no matter how much he thought about it.


Why would Eila, of all people, aid her mother’s enemy?


Even as he resumed the search for Eila, a sense of despair gripped his heart.




Why on earth?


The unanswered questions continued to haunt Julion’s mind, circling around without resolution.


And then, as the day was drawing to a close, a report came in that Eila had been found.


She was discovered in an abandoned cabin, a two-hour carriage ride away, deep in the Toshima Forest. She was unconscious and under the influence of drugs.


Thankfully, her body was unharmed. There were no signs that he’d been subjected to anything harsh.


“It’s a potent drug, but it doesn’t leave any lingering effects on the body. She’ll wake up soon,” said the court physician.


Julion didn’t leave Eila’s side for a moment until she regained consciousness.


Eila opened her eyes the next afternoon.




Julion raised his head quickly at her weak and feeble voice, clasping her hand tightly with both hands.


His youngest daughter’s hands were so small and thin that he felt like iy could break easily.


“Yes, it’s me. Eila. Do you recognize me? Are you feeling any pain?”




Eila tried to smile, but it didn’t seem to come easily.


“Let’s get you something to eat. That way, you’ll regain your strength.”


Julion instructed a maid to bring soup. He made sure to instruct her to keep the temperature lukewarm, so she wouldn’t get an upset stomach after being empty for quite some time.


Eila closed her eyes and slowly opened them again.




“Yes, Eila.”


“…I’m sorry.”


Eila spoke in a barely audible voice.




Deep furrows appeared on Julion’s forehead.


“There’s no need to apologize.”




“Just coming back safely is enough. So, don’t say anything more.”




Julion firmly held Eila’s hand.


Eila looked up at Julion with eyes filled with many words.


But no words came out of her mouth in the end.




Eila claimed to have no memory of that day.


She remembered going upstairs to change her clothes before dinner, but she had no recollection of how she lost consciousness or how she ended up in that cabin.


Julion chose to believe her words.


He kept his suspicions about Eila to himself, burying them in his heart without sharing them with anyone.


He decided not to pursue the kidnapper or the experimental subjects’ whereabouts further.


It was only after Eila disappeared that Julion realized how important she was.


So he had no intention of doing anything that could potentially undermine this happiness, even in the slightest.


Eila quickly regained her health and returned to her usual self.


And that’s how everything fell back into place.


And seven years have passed.




“Cecile, are you in there?”


I knocked several times, but there was no answer.


I opened the workshop door and stepped inside.


As expected, Cecile was still in the workshop.


On the desk, piled with books and scrolls, I could see an amber colored hair peeking out like a hidden picture.




Cecile’s head snapped up at my shout, her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose reflexively.




“It’s lunchtime, let’s go eat.”


“But I’m not hungry yet…”


I squinted and glanced at Cecile.


She shrugged her shoulders.


“Did you forget your promise to me: Wake up when the sun rises, sleep when it sets, and make sure to eat three meals a day at the designated times?”


“No, I remember. I remember… Let me just finish what I’m doing right now.”




I gave her a stern look.


“Fine, I got it.”


Cecile sighed and got up from her seat.


We went out to the outdoor garden of the palace and unpacked our lunch boxes.


After a long day of being cooped up indoors and working on my research, it was part of my routine to get outside and enjoy the sunshine at lunchtime.


  1. helloworld15 says:

    Ooh she’s an adult now!

  2. Finallyayyy the most awaited time skip, I’m so excited. Thankuuu translator nim

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