I Lied to the Male Lead with My Pinky Finger on the Line



Now, I’ve learned so many things that I didn’t know when I read the original story.


Clyde’s face, his voice, and how beautiful his ruby-like eyes were. How brave and determined he was, even though he was still young.


The fact that he could easily devour double or triple portions of my food.


The fact that he pretended to be tough on the outside but always carefully observed my reactions and moods. How cute that was.


I knew that he was a kind child who thought only of protecting me, even while his whole body was being consumed by fire.


It was no longer just a matter of my well-being. I had to save Clyde, no matter what.


For his sake.


‘Yes, that’s right. So I can’t just sit around like this. I have to find another way.’ 


Three days had passed. There were only four days left until my father’s return.


After bringing food to Clyde, I didn’t wait for him to finish eating as usual. Instead, I immediately returned to my room.


There was no time to waste.


Since I had failed to find the key, breaking the lock was the only option now.


But as Aslan had said, breaking a spell set by someone else was akin to a battle of skill between mages.


In general, considering my father was a prominent archmage of the Palma Empire, I had no chance of matching his abilities.


‘Still, I have to do it. I’ve been learning magic directly from him for over five years, and I know his spell formulas and habits well enough. So I should have a good chance.’ 


I skipped breakfast and immersed myself in devising a plan to break the spell in my room.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


“Tess? I said no breakfast. Don’t bother me for a while.”


“It’s me, Eila.”


It was Nita’s voice.


“May I come in?”


Honestly, I wanted to say no, but knowing Nita’s personality, even if I did, he wouldn’t just obediently leave.


Since Julion’s business trip, I have been staying in my room, hardly ever coming out.


“…Come in.”


Nita cautiously opened the door and entered. Then he looked at me and furrowed his brows slightly.


“I was wondering what you were doing without eating. Are you studying magic again?”


“I’m sorry, Brother Nita. I’m really busy right now. Let’s talk later.”


“What could be keeping you so busy? It’s not like you’re attending the academy or working on any assignments. What could possibly be more important than eating meals?”


I didn’t answer and turned the pages of the book.






Ignoring Nita, I continued writing down the formula for the spell.


Lost in concentration, I had even momentarily forgotten that he was next to me. Suddenly my body was lifted into the air.


“Eek! What, what are you doing?”


Nita lifted me up on his shoulder and walked out of my room, holding me in his arms.


“Big brother Nita, please put me down quickly!”


“Studying is important, but nutrition comes first. You might faint if you neglect it.”


“I’m not hungry! Seriously, I don’t have time for this right now!”


“Then you’re going to sneak downstairs at night to serve yourself food in the kitchen again?”






You’ve been talking about this with big brother Heufeln?


“Before brother left, he entrusted me with taking good care of you, making sure you eat properly and don’t go hungry.”


“…No, I mean, about that time.”


“Without father and brother here, I am the head of this household. As the head, I have the responsibility to look after you. So just do as you’re told.”




In the end, Nita stubbornly took me to the dining room and made me sit at the table.


Soon the maids brought food.


I thought I wasn’t hungry, but the sight of steaming food in front of me stimulated my appetite.


I reluctantly picked up the spoon.


Nita sat across from me, looking at me with a worried expression.


“Your face hasn’t been looking good lately, Eila. I’m worried.”


“You shouldn’t say that to a lady.”


I said sharply.


“You know I didn’t mean it that way. Are you eating and sleeping properly? If there’s something bothering you that you can’t tell anyone about, tell your big brother. I won’t tell anybody.”




If I had to confide in one person in the family about Clyde’s story, I would probably choose Nita.


He’s the most understanding and least hostile towards demons.


But not now.


At the very last moment, when there seemed to be no way out without borrowing his help, it was a choice to consider.


“Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.”




“I really don’t have any worries. It’s just that the magic I’ve been researching lately isn’t working out as I expected.”


I looked at Nita and smiled sheepishly.


Usually, when I smile like this, most problems would be resolved. But not this time.


Nita’s frown didn’t lift.


“Eila, how about going out with me for a change of mood?”


“A change of mood…?”


“Yeah. Father isn’t here anyway. I’ll keep it a secret that I took you out, so if there’s any place you’ve wanted to go, don’t hesitate to tell me. I’ll take you there.”


Under normal circumstances, it would have been an opportunity I would have eagerly seized on. Nita knew that too, and that was undoubtedly why he made the suggestion.


Perhaps because I was pitiful, always confined to the mansion due to Father’s overprotectiveness, whenever Nita had the chance, he would secretly take me out without Father’s knowledge.


Of course, while preparing for Clyde’s rescue, I had sneaked out a few times in the middle of the night, but Nita had no knowledge of that.


But now is definitely not the time for that.


Sitting here and eating took up enough time as it was, and there was no way I could afford to go out.


“I appreciate the offer, but I’m….”


That’s when luck struck.


Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind.


‘Wait. Father has another workshop outside. Could the formula for breaking the spell be there?’


That’s right. In addition to Father’s workshop here at the Rojasis Estate, there was another one within the magical department of the palace where he worked.


As the residence of the royal family, the palace’s security was even tighter than the underground prisons.


The only time I could get out of this mansion was at night. However, at night, the entrance to the palace was physically sealed, making it impossible to infiltrate.


That’s why I had never considered entering Father’s workshop in the palace.


However, with Nita, who was a knight of the palace guard, I could confidently enter the palace without the need for stealth.


Due to the nature of the palace guard, Nita’s shifts were divided into three rotations. That’s why he was at home even though it was still morning on a weekday.


“Brother, when are you going to the palace today?”


“Not until two o’clock, why?”




I looked at Nita with a big smile on my face.


“Brother Nita, there’s a place I hope you could take me to.”




As expected, we passed through the entrance of the palace without any problems.


In principle, only those who worked in the palace or were summoned or invited by the aristocracy could enter.


However, when the guard heard that I was Nita’s younger sister, he simply commented, “Ah, what a lovely young lady,” and let us through.


“This must be the power of nepotism…”


In fact, being Nita’s younger sister also meant that I was the daughter of Julion.


Considering Julion’s status in the Empire, it was only natural.


I walked through the palace with my arm linked to Nita’s. He seemed quite pleased to be walking with me.


He would introduce me to anyone we encountered along the way, and whenever they gave the expected compliments, he would chuckle.


“I didn’t think you’d want to come to the Imperial Palace,” he said. “I thought you’d ask me to take you to the center of town.”


“Oh, why is that?”


“You’ve mentioned it several times before. That you wanted to walk on the streets like any other ordinary girl and explore the shops.”


I had indeed said such things.


There had been times when I couldn’t stand the confinement and felt suffocated.


Even now, if it weren’t for the urgency of rescuing Clyde, I would have been much more excited and thrilled to be outside, exploring new places.


  1. K KH says:

    Can’t wait for her to break the lock! Hope this trip goes well~

  2. helloworld15 says:

    I really hope she’s able to break Clyde out soon! Thank you for the chapters!

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