I Lied to the Male Lead with My Pinky Finger on the Line

ILML Chapter 112



Julion Rojasis was making a final check of the plan before entering the Demon Castle. He had just finished giving detailed instructions to each member of the task force and was about to set off.


A small ripple of magic appeared in front of him, and with a snap, Eila appeared. Instantly, Julion and the other members stood in place as if they had made an unspoken agreement.




“…Eila. Is it really you, Eila?”


Julion removed the hood he was wearing. He asked again with a trembling voice.


“How did you get here… how did you know I was coming?”




Eila had a complex expression, a mixture of numerous emotions. She lowered her eyes for a moment, then looked up at Julion again.


“Go back to Palma, Father.”




“I know why you came all the way here and what you’re planning, but I’m not going to follow you, and as I told you then, I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life with Clyde, so go back and don’t come back.”




Julion’s face hardened. He turned around and gestured to his members with a nod. Three of them rushed towards Eila simultaneously.




Eila uttered a single incantation emotionlessly. Immediately, as if hitting an invisible wall, the Twilight Moon members were thrown backwards.




As Eila gestured, brushing away with her left hand, the magical protection that Julion and his men had set up in advance was effortlessly dispelled.




Extending her right hand and reciting a spell, she emitted multiple strands of light, restraining Julion and his men. It wasn’t just a physical restraint; their mana circulation was completely blocked, sealing their ability to use magic.


“What… how in the world…?”


Julion exclaimed in disbelief. Even though he witnessed it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it. How could Eila use magic without a mana battery in the Demon Realm? When did she learn such powerful spells? How could she cast all those spells consecutively with just one word?


“…I will not let father kill Clyde, not again, not ever.” Eila spoke in a low, firm voice.


“How can you do this? In front of your father, who came all the way to rescue you, still fighting for that demon!”


“Rescue? How is this rescue? Killing the man I love and robbing me of my happiness—how is that a rescue?”


Julion stared blankly at Eila’s clenched fist, then bit his lip in frustration.


“Happiness? Living in this cursed land without a single ray of light, surrounded by the monsters who killed your mother, is happiness? How can you say such a thing?”


Eila chuckled wearily in response.


“Then what should I do? There’s no other way.”




“You’ve kept me locked up in the mansion my whole life because my mother was killed by a demon, and because of that, I’ve never made any friends, I’ve never had a proper social life, and at an age when everyone else my age is married and has families of their own, I can’t even go out on my own accord.”




Julion closed his mouth as if stabbed in the heart.


“I thought I had to understand. I knew how much Father suffered after losing Mother because I witnessed it up close. The excessive protection was a result of Father’s deep love for me. I was aware that you feared a repeat of what happened with Mother.”


Eila’s voice was unexpectedly moist now.


“But it became too much. I couldn’t live like a caged bird forever, especially now that I’ve found love. Clyde was the first friend I ever made, the first man I ever loved, and now I can’t imagine life without him.”




“I also didn’t want to leave Father and my brothers like that. I wanted to marry the man I love, receive everyone’s blessings, and live nearby. I wanted to spend time with my loved ones and enjoy happy moments together. But what can I do? Father didn’t allow that.”


A bitter smile appeared on Eila’s lips. She was always a bright and cheerful daughter. Although she occasionally pouted and showed a bit of stubbornness, she had never smiled like this before.


“But Father still hasn’t given up. He came all the way to the Demon Realm to… ultimately try to kill the person I cherish the most.”


Tears streamed down Eila’s cheeks as a bitter smile lingered on her lips. Her shoulders began to tremble.


“Why, why are you doing this…? Why in the world…”


Seeing his daughter cry and sob tore Julion’s heart apart. He looked at her with a distorted face.


“…And why don’t you understand my heart? Don’t you know how horribly you’re betraying your mother right now?”




Eila lowered her hands. Her face was stained with tears, but her gaze and expression were utterly empty.


“You’re still saying such things. Clyde is not the enemy of Mother. I’ve told you many times that treating him as a monster and considering him an enemy just because he has demon blood is wrong…”


Eila let out a small sigh. Then, out of nowhere, she put her hand on my lower stomach.


“There’s a baby inside me now.”




Julion’s eyes widened at the words.


“What… What did you just say?”


“I’m pregnant. I’m carrying Clyde’s child.”


Eila said quietly, repeating her words.




Julion, with a pale face, remained frozen, only his lips trembling.


“Just as Father said, this child would also be considered a monster and an enemy of Mother, for she has demon blood.”




“Isn’t that right? You’re going to try to kill this child, just as you tried to kill Clyde. By your logic, isn’t that what you should do?”




As Eila pointed into the air, Julion’s restraints were lifted. She approached him, holding his hand, and placed it on her lower abdomen.


For a moment, Julion’s shoulders shook.


“Please tell me, Father. Are you going to kill me? My child, your grandchild, the descendant of your blood…!”




Julion swallowed hard.




“I would never… I could never…”


Julion stammered with a broken voice.


Eila released Julion’s hand and quietly stood up.


“If you kill Clyde, both this child and I will become like you, Father. I will lose a husband, and this child will lose a father. We’ll live resenting and cursing you for the rest of our lives. If that’s what you want, go ahead.”




Julion stared blankly, losing focus in his eyes.


Eila composed herself and softly began to chant a spell. Soon, Julion and the Twilight Moon members were enveloped in a bright light.


Just before the light consumed everything, Eila and Julion locked eyes one last time. Eila wore a pitifully sad expression.


When they came to their senses, they were back at the Rojasis mansion.


It was just like when they were transported from the demon’s camp before. The members of the Twilight Moon organization looked around in disbelief.


Shortly after, lights illuminated the previously dark mansion, and the staff rushed out. Among them were Nita and Aslan.


“Father! What happened… Are you okay? Is there anywhere you’re hurt?”


Nita grabbed Julion’s shoulders and asked.


Tears welled up in Julion’s eyes, which seemed empty.


Nita and Aslan gulped in unison.




Julion lowered his head and began to sob quietly, leaving his sons staring at him, unsure of what to do.




I stood there for a while in the place where my father disappeared.


Wiping away the tears that had started flowing again, I shook my head vigorously.


Before casting the teleportation spell, I had placed a warning spell on my father. It was a spell to notify me immediately if my father returned to the Demon Realm.


Of course, I hoped that would never happen. I desperately hoped that the presence of this child would change his mind.


I closed my eyes and began to chant a spell again. It was time to return to Clyde.


𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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