I Healed my Husband, the Leader of the Underworld

IHHLU | Episode Twenty-eight

Thank you, Vale, for the Kofi kiss 💋 😘 




“No, I don’t want to,” I said as I looked straight into his eyes.


Then, I realized that my face was now covered in tears and snot. His incredibly handsome face was right in front of me, and my face immediately flushed. For no reason, my face felt like it was on fire, and I buried it in my knees again, like a threatened hermit crab.


Then, I heard a relaxed laugh.


And my anger immediately surged.


I was furious.


About the wrong thing.


Siegfried wasn’t just an handsome face! He had money and power, enough to make even the emperor envious…. Why does that man have no flaws?


When I tried to grab a book, my mood only sank further.


[Because my husband is so handsome, even when I’m angry, just looking at his face makes my anger go away… haha.]


I don’t know why, but a comment from a celebrity on a TV show I watched in a past life suddenly came to mind. It was a variety show that showed the daily lives of married couples, and the celebrity’s husband was a regular, but really good-looking man. Moreover, he had a prestigious job, indicating he was an exceptionally accomplished man.


While I was lost in thought for a moment, I heard footsteps moving away.


Yes, go away. Leave and let’s use separate room from now on; I muttered to myself, wishing he would never come back.


Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder if my tear- and snot-streaked face had looked that bad.


He has eyes, so of course, he would look in the mirror.


As I was trying to convince myself that Siegfried might have found my face digusting because he was used to seeing only his perfect face , someone sat back down on the bed.


And when a hand gently patted my shoulder, I silently turned to look.


Then, my husband gently stroked her head and met my gaze. When I lowered my head, he carefully wiped my face with his handkerchief.


When he pinched my nose, telling me to blow it, I felt embarrassed so I took the handkerchief to do blow my nose myself.


“You’re pretty even when you cry,” he suddenly said.


And as I was staring at the handkerchief, wondering what to do with it, he kissed my forehead.


When our eyes met, I avoided his gaze.


He gently grasped my chin and made me look into his eyes, and as our gaze met once again, I could feel my face flush.


Then, he carefully pulled me into his arms and stroked my back.


“Your hands are cold,” Siegfried pointed out as he lifted my hand and kissed the back of it.


My breathing, which had quickened from the shock, finally began to calm down. And as I silently felt his warmth, my shoulders trembling, he spoke again:


“Were you in a lot of pain?”




“Of course, you were. Yet I went and harassed you again the next day,” he whispered softly, and I pushed him away.


But he easily enveloped my hand in his larger one and slowly kissed my cheek. My hand was trembling up to my arm as I tried to exert some strength, but his expression remained unchanged.


“Do you have that many grievances against me?”




“Yet even in the midst of all this, you left out the story of your unrequited love.”


As those words fell, I shuddered, remembering that Siegfried Roam was one of the smartest men in the Empire.


“If you were able to cover your tracks so meticulously, there are only two possibilities. You are either extremely smart… .”


He let go of my hand and gently stroke my sore neck where the necklace rested.


“Or that person never existed in the first place.”


Clever bastard; I muttered inwardly.


As I tried to wriggle free from his embrace, he held me tighter and chuckled low in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.


“But was my wife ever a meticulous person?”




“When you tried to run away from me….”


As soon as the word “run away” came out, my whole body froze.


So he knew.


“You left so many traces behind. Your shoes…..”


His voice grew deeper.


“And your necklace too.”


His fingertips slowly brushed the nape of my neck.


I must say I didn’t find his nonchalance pleasant at all.


Despite the painful memories of that terrible night, I didn’t regret lying about my nonexistent unrequited love. It was worth seeing his perfect and proud face distort.


He’s got a lot of money, Is good-looking, and is smart too. That damn bastard; I cursed him inwardly, but outwardly, I didn’t show any reaction.


“…So, you know how to lie too?”


His fingers brushed across my lips.


“With this lovely mouth of yours.”


He spoke each word slowly, darkly, and cruelly.


“I don’t regret not going anywhere today,” he added, sounding thoroughly satisfied as his arm wrapped tightly around my waist.


Seeing how pleased Siegfried was to have discovered my lie made it hard for me to feel any guilt or apologize. It also explained why he was acting so carefree and happy since earlier.


“Yes, you’re right.”


I finally replied to him.


“There is no one I love right now. No one at all.”




“Not even you.”


As I watched his handsome face contort endlessly, I pushed his shoulder away.


“The human mind is so prone to change, after all. Even with the best man in the empire, my feelings ended up changing, so why should it be different with other men? Now that I think about it, overly smart men aren’t my type.”




“If you’re truly  sorry, let’s sleep in separate rooms from now on.”


With that, I turned my back on him and buried myself under the blankets.


“You won’t tell me to leave, will you?”


When no answer came, I held my breath.


But he soon reached out and slowly stroked my trembling shoulder, then my arm, and finally, his hand brushed against my protruding shoulder blade before withdrawing.


Then, he lowered his head to kiss my shoulder before walking away.


And before long, I heard the sound of the door closing.




“Your Excellency.”


The next morning at six o’clock, Andrew Harrison knocked precisely on Siegfried’s door.


Despite the previous evening’s banquet, Siegfried’s day had to start earlier than everyone else’s. As the master of Roam, he was involved in important business matters that his lady didn’t know about.


For this reason, Harrison’s day was to be spent as usual. He woke up at five, reviewed Siegfried’s schedule, dressed himself up impeccably, and engaged in his routine reading. When the time came, he closed his thick book, stood up, checked everything once more, and walked out of his room.


The Roam emblem engraved on the door, visible when he turned his head, filled him with pride as always.


Harrison glanced at his shining shoes and then walked to Siegfried’s door, standing neatly in front of it. He lightly clenched his fist and cheerfully knocked on the door.


The cool morning air felt fresh and satisfying.


Living according to the predetermined schedule suited his temperament, which needed to live according to a set schedule to be satisfied.


In conclusion, today was no different, just another typical day.


“Your Excellency,” he said again in a polite voice that was neither too loud nor too soft.


When there was no response, Harrison felt puzzled and knocked again.


“Are you awake?”


He was extremely cautious, fearing he might inadvertently wake Siegfried’s beloved wife.


When there was still no answer, Harrison cleared his throat. He thought something was strange and he stretched out his hand to knock once more. After a brief hesitation, he carefully asked.


“May I come in?”


The continued silence was unsettling.


What could be the matter? He thought as he looked at the two guards standing as still as statues with eyes full of questions.


However, before even asking, the secretary gave up on getting any clues from them. Roam’s servants never divulged anything about their master’s affairs. They only spoke in front of Lord Roam himself.


Did he oversleep?


But the Siegfried Roam he knew was far from being a late riser. His life was as meticulously organized as his own person and his room. Even after hosting a banquet the previous night, didn’t Siegfried wake up at dawn to give orders for the Eternal Abyss” to be brought to him?


As Harrison felt something amiss and tried to open the door, a force suddenly pulled him back.


In an instant, his collar was pulled back, tightening around his neck, and choking him.


As he turned his head in shock, he saw Lord Roam, whom he had been searching for, standing there.


Then with a finger hooked on Harrison’s collar, he effortlessly pulled him away from the door.


“…Your Excellency?”


“Let’s go.”


Harrison looked towards the open door of a distant guest room where servants were coming and going before bringing his gaze back on Siegfried.


Why did His Excellency use the guest room…?


Soon after, Siegfried started to walk away, and Harrison, too afraid to ask, remained silent about what had just happened.


Instead, he quietly assessed the situation.


It didn’t seem like Siegfried was in a bad mood because of some marital argument. If he had been angry, Harrison would have found even breathing next to him unbearable.


But then again, Milady didn’t seem to have used the guest room, only his Excellency….


How many people in this world could chase Siegfried Roam out of his own bedroom? Harrison reevaluated Milena’s position, feeling a sense of awe at her authority.


You seem quite strange today, your Excellency; the secretary thought.


Then, he, who had been quietly watching Siegfried’s back, carefully opened his mouth to speak.


“The direction to the main entrance of the mansion is that way.”


At those words, Siegfried’s footsteps halted.


Had he overlooked something again? Harrison wondere


Hoping his observation wasn’t presumptuous, Harrison cautiously elaborated, “In order to not having to cancel the ball, you promised to head to the palace early today to give Her Majesty advice on the water and sewerage projects… .”


“I know,” a dry tone replied.


 Puzzled, Harrison asked, “That means…?”


“Postpone it, to the afternoon. It would be more convenient.”




“I have to see my wife wake up,” he lightly brushed off Harrison’s curiosity. “Write a letter to Her Majesty, the compassionate Empress. Tell her that because of my wife’s loveliness I’ve lost my mind and can’t get out of bed.”




“I am sure our generous Majesty will understand.”


Having finished speaking, Siegfried stuck to his decision and headed to his study. Harrison stood there for a moment, then quickly regained his composure and followed.


But why would Her Majesty seek advice at this hour in the first place, ahhh.


Understanding the underlying meaning behind his master’s words, Harrison clicked his tongue.


Siegfried had effectively nipped in the bud the gossip that would have arisen from the Empress’s request.








Just a little something this chapter inspired me.


In whispered rooms where shadows play, Two hearts entwine, then pull away, A dance of power, love, and pain, Where tears fall soft as summer rain.

 His touch, a balm, yet chains unseen, Her anger fierce, a wounded queen, In silken bonds they twist and turn, For peace they seek, yet bridges burn.

To love, to hate, to mend, to break, In every breath, the choices ache. What will happen next?








If you liked this chapter, buy me a Kofi for more 😁 🙂


  1. livb says:

    This gentleness… omg I’m starting to like him 😩 Like he’s being so SO perfect!

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

  2. Rianne says:

    I stan clever ML. Saves readers from having to read frustratingly long misunderstandings.

  3. Sora says:

    I’m sorry to ask but what gossip was the queen trying to spread??

    1. Loulou says:

      If Siegfried was seen entering and going out of her chambers so early in the morning, rumors of them having an affair would have spread. The queen specifically asked him to come to her that early so people would start saying they were shagging(having *ex.)

  4. Pek~i says:

    Wow…. that’s was so beautiful…….”the little something” that you’ve written♡

    1. Loulou says:

      You really think so???🥺

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