I Have Become a Beautiful Trash Villainess

IHBTV | Chapter Four

“We don’t have much time, so why don’t you relax a bit?”

“Well, it’s because Your Highness is so beautiful…….”

Uh, he’s still honest even in this situation.

I told the young man who was being so indecisive to quickly lie down on the bed; and Tony, who seemed completely drained, slowly crawled under the covers.

Then, when I gave a glance to Mary, who was standing next to me, she nodded and quickly left the room.

As I looked around the silent room, I couldn’t help but find this whole situation absurd.

How did things come to this point?

I briefly got lost in thought, but quickly snapped out of it. I had no choice if I wanted to escape from the male lead, who would make me endlessly miserable by having a fling with the female lead.

As I climbed onto the bed, the tense Antonio stiffened his body. After giving him a glare, I forcefully grabbed his right arm and pulled it towards me, placing it under my head as a pillow.

“You’re, you’re too close….”

“Are you kidding me? We need to hug each other. Should I put a pillow between us to keep some distance?”


I barely managed to resist the urge to smack him on the back of his head and found the most comfortable position possible. I also didn’t forget to give him a warning glare every time he fidgeted.

“Just pretend to sleep for now. When Evandel comes in, don’t say anything unnecessary and leave right away.”

“Yes,” Antonio obediently replied.

His heartbeat was audible even from his arm, pounding like a drum., and his tomato-red face looked embarrassingly flushed.

I hope Evandel will be coming back in the dark of night; if it had been daytime, I don’t know if this play could have played out.

I tried to control my temper and closed my eyes. Now was the time to focus on the signals Mary would soon send.

“My Lord!”

At that moment, Mary’s voice, louder than usual, echoed beyond the threshold, as if Evandel had arrived.

“What’s going on?” His perplexed voice followed.

It must be bizarre to see a maid, who usually moved like a shadow, boldly standing in front of the bedroom.

Antonio’s breathing intensified at the man’s voice. Then, whispering with a breath that could easily be mistaken for a snort, I murmured:

“Calm down and pretend to sleep.”


I closed my eyes again and quietly assessed the situation, and once again, the multi-talented maid’s voice could be heard fervently pleading.

“It’s really inconvenient right now. Could you please wait a little longer before going in? Please, My Lord.”

“This is my bedroom.”

“Th-then let me go in first.”

Evandel, perhaps finally sensing that something was unusual, stopped arguing with Mary. Then…..


A loud noise echoed as a forceful pressure was applied to the doorknob. And soon enough, the door brutally swung open.


Even without opening my eyes, I knew Evandel had witnessed my ‘affair.’

The structure of the room, with the bed immediately visible upon opening the door, made it impossible to not notice in the first place, even in the darkness.


Sounds of items he must have been carrying was heard falling on the floor.

It would have been weird if I didn’t wake up with all this noise, so I looked around anxiously, pretending that I had just woken up.

However, before I could fully sit up, Evandel, who had approached rapidly, grabbed Antonio by the neck.


Startled, I jumped up and shouted.


“Tony? Is that your lover’s name?”

“Are you out of your mind? Let go of him immediately,” I screamed.

However, he didn’t release his grip right away. It was only when the other person seemed almost on the verge of passing out that he slowly loosened his grip.

Cough. Cough.

Amidst the quiet room, only the sound of Tony coughing like crazy echoed. And even in this awkward silence, Evandel never took his eyes off me.

“Are you okay? Tony, look at me,” I asked the poor boy.

“I’m alri…. Koff, koff, I’m fine.”

“Get out now,” a stern voice ordered.

“B-but…….” Tony started but immediately shrank back upon seeing Evandel’s murderous expression.

He then turned towards me with worried eyes. It was quite admirable that he was still worried about me despite trembling with fear himself.

“I’ll contact you later. For now, just leave…”

“There won’t be a later occasion. Your Highness let’s have a little chat,” Evandel interrupted me with a low growl.

Mary, who had come in to assess the situation, hurriedly helped Tony out. And as the door closed behind her, a chilly silence fell on the room.

Though he insisted on having a conversation, he frustratingly kept his mouth shut, so I had no choice but to break the silence first.

“You came sooner than I expected…”

“Did you send me away for this?”

But as soon as I started talking, he cut me off again with a harsh tone.

…. Why the hell does he keep interrupting me?

Frustrated by his persistent interruptions, I threw the blanket aside.

“What? Did I do something I shouldn’t have done? We are just a couple in name anyway.”

“You are still being arrogant after letting an intruder into our home,” Evandel accused, and I couldn’t help but laugh. 

Who would even refer to their spouse’s lover as an intruder?

“At least you shouldn’t have done it in this house. Especially not in my bedroom.”

For a moment, I had foolishly entertained a certain thought.

His reaction was so intense that it subtly hinted at the possibility of jealousy. But no, he was just angry that someone had fornicated in his bed.

But if it had been my bedroom, he probably wouldn’t have cared about me bringing another man in.

The subtle anticipation that had been rising in my chest was extinguished in an instant. And along with it, my sympathy for the princess grew even stronger.

Attila, I feel sorry for you. I can’t believe you loved this man so much.

“I regret it. I didn’t expect you to come back so soon. Your bed is just more comfortable than mine.”


“But if I can’t do it in this house, are you suggesting that I take care of my needs outside? Like you?”

There’s no way Attila had a house of her own in the distant Listane territory. So, that was quite a harsh thing for him to say, knowing the facts. 

Can’t someone who possessed nothing have some fun?

But Evandel frowned as if he found my words disgusting.

“Please refrain from making insulting assumptions. I have never committed adultery.”

“Oh, really?” I mocked.

Quite funny coming from him. 

Even if that was true now, the Female Lead was surely going to break his convictions.

“How surprising for a man in his prime.”


“Or perhaps, our mighty Lord Listane has a secret he can’t speak of?”

With a smile hanging on my lips, I narrowed my eyes, playfully teasing him.

“Something about you being an eunuch….”


Thinking that I had teased him enough, I soon withdrew my smile. This seemed enough to provoke a reaction, so I was already looking forward to some good news a few days from now.

But just as I was about to get off the bed, a strong force suddenly pushed me down.

“What the….”

A large shadow covered me. And Evandel, who was now on top of me, stared down at me with impenetrable eyes.

Damn, did I make fun of him too much? I thought anxiously.

If he were to act rashly out of wounded pride, it could lead to a huge problem.

Now was the time to carefully consider how to diffuse the situation.

 After silently staring at me, like a cat eyeing a trapped mouse, my dear husband finally opened his mouth.

“I wonder if this is what you wanted….”


“Even a thousand years of pent-up lust would cool down after seeing your Highness’ face.”

…. What is this guy saying?

I wanted to thrust a leg-screw stick in his mouth to shut him up. 

I glared at him with a shocked face, but he slowly backed away; leaving my wrist, which had been tightly gripped, throbbing with pain.


“I was about to leave anyway.”

With a defiant attitude, I got off the bed and turned towards him, not leaving just yet.

“And don’t get it twisted. I don’t want to sleep with you either.”


“You are the one who ruined my fun, Marquis Listane. If you threaten my lover one more time, I won’t let it slide.”

Then after warning the jerk, I finally left the room.

 Fortunately, because the commotion wasn’t that big, there were no onlookers gathered outside.

And when I came out, Mary, who had been waiting for me, draped a shawl over my shoulders before following me with brisk steps.







Volume 1 conclusion. Being alone.


He was alone once again.

Evandel sighed and sat down on the bed’s edge. 

As he placed his hand where the sheets had pressed, he could feel the lingering warmth.

[Are you okay? Tony, look at me.] 

Was it genuine concern?

It had been a long time since this self-centered woman spoke with such a worried voice.

[Van, who made you like this?]

Memories from the past echoed in his head.

Maybe it was similar to back then; he thought as his hand, digging into the sheets, clenched into a fist, causing wrinkles to appear on the pure white fabric.

She had been showing glimpses of her old self lately.

[I’ll give you your freedom back. Let’s get a divorce.]

Yes, she had said those words with her old demeanor.

As if it was calculated, she made such a joke while he was wondering how long it had been since he had seen her smile without any trace of bitterness.

Now that he thought about it, the princess seemed to have returned to the way she was when he first met her. 

That version of her that he, a sorry and pitiful man, couldn’t even touch.

When did it start?

Ah, it must have been that night. The day she had come into his room, different from her usual self, and devoid of her usual venom.

What did she ask him again?

Was it about his relationship with another woman she had been asking for  every day?

No, that wasn’t it.  It wasn’t the case that day….

[Van,] She had said then.

It was the night when he felt that her calm voice was not like her.

[Was what we did love?]

He didn’t give her an answer then.

He couldn’t; he was someone who didn’t even deserve to enjoy such sincerity in the first place.

But since she started to act like herself again, did that mean she’s determined to finally break free from this cursed relationship?

[If you threaten my lover one more time, I won’t let it slide.]

Are you really ready to leave me? Evandel wondered.



A man, who had been hiding like a shadow, immediately revealed himself amidst the moonlight. 

The faithful aide patiently waited, ready to serve, even when his master did not say anything for a long time.

Then, finally….

“Find out who Tony is.”


[Or, perhaps, do you still have lingering feelings for me?] Her question echoed once again.

Evandel smiled and slowly shook his head, “I just need to prepare myself.”

Yeah, he was simply not ready.

He needed to assure her that there couldn’t be lingering feelings between them.

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